How wRIT-TEN word became god.
Nature operates from 0-9 in all natural principles 9 being the highest number,while wRIT-TEN word of Masons operates from 1-10 in the basic Sator square or TEN-NET.
Zero 0 and Earth O represent most basic shape and curve which forms not just Earth but entire Universe, it is a zero-point of energy, a point before materialisation and also shape of Earth, our only home, yet "scientists" argued about zero being a number at all because that would mean admiting something bigger and stronger then their overly blown-up ego.
by Lizzy Bluebell
by Lizzy Bluebell
"And the Word was made God and dwellt amongst them".
The fabled Christian biblical admonition forbidding Adam and Eve to "eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge" was in actuality none other than a reference to the written word or forbidden "graven image" and to books themselves [book = know-ledger] which were once written on "papyrus". This Latin word for paper derived from the papyrus rushes (reed/read) which grew on the banks of the Nile, as used for enscription by scribes who were reputedly "worth their weight in gold" for good reason. Words became "written in stone" on temples, pyramids, and obelisks. Propaganda became the means of rule for the Pharao/Kings, and later, for the Roman Church itself. Trees later provided the pulp used to make paper, thus explaining the Biblical Roman/Latin admonition forbidding us to the eat of the "Tree of Know-Ledge".... "for in that day (Dei) you shall surely die". (Day/Dei/Die are the same word in actuality). English (written) language comes down to us from its original source in Aramaic-Semitic-Hebrew, through Greek, thence Roman/Latin (through scripture), and thence to English, which has inherited much that is non-sense, as well as much that has been trans-formed or 'lost in translation'. Also, it must be noted here that every single alphabet letter in Hebrew re-presents a complete word in itself, as well as a numerical value, which enables "equivalent values" in radically differing words, enabling multiple meanings and confusion of meaning and intent. Even the briefest study of the ancient picture-symbols for the 22 Hebrew alphabet letters reveals anomalies which do not make logical sense. It is time to expose this. For further reference please refer to the charts which can be viewed here:
The fabled Christian biblical admonition forbidding Adam and Eve to "eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge" was in actuality none other than a reference to the written word or forbidden "graven image" and to books themselves [book = know-ledger] which were once written on "papyrus". This Latin word for paper derived from the papyrus rushes (reed/read) which grew on the banks of the Nile, as used for enscription by scribes who were reputedly "worth their weight in gold" for good reason. Words became "written in stone" on temples, pyramids, and obelisks. Propaganda became the means of rule for the Pharao/Kings, and later, for the Roman Church itself. Trees later provided the pulp used to make paper, thus explaining the Biblical Roman/Latin admonition forbidding us to the eat of the "Tree of Know-Ledge".... "for in that day (Dei) you shall surely die". (Day/Dei/Die are the same word in actuality). English (written) language comes down to us from its original source in Aramaic-Semitic-Hebrew, through Greek, thence Roman/Latin (through scripture), and thence to English, which has inherited much that is non-sense, as well as much that has been trans-formed or 'lost in translation'. Also, it must be noted here that every single alphabet letter in Hebrew re-presents a complete word in itself, as well as a numerical value, which enables "equivalent values" in radically differing words, enabling multiple meanings and confusion of meaning and intent. Even the briefest study of the ancient picture-symbols for the 22 Hebrew alphabet letters reveals anomalies which do not make logical sense. It is time to expose this. For further reference please refer to the charts which can be viewed here:
The Hebrew ROTA . (a
rota-ry is a wheel) When you place letters on the Hebrew ROTA and
turn them a-round, you derive different words, such as TORA(h) and TARO(t) and
(OR)-ATOR. But please note that in Hebrew, each letter also has a Numeric
Value which essentially remains the same regardless of the alphabetic letter
sequence or meaning of the separate word itself. For example the word ROTA can also be read as ATOR (ora-tor) or TARO(T)
(cards) and TORA(H) (Mosaic or Moses' Law). ROT
itself means Red -- thus ROTA
= "Red-A" -- which word re-combines again to form the word
"READ" (cf. REED).
Each Hebrew alphabet letter also "counts" as a numeral, (0 to
9) while each of the 22 letters also forms its own separate
word and meaning. Thus Hebrew language tricks or 'trices' are an
ancient device of sorcery and cunning. We have inherited this
He-brew letter-word-numeric-magic or s.p.e.l.l. in the English language,
and it can still be readily traced within the spellings of English words
Also of note in this exposition of language, the word
"writing" (cf. aural sound 'riting') itself was anciently
performed with a "reed" (Nile lotus
reed) which has the identical aural sound
as the word "read". This is what I call the He-Brew
Alpha-Bet, a language matrix/code inherited by English (as well as other
languages) which ensures to this "day/dei" the continuance down
through the ages of a Patriarchal ((Pa-Tree-Arch-All)) Dominance, or a He-Brew
His-Story told (tolled) by a Fat-Her (or a Thin-King pregnant with his own
possibility), known falsely as A-Dam. While the Hebrew
word "adamah" (Adam) is said to re-present the Red Clay
from which Biblical Adam was 'formed', the English word
"Dam" actually speaks of a Mother sheep, i.e. A-Dam,
or a EWE, or EVE herself !! I propose that EVE, as A-Dam/Mada
(Mother, Mudder(clay), Mutter, etc.) must truly have been the Mother of oral
language, and it was she, not he, 'Adam', who "named all
things". Thus the true 'father' or Fat-Her (i.e. pregnant one)
of the name-ing-kind (e-man-ating) or man-kind was EVE (EWE) herself !! This
makes much more sense when one considers the meaning of the
mythical "Holy Grail", (Spanish: Sang-Raal, blood-line) which is
often thought to refer to a CUP. A Cup is a Vessel (cf. Vesica Pisces,
Ru/Rho, (), or petal of life, lotus flower) or a 'container', (EWE-R)
such as a Womb containing the Water of Life, a 'vessel' which carries the
foetus till parturition. I note also, that modern Science postulates
that mitoChondrial DNA is transferred ONLY by the Mother, through her own
blood, and it is through her own flesh and blood that the mother feeds the
growing foetus (cf. the Christ-ian script "for this is my flesh and this
is my blood" at the Last Supper). Fathers do not contribute blood
itself to feed the growing foetus, even when the blood-type of the foetus
is inherited from the father. It also has been very recently revealed by
scientists that the foetus actually shares its own developing cells back into
the mother, who then carries them with her for the rest of her
life, along with the cells of all foetuses she subsequently carries,
even if they do not reach full term. This has interesting implicationsm
and "proves" scientifically the closeness of the bond
between a mother and all or her children, as it can be seen that indeed, they
all share cells-in-common.