Oral tradition of Slavic people is so rich that it could rewrite known Illiad from Homer.
Generation after generation epics were brought to this day.
One of them is song from SE Serbia called
"Posla Trojanka Na Vodu "
(Trojan girls goes for water)
song here;
dance here;
Posla mi, posla mi, lele, lelele,
Posla Trojnaka na vodu,
Posla Trojanka na vodu,
Na vodu, na vodu, lele, lelele,
Na vodu na Jermeniste,
Na vodu na Jermeniste
Susrete, susrete, lele, lelele,
Susrete mlado momcence,
Susrete mlado momcence,
Stani mi, stani mi, lele, lelele,
Stani mi lutko batina,
Stani mi lutko batina
Ne smejem, ne smejem lele,lelele,
Ne smejem bate da stanem,
Ne smejem bate da stanem,
Tata je, tata je lele, lelele,
Tata je mnogo nervozan,
Tata je mnogo nervozan,
Pa ima, pa ima, lele, lelele,
Pa ima bate levorver,
Pa ima bate levorver,
Pa ce me, pa ce me, lele, lelele,
Pa ce me bate ubije,
Pa ce me bate ubije

Illyria and Troja
In order to understand past one must pay attention to given names and where they come from. Simple fact that must be taken in acount is that the winner writtes the his-story. Cadmus have given phoenician/canaan name Illyria to a country he conquered.
Here are some bits about what hapened;
In Greek mythology, the name of Illyria is aitiologically traced to Illyrius, the son of Cadmus and Harmonia, who eventually ruled Illyria and became the eponymous ancestor of the Illyrians
Cadmus was credited by the ancient Macedonians (Herodotus[3] is an example) with introducing the original Alphabet orPhoenician alphabet -- phoinikeia grammata, "Phoenician letters" -- to the ancient Macedonians, he did the same to Illyrians.
Harmonia (Ancient Greek: Ἁρμονία) is the immortal goddess of harmony.
Those who described Harmonia as a Samothracian related that Cadmus, on his voyage to Samothrace, after being initiated in the mysteries, perceived Harmonia, and carried her off with the assistance of Athena. When Cadmus was obliged to quit Thebes, Harmonia accompanied him. When they came to theEncheleans, they assisted them in their war against the Illyrians, and conquered the enemy. Cadmus then became king of the Illyrians.
The gods then turned her into a serpent, unable to stand watching her in her dazed state.
Harmonias necklace
Hyginus gives another version. According to him, the thing which brought ill fate to the descendents of Harmonia is not a necklace, but a robe "dipped in crime", given to Harmonia by Hephestus and Athena.

Roman given name is VLLVRIAE and because letter V = U(older)
real name of Illyria could be Ulluriae. In all old scriptures people have been writting from right to left without wovels, so when one removes vowels from the Illyria one is left with L and R which starts ringing bells in terms of Mother Godess and her LYRA.Root word is Lyra, musical instrument and
constellation Lyra

Illyrian language is hard to find because not that nothing is left of it,
but it is because it disguised under name of "Messapian"!
Messapian? sounds quite messed up doesn't it?
It is quite some story on how much re-spelling can re-veal/re-veil.
Illyrians are mixture of original Phrygians or Brygians being attacked by Scytian/Pelasgian tribe Ahaeans which is often translated as "Greek" but it is not possible because
Scytians/Pelasgians are blond/ginger people in general, not very dark with curly hair as Greeks today have.
Illyrians are also described as white often with blue eyes.
Phrygians or Brygians that stem from very old Hurrians (4000BC) have looked same as prehistoric populace of both Small Asia(this title gives impression that Asiats have anything to do with this area, it is not so) and Helm (Balkan) with mostly ginger hair and dark brown eyes. Several figurines from these areas that didn't represented Goddesses had marked hair with red ocra and eyes with black same as Korais from ancient Macedonia.
Kora Proserpina and her mother Demetre and all statues from that era had ginger hair-in all shades and dark eyes.
Kora Proserpina was obducted and raped on numerous mosaics and later frescos. This theme of rape was so favourised by ancient Macedonians that King Philip took it with him in his grave together with representations of murder of the Goddess.
Ancient Macedonians din't left a reasonable word about their actions and what was fall of Troja really about but pictures are louder then words.
Troja was one of the cities in land called Lydia.
There have been 7 big cities and hundreds of smaller ones.
It is very suspicious to point elswhere on Earth as his-storians do because Homers epic regards conquest of Lydia, later known as Illyria.

Snake as sacred animal in Illyria is a sign of still alive prehistoric belief.
Morphing of letters
Between Phrygians and Brygians, namely letters F and B there is morphing letter V cause F=V and on eastern Europe V=B and that gives Vryg ,could be Vrag which means devil in todays "slavonic" language from that area.
In armenian tongue Pryg/Pryk means people on hills that did the bee-keeping, a sacred animal to Phrygian Kybele.
Goddess have been demonised by rape, humiliation and linguistics, these perversions are present in all languages.
Vryg is cognate with Virgo, in hungarian Virag for example.
Other word for devil in slavic is Djava which is nobody else
but Deva-Virgin in slavic tongue.
Official his-story renamed everything, then chopped the time line out of sequence and then stitched it back wrong.
Bryges or Briges (Greek: Βρύγοι or Βρίγες) is the historical name given to a people of the ancient Balkans.
Troja was situated in todays Gabela (Kybele), Bosna, ex Illyria.
There is no other place in Europe or Small Asia with 6 rivers streaming into one which ends in the sea as river Neretva does.
To this day it is most fertile part, a garden of Balkans.
Besides, iron rings are found high up in the mountains in Dinaric Alps which suggests that this area have undergone serial changes most likely due to earthquakes. Actualy Balkan sits on top of friction of two seizmic plates.
Herodots descriptions of Balkans suggests that Adriatic (a number 3 is in the name of the both Otrant and Adria, same as Troja) had sea a bit further then Monte Negro, not like today, up to Venice.
"Daorson" in Bosna is made of cyclopian rocks, looking over Troja in Gabela.
Robert Salinas tried to get eyes of the world to the real Troja but someone doesn't wan't it to be excavated.
In order to understand past one must pay attention to given names and where they come from. Simple fact that must be taken in acount is that the winner writtes the his-story. Cadmus have given phoenician/canaan name Illyria to a country he conquered.
Here are some bits about what hapened;
In Greek mythology, the name of Illyria is aitiologically traced to Illyrius, the son of Cadmus and Harmonia, who eventually ruled Illyria and became the eponymous ancestor of the Illyrians
Cadmus was credited by the ancient Macedonians (Herodotus[3] is an example) with introducing the original Alphabet orPhoenician alphabet -- phoinikeia grammata, "Phoenician letters" -- to the ancient Macedonians, he did the same to Illyrians.
Harmonia (Ancient Greek: Ἁρμονία) is the immortal goddess of harmony.
Those who described Harmonia as a Samothracian related that Cadmus, on his voyage to Samothrace, after being initiated in the mysteries, perceived Harmonia, and carried her off with the assistance of Athena. When Cadmus was obliged to quit Thebes, Harmonia accompanied him. When they came to theEncheleans, they assisted them in their war against the Illyrians, and conquered the enemy. Cadmus then became king of the Illyrians.
The gods then turned her into a serpent, unable to stand watching her in her dazed state.
Those who described Harmonia as a Samothracian related that Cadmus, on his voyage to Samothrace, after being initiated in the mysteries, perceived Harmonia, and carried her off with the assistance of Athena. When Cadmus was obliged to quit Thebes, Harmonia accompanied him. When they came to theEncheleans, they assisted them in their war against the Illyrians, and conquered the enemy. Cadmus then became king of the Illyrians.
The gods then turned her into a serpent, unable to stand watching her in her dazed state.
Harmonias necklace
Hyginus gives another version. According to him, the thing which brought ill fate to the descendents of Harmonia is not a necklace, but a robe "dipped in crime", given to Harmonia by Hephestus and Athena.

Roman given name is VLLVRIAE and because letter V = U(older)
real name of Illyria could be Ulluriae. In all old scriptures people have been writting from right to left without wovels, so when one removes vowels from the Illyria one is left with L and R which starts ringing bells in terms of Mother Godess and her LYRA.Root word is Lyra, musical instrument and
constellation Lyra

Illyrian language is hard to find because not that nothing is left of it,
but it is because it disguised under name of "Messapian"!
Messapian? sounds quite messed up doesn't it?
It is quite some story on how much re-spelling can re-veal/re-veil.

Roman given name is VLLVRIAE and because letter V = U(older)
real name of Illyria could be Ulluriae. In all old scriptures people have been writting from right to left without wovels, so when one removes vowels from the Illyria one is left with L and R which starts ringing bells in terms of Mother Godess and her LYRA.Root word is Lyra, musical instrument and
constellation Lyra

Illyrian language is hard to find because not that nothing is left of it,
but it is because it disguised under name of "Messapian"!
Messapian? sounds quite messed up doesn't it?
It is quite some story on how much re-spelling can re-veal/re-veil.

Scytians/Pelasgians are blond/ginger people in general, not very dark with curly hair as Greeks today have.
Illyrians are also described as white often with blue eyes.
Illyrians are also described as white often with blue eyes.
Phrygians or Brygians that stem from very old Hurrians (4000BC) have looked same as prehistoric populace of both Small Asia(this title gives impression that Asiats have anything to do with this area, it is not so) and Helm (Balkan) with mostly ginger hair and dark brown eyes. Several figurines from these areas that didn't represented Goddesses had marked hair with red ocra and eyes with black same as Korais from ancient Macedonia.
Kora Proserpina and her mother Demetre and all statues from that era had ginger hair-in all shades and dark eyes.
Kora Proserpina and her mother Demetre and all statues from that era had ginger hair-in all shades and dark eyes.
Kora Proserpina was obducted and raped on numerous mosaics and later frescos. This theme of rape was so favourised by ancient Macedonians that King Philip took it with him in his grave together with representations of murder of the Goddess.
Ancient Macedonians din't left a reasonable word about their actions and what was fall of Troja really about but pictures are louder then words.
Troja was one of the cities in land called Lydia.
There have been 7 big cities and hundreds of smaller ones.
It is very suspicious to point elswhere on Earth as his-storians do because Homers epic regards conquest of Lydia, later known as Illyria.
Ancient Macedonians din't left a reasonable word about their actions and what was fall of Troja really about but pictures are louder then words.
Troja was one of the cities in land called Lydia.
There have been 7 big cities and hundreds of smaller ones.
It is very suspicious to point elswhere on Earth as his-storians do because Homers epic regards conquest of Lydia, later known as Illyria.
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Snake as sacred animal in Illyria is a sign of still alive prehistoric belief. |
Between Phrygians and Brygians, namely letters F and B there is morphing letter V cause F=V and on eastern Europe V=B and that gives Vryg ,could be Vrag which means devil in todays "slavonic" language from that area.
In armenian tongue Pryg/Pryk means people on hills that did the bee-keeping, a sacred animal to Phrygian Kybele.
Goddess have been demonised by rape, humiliation and linguistics, these perversions are present in all languages.
Vryg is cognate with Virgo, in hungarian Virag for example.
Other word for devil in slavic is Djava which is nobody else
but Deva-Virgin in slavic tongue.
Official his-story renamed everything, then chopped the time line out of sequence and then stitched it back wrong.
Troja was situated in todays Gabela (Kybele), Bosna, ex Illyria.
There is no other place in Europe or Small Asia with 6 rivers streaming into one which ends in the sea as river Neretva does.
To this day it is most fertile part, a garden of Balkans.
Besides, iron rings are found high up in the mountains in Dinaric Alps which suggests that this area have undergone serial changes most likely due to earthquakes. Actualy Balkan sits on top of friction of two seizmic plates.
Herodots descriptions of Balkans suggests that Adriatic (a number 3 is in the name of the both Otrant and Adria, same as Troja) had sea a bit further then Monte Negro, not like today, up to Venice.
"Daorson" in Bosna is made of cyclopian rocks, looking over Troja in Gabela.
Robert Salinas tried to get eyes of the world to the real Troja but someone doesn't wan't it to be excavated.
sample of comparative languages with Illyrian
tablets with original Illyrian are real old, BC era yet the official His-Story tells us that Slavonic people came there in 6th century.(official name slavic not valid cause they call themselves SLaVeNi or SLoVeNi, where is letter N?)
Slovo=letter/to speak
Sla Veni is combination of Slavic and Vendi or Foenitians.
Slava belongs to older culture of Brygians.
while Vendi/Venti/Phoeni had a land in abouts of central Russia today.
Slovo=letter/to speak
Sla Veni is combination of Slavic and Vendi or Foenitians.
Slava belongs to older culture of Brygians.
while Vendi/Venti/Phoeni had a land in abouts of central Russia today.
Messapic/Illyrian are names given to this areas (Messapic was Italian part of Illyria) and Illyria self got that name after Cadmus introduced Phoenician-Canaan into this Brygian "Land of the Free" as it was called before. Cadmus invaded Illyria and he have done such attrocities that his wife Harmonia is gone insane from sadeness. A later version of the myth identifies Polyphemus and Galatea as parents of Celtus, Galas and Illyrius.
VLLVRIAE in Game of Thrones
Illyria is a main theme of very popular ongoing series "Game of Thrones".
Rearranged letters of the title gives "Game of Trojans" and/or "Mag of Dragons"
Dragons are Trojans
VLLVRIAE in Game of Thrones
Sample of Illyrian
alt- (a
stream) (in
barba- (a
swamp) (in Metubarbis - a toponym)
Albanian berrak (swampy soil), Sanskrit barburam (water),
Greek borboros (slime)
bra' (brother! (vocative))
*bhra'te'r 'a brother'
brisa (husks of grapes)
(famous) (in Vesclevesis - a personal name)
(to hear, to listen), Latin clarus (famous), Greek kleos (fame)
lugo- (a pool)
mag- (great)
*meg- (great)
(between) (in Metubarbis - a toponym)
*medyo- (medium, between)
oseriates (lakes)
*ozero (a lake), Lithuanian ez'eras (a lake)
plo- (strong, powerful)
*plu- (numerous)?
rinos (clouds)
sybina (a spear)
tertigio (a merchant)
*türgü (a market), Lithuanian tirgus, Albanian trege" (a market)
teuta- (people, a tribe)
*teutá- (people, a tribe), Oscan touta (a tribe), Gaulish teuto- (people)
(kind, good) (in Vesclevesis - a personal name)
*wesu- (good, kind)
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sample of "Illyrian" |
Teuta people might be Deudans or Titans or "Tuatha de Danaan" and connection between Gaulish and Illyrian is in fact in the first name given to Schotland, it was Albany, while Ireland is exact copy of names of rivers and places as in Serbia today. It is not a secret that gauls were walking free in Illyria in numerous scriptures.
TROES: Trojans. The collective name of several tribes organized under a
common ethos or cultural identity. The TROES or Trojans were divided in two
main phyla, these being the sea-faring PHRYGES (occupantas of the coastal
districts and islands), and the land-bound DARDANIOI (occupants of the interior
Dardanoioi = Tartan -again paralel with Scytian origins.
II; 816, et pas.:
The Trojans were led by great Hector of the flashing helm, the son of Priam, and with him were marshalled the greatest host by far and goodliest, raging with the spear.
The Trojans were led by great Hector of the flashing helm, the son of Priam, and with him were marshalled the greatest host by far and goodliest, raging with the spear.
Of the Dardanians, again the valiant
son of Anchises was captain, even Aeneas, whom fair Aphrodite conceived to
Anchises amid the spurs of Ida...
And they that dwelt in Zeleia beneath the nethermost foot of Ida, men of wealth, that drink the dark water of Aesepus, even the Troes, these gain were led by the glorious son of Lycaon, Pandarus...
And Phorcys and godlike Ascanius led the Phrygians from afar, from Askania, and were eager to fight in the press of battle.
And they that dwelt in Zeleia beneath the nethermost foot of Ida, men of wealth, that drink the dark water of Aesepus, even the Troes, these gain were led by the glorious son of Lycaon, Pandarus...
And Phorcys and godlike Ascanius led the Phrygians from afar, from Askania, and were eager to fight in the press of battle.
The TROES were so called, evidently, after the name of their eponymous
ancestor, Tros:
The names of Skamandros and Kadmos (and of many others external to the canon of the Iliad and Odyssey) figure prominently in the early history ofTroy . However, only
through the genealogy of the royal house of Priam may one detect a notion about
the chronology and transmission of tenets, which, in the course of time, became
consolidated under a common Trojan ethos or cultural identity—
The names of Skamandros and Kadmos (and of many others external to the canon of the Iliad and Odyssey) figure prominently in the early history of
XX; 215:
At the first Zeus, the cloud-gatherer, begat Dardanus, and he founded Dardania, for not yet was sacred Ilios builded in the plain to be a city of mortal men, but they still dwelt upon the slopes of many-funtained Ida. And Dardanus in turn begat a son, king Erichthonius, who became richest of mortal men. Three thousand steeds had he that pastured in the marsh-land... And Erichthonius begat Tros to be king among the Trojans, and from Tros again three peerless sons were born, Ilus, and Assaracus, and godlike Ganymedes that was born the fairest of mortal men... And Ilus again begat a son, peerless Laomedon, and Laomedon begat Tithonus and Priam and Clytius, and Hicetaon, scion of Ares....CONTINUE QUOTE
At the first Zeus, the cloud-gatherer, begat Dardanus, and he founded Dardania, for not yet was sacred Ilios builded in the plain to be a city of mortal men, but they still dwelt upon the slopes of many-funtained Ida. And Dardanus in turn begat a son, king Erichthonius, who became richest of mortal men. Three thousand steeds had he that pastured in the marsh-land... And Erichthonius begat Tros to be king among the Trojans, and from Tros again three peerless sons were born, Ilus, and Assaracus, and godlike Ganymedes that was born the fairest of mortal men... And Ilus again begat a son, peerless Laomedon, and Laomedon begat Tithonus and Priam and Clytius, and Hicetaon, scion of Ares....CONTINUE QUOTE
What may be adduced from this genealogy, as literary ethnological theory
goes, is that the consolidation of Troy, which is to say a 'federation' of
Trojans, was an integration of a wide diversity of ethnic groups from
everywhere, and, consequently, of character traits. The process began, it could
be said, with the Early Bronze Age—developing throughout several comings and
goings in and out of Troy—
and culminating, near 1250 B.C., in the Early Iron Age—
DARDANUS: Arrived in Troy—possibly from Gortyn (later called Rome), though commonly thought to have come from Cortona in Central Italy—and founded the district of Dardania. He established religious rites (in later times erroneously thought to be the so-called Samothracian Mysteries). His name perhaps means 'dart man'.
ERICHTHONIUS: (He was, according to some legends, autochthonous (born of the soil, or Earth) and raised by the goddess Athena.)Established theTemple
of Athene on KALLIKOLONE (Gabela,
Stari Grad) after which he emigrated and founded Athens
(which later became Taras/Tarentum), taking with him horse-lore which became
popular throughout all Apulia . His name, which
means 'wool of the earth' was likely inspired by the hairy tarantula.
TROS: Arrived inTroy from Athens (Taras/Tarentum), where he was born.
He founded the city of Ilios
which he called after the name of his son, Ilos.
ILOS: He named the land Troia after the name of his father Tros, because it was 'divided' into 'three' districts, and set up on Ilios (Gabela) the image of Athene which had fallen from heaven (the fabled palladium which, after the Trojan War, was taken to Rome). He emigrated, leading a Pelasgian colony toItaly 's Tyrhennian coast, where they settled in
the fertile valley of Larisa (the classical Liris, today Garigliano) and
founded Pelasgian Argos on the coast (classical
Caieta, today Gaeta ).
His name means 'mud man' or, by extension, 'wasp man', because wasps build
their sarcophagus-like dwellings out of ilo-, 'mud'.
LAOMEDON: Arrived inTroy from Italy 's
Tyrhennian coast, where he was born. He brought with him elements of Sardianian
nuraghic culture, as might have been the walls of Ilios (Gabela, Stari Grad)
and as, most certainly, the walls of Troia [Taroia] (Daorson) suggest.
The ethnic complexity of this genealogy may be further appreciated in the identification—again, as purely literary ethnological theory goes—of Iapetos, father of Dardanos, with the Biblical Japheth—
and culminating, near 1250 B.C., in the Early Iron Age—
DARDANUS: Arrived in Troy—possibly from Gortyn (later called Rome), though commonly thought to have come from Cortona in Central Italy—and founded the district of Dardania. He established religious rites (in later times erroneously thought to be the so-called Samothracian Mysteries). His name perhaps means 'dart man'.
ERICHTHONIUS: (He was, according to some legends, autochthonous (born of the soil, or Earth) and raised by the goddess Athena.)Established the
TROS: Arrived in
ILOS: He named the land Troia after the name of his father Tros, because it was 'divided' into 'three' districts, and set up on Ilios (Gabela) the image of Athene which had fallen from heaven (the fabled palladium which, after the Trojan War, was taken to Rome). He emigrated, leading a Pelasgian colony to
LAOMEDON: Arrived in
The ethnic complexity of this genealogy may be further appreciated in the identification—again, as purely literary ethnological theory goes—of Iapetos, father of Dardanos, with the Biblical Japheth—
Genesis, 10:
2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan; Elishah and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan; Elishah and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
was from these comings and goings into and out of Troy that, over an extended
period of time—perhaps some three or four centuries—at the time of the Trojan
War (near 1200 B.C.), several tribes formed a closely-knit federation under the
name of Troes (or Trojans)—
The Iliad's authorship, it seems, was fully aware of the need of connecting those tribes which had been known as Trojans with tribes, which, after the Trojan War, would henceforward be known as Illyrians, and appears to have made a special proviso for such a connection. Of all the Phrygian tribes, it is only in the names of the Leleges and Kadmeioi where an idea of a 'fostered progeny' might be detected. In the name of the Leleges, is the eponymous ancestry of a certain Lelex from the Tyrhennian coast, and in the name of the Kadmeioi is the eponymous ancestry of Kadmos from theAdriatic 's
So it is that, in the wake of the Trojan War, the House of Pelops, under Agamemnon, finally took the islands of the Adriatic Archipelago which became known as the 'Peloponessos' (a name not until much later transferred to—or taken by—Hellas), and those formerly called Trojans became Illyrians, who, in later times, were historically documented as follows—
The Illyrians, properly said, retained an ethnic identity until the Coming of the Slavs in the 6th and 7th centuries AD. after which, it would be fair to assume, intermarriage eventually produced those whom, today, call themselvesSouthern Slavs : Yugoslavians. (Albeit the entire
population of Gabela claims—and rightly so— direct ancestry from king Priam
I left this section in yellow cause I found docs that original population was RENAMED into Slavonic in 1st century AD, just have to find it again!
also Mother of Troja was Kybele, Magna Mater, Athena is younger.
DARDANIOI: Occupants of the interior hinterlands.
One of the two main branches into which the Troes were divided (the other being the Phryges). They may be thought of as a folk occupying the interior hinterlands:
The Iliad's authorship, it seems, was fully aware of the need of connecting those tribes which had been known as Trojans with tribes, which, after the Trojan War, would henceforward be known as Illyrians, and appears to have made a special proviso for such a connection. Of all the Phrygian tribes, it is only in the names of the Leleges and Kadmeioi where an idea of a 'fostered progeny' might be detected. In the name of the Leleges, is the eponymous ancestry of a certain Lelex from the Tyrhennian coast, and in the name of the Kadmeioi is the eponymous ancestry of Kadmos from the
So it is that, in the wake of the Trojan War, the House of Pelops, under Agamemnon, finally took the islands of the Adriatic Archipelago which became known as the 'Peloponessos' (a name not until much later transferred to—or taken by—Hellas), and those formerly called Trojans became Illyrians, who, in later times, were historically documented as follows—
The Illyrians, properly said, retained an ethnic identity until the Coming of the Slavs in the 6th and 7th centuries AD. after which, it would be fair to assume, intermarriage eventually produced those whom, today, call themselves
I left this section in yellow cause I found docs that original population was RENAMED into Slavonic in 1st century AD, just have to find it again!
also Mother of Troja was Kybele, Magna Mater, Athena is younger.
DARDANIOI: Occupants of the interior hinterlands.
One of the two main branches into which the Troes were divided (the other being the Phryges). They may be thought of as a folk occupying the interior hinterlands:
II; 819:
Of the Dardanians again the valiant son of Anchises was captain, even Aeneas, whom fair Aphrodite conceived to Anchises amid the spurs of Ida...
Of the Dardanians again the valiant son of Anchises was captain, even Aeneas, whom fair Aphrodite conceived to Anchises amid the spurs of Ida...
VII; 414:
Now they were sitting in assembly, Trojans and Dardanians alike, all gathered in one body waiting until Idaeus should come; and he came and stood in their midst and declared his message.
Now they were sitting in assembly, Trojans and Dardanians alike, all gathered in one body waiting until Idaeus should come; and he came and stood in their midst and declared his message.
The Dardanioi will have
been so called after Dardanus, from whom was descended the line of Trojan kings
down to Priam, and thus distinguished from the Phryges of the coastal districts
who might, perhaps, on account of their maritime exposure, be thought of as descended
from any number of undistinguished sources.
Slip of a tongue
proving Troja was in Illyria
Conversely, words containing Lu, as in the word Lugh itself, or lo or le have appeared for millennia always meaning light or sun or sun god. Luwian Apaliunas, Hurrian Aplu, Etruscan Apulu, Homeric Greek: Ἀπόλλων, that is, (λω), Latin Apollo. The form Apaliunas (]x-ap-pa-li-u-na-aš) is attested as a god of Wilusa in a treaty between Alaksandu of Wilusa interpreted as "Alexander of Ilios", and the Hittite great king Muwatalli II ca 1280 BC.
and this is from Wikipedia;Wilusa (URUWi-lu-ša ) was a city of the late Bronze Age Assuwa confederation of western Anatolia.[1]
not just the name is different from
It is recorded that all places in Illyria have

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Illyrian ship design inscribed on graves found in Bosnia |
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Thrakian Horseman , Histria, Illyria as you can see this "men" have boobs! |