M pyre
M on fire
Terminology is used to create subliminal meanings.
Whenever new word appeared it was carefully weighed and seeded with hidden meanings, those meanings are mostly translatable in all existing languages cause they all came out of one language.
History says about Ptolomai and his wise men, 72 of them
creating 72 languages out of one.
Legend tells that
the night that Alexandar Makedonian was born Temple in Ephessus was aledgedly set to fire while high prisstes was delivering him to the world.
in this words;
Alexander's father Philip looked inside his wife's bedroom and saw her in the embrace of a snake. This was interpreted to be the god Zeus-Ammon, who was considered by some to have been Alexander's father.
Philip did not considerd Alexandar as his son, whoever was reading about him know that significant amount of animosity was between this two.
Alexandar was most likely PARTHENOGENETIC child of his mother Olympia
just as many other conquerors that claimed to be born of Virgin or a snake.
Scripts tell us that he is son of Zeus thus son of a God.
But who is Zeus and why does his name sounds like a hiss
or SIS and then Jesus or Isis.
Temple in Ephessus ,if you look at the drawings there is no letter M on the capitel.
But when you look up for original coins of that time M is on each one of them on top of capitel.
Name of Alexander
Alexander himself had many names.
People from that times had serious beliefs about names.
Ancients believed that if one knows your name
that they can distroy you.
It is only normal that under such circumstances one would have a secret name.
One of his many names is Meryamun Setepenra.
He got this name when he went to Shiwa temple, kicked everyone out and legend says he asked for the truth about his divine birth.
Answer was positive.
This is his Egyptian name he got in that occasion.
From Akkadian sources it is impossible to render his name.
The correct rendering of Alexandros would have been A-lek-sa-an-dar-ru-su, but until now, no tablet has been discovered that uses this name.
But few things transpire not just from this akkadian tablet but also writtings by Rufus that Alexander was not GREEK.
More intriguingly, the Diary makes it clear that Alexander
did not send Macedonian envoys, but Greeks.
Did he consider it unsafe to send the very soldiers who had recently fought against the Babylonian cavalry?
so Macedonian and Greek are clearly not the same.Quote:
On the other hand, it can not be excluded that Alexandar is the Macedonian name by which the conqueror of Asia was known to his courtiers.
Out of this one can conclude that he had different name for Babylonians, one that we do not know, one that was Makedonian, very similar to Illyrian/Slavonic.
Name Alexandar is combination of ALA and SKANDER
ALA means a dragon
and Skander is male version of Skanda/Kanda/Sanda/Xanda
a very old female title of ruler, king, maybe priestess...
Name of Makedonia
Before forming of official state of Makedonia
there was even older land called Mygdonia.
Word Makedonia in sanskrit literarly means World of
In Slavic it would be Majke Donia - Mother brought it forth and/or
Mothers Donja which Slavs use when you have a high(mountain)and low(valley)
places created out of same tribe.
Makedonian Great Mothers name today is Golema meaning Great Ma.
But in french and english connection with Mace-donia club is obvious.
Mace suggests a penis with its shape.
This is how it is done, degradation on subtle levels, one creates connections
and meanings trough repetition and connections of basic things.
Coins from Ephessus
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also have roots in ANATOLIA, coins from Ephessus with bees read EF, spoken it
would be EV or EVE.
Ma Eve is just mother Eve.
Name of Maeve is interesting because sometimes it is Ma Eve and somtimes Madb,
Madb - perhaps Mad Bee
behave or bee hive
like mad bees pushed around by mad banksters.
There is Madb mentioned in Irish Lebor Gabala.
Most of the coins speaks of MOTHER or MAKE or META ,
mater, mada, mata, maja are just some of words used for mother.
MADA ,reversal is ADAM
On top is a coin with Athena,
modern Makedonians argue that it is slavonic word meaning ‘ATINA
Tatina meaning Daddy’s
Myth about Athena says that she comes out of her fathers head.
Ata, Assa, Ada, Dea, Thea were title of many ancient Goddesses
accompanied with letter N
like Athena, Diana, Anahit etc
Athena presents stage of Magna Mater or/and
(in Syria she was Metis, also as Atargatis
under the name Derketo, known in Syria as Tirgata, also known as Dea Syria,
'Goddess of Syria'.
Constellation Draco is named after her, snake again.
of shields stem from much older prehistoric Goddesses found all over Helm
(Balkan) ,as well as letter M, Owl design and such,
in itself it means continuance of previous ancestral ideas.
7 dots on
this pendant forms either Illyrian star or star of David
that is also found in Bactrian culture and Cucuteni cave carvings and Cucuteni
These artefacts are found on Helm
on Makedonian ,Romanian, Bulgarian territory and they depict Amazons, either alone or in battle.
on Makedonian ,Romanian, Bulgarian territory and they depict Amazons, either alone or in battle.