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Ouroboros in shape of twisted infinite closed loup is referance to Venus that is always represented with number 8. 8 laying down is a desperate position of helpless victim. |
Lizzy Bluebell on painting in Vatican and Ouroboros
In my own view, the Ouroborus indicates a purely patriarchal SYSTEM for governing Time (and People), where the 'masculine' SUN was elected as SOL(e)-GOD, or the falsely named "MON-O-theistic" One-God-- thus eliminating the 'feminine' or LUNAR aspect of the 'Twin-Gods' as the 'other' twin.
In the original AEgyptian Pantheon of EIGHT Gods, there were 4 males and 4 Females or 4 sets of "twins" known as the OGDOAD (8-Gods). The AEgyptians had a fascination with the notion of "twinning" or the 'Twins-Deities'.
The Ouroborus on the contrary, is emblematic of a system delineated by only ONE CIRC-LE of the twin-cycles of Sun and Moon; therefore the System itself became governed by a purely masculinised SOLar Son as a singular 'CYCLE of Time'.
This false or 'FALLS' notion was imposed on us by a SOLAR Calendar/CLOCK which ignores the Moon's Annual Cycle of 13 x 28 days in favour of a system which delineates Time by only 12 'moonths' or months of varying length which add up to 365 days or "DEIS" or gods. (But even this 'timing' is not exactly accurate, thus "Time" itself is a false notion).
In an older Lunar System, each 'star goddess' had her own 'time' for mating with a MALE Moon.
Today we have inherited this 360-degree calendrical CIRCLE of false "Time" imposed on us for the sake of the convenience of the Masculine-eyes-ed System Itself. Everything about our Calendar is ARBITRARY to some extent, but the emphasis on "maleness" has become our limping, de-structive "lameness" in my view.
Thus the above image of HORUS inside the Ouroborus -- regardless of any mix-up in dating it -- is already about the 'next generation' or the SON of the TWINS who were first se-PA-rated as the STARS Isis and Osiris , in order to produce the NEXT 'falls' generation of "God" as a 'sleight of imagination' which twists the know-ledge so that the SUN became the SON which has now become the SUN-God again.
Dama Heroub Papyrus is first depicting of Ouroboros.
on first Ouroboros
Manetho was an Egyptian priest who wrote a history of Egypt in the Macedonian language, probably for Ptolemy I (305–282 B.C.)
Despite Manetho's importance for the study of the history of Ancient Egypt, nothing much is really known about the man himself. Even the exact meaning of his name has been a point of discussion among Egyptologists and although it is now generally agreed upon that the name "Manetho" comes from the Ancient Egyptian mniw-htr, which means "keeper of the horses", the existence of such a name is not attested by Ancient Egyptian sources.
Manetho lived in Sebennytos, the capital of Egypt during the 30th Dynasty, and was a priest during the reigns of Macedonian kings: Ptolemy I and Ptolemy II. He is said to have been involved in the creation of the cult of Serapis - a god added to the Egyptian pantheon with both Hellenistic (Illyrian) and Egyptian traits during the reign of Ptolemy I -, but this cannot be confirmed.
Manetho owes his importance to the fact that he wrote the Aegyptiaca, a collection of three books about the history of Ancient Egypt, commissioned by Ptolemy II in his effort to bring together the Egyptian and Hellenistic cultures.
In order to do so, Manetho had access to the archives of the temple where he served as a priest. Such archives contained a vast number of different kinds of writings, ranging in contents from mythological texts to official records, from magical formulas to scientific treaties. He thus had all the sources he needed to write down the history of his country. With such sources, however, we may not be surprised to find myths and folk-tale mixed with the facts of the Egyptian history.
It is to Manetho's Aegyptiaca that we owe the division of Ancient Egyptian history in 30 dynasties. This division is not always based on historical facts: it was in parts based on mythology and in parts on divisions of ruling families already established in the past.
Note: please keep in mind that all of these accounts were written well after the fact.
Oldest Ouroboros from Kemet is from 21st Dynasty of Egypt so that there is not many honest details on Original Ouroboros, scripts written by Manetho are well 9 Dynasties later and then who is to say that this is painted at that time? Same old bias that wrotte HIS STORY to beg-in with....
some sourceshttp://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/Misc/Hyksos/Hyksos.htm
From the scriptural analysis of Hebrew on Ouroboros.
Phire Phoenix
Phire Phoenix
"In your patience possess ye your souls." Sabali means patience; "that's what the old folks told me." In Hebrew it is savlanut, which also means "tolerance." The same root gives rise to words that means "suffer" (sevel) and "burdens" (sivlot). A patient is a suffering or sick person under medical treatment. "On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Savlanut is spelled Samech, Beth, Lamed, Nun, Vav, and Tav. Samech is spinning energy, the Ouroboros. Beth is a house; to be , build. Lamed is a staff, guide, to go toward. Heart in Hebrew is leb; lamed and beth; this shows that our heart is the temple in which God must dwell... The letter nun is a swimming fish; the activity of life. Nahash (serpent), nachar (river), and nachal (flood) all begin with nun. "Yeshua comes from the power of Nun, the fish. Jesus, was able to walk upon the water, transform the water into wine, calm the storms in the water, and use water to heal. He had power over the Mem, because Yeshua is a son of Nun." In our sexual glands; in that water is a kind of “fish” or living entity: the sperm and ovum...the next letter is vav; the hook, connector. It's the bridge that connects the fiery waters of Eden above with the waters below. The final letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is Tav; the covenant, seal; Tav is a (spinning) cross. It is made with a nun and a daleth (door). Daleth and Nun spell Dan; Dan’ means judgment. The Tav is judgment; it is how we are judged; it is the summation of our action. When we reach the end, the completion of our life, we face a judgment—we receive a Tav, a seal, a stamp, a mark. That seal, Tav, is the mathematical completion of our every action. Every thought, every feeling, every movement of energy that has moved through us is summarized, calculated, and upon that final calculation is put a Tav, a mark; it is the synthesis of our life. From that mathematical equation we proceed to the next step, based upon that mark."