First there have been Xiongnu or Hunu Amazons or redhaired giants.
The sound of the first Chinese character (匈) has been reconstructed as /hoŋ/ in Old Chinese.
But they expand to; ku, kyo, hiragana, hyung, hung
The Chinese name for the Xiongnu meant;
But they expand to; ku, kyo, hiragana, hyung, hung
The Chinese name for the Xiongnu meant;
breast, chest, thorax
(breast of a woman were a mark of Xiongnu)
(breast of a woman were a mark of Xiongnu)
clamour, noise
the Xiongnu (sometimes referred to as the Huns) and by extension 'Hungary'
The real Asian ancestor is white huntress who trained both girls and boys
into one of most glorious armadas of all times. They held Mongols captive and tatooed their faces ,those that survived were held as slaves.
Xiongnu Emporium lasted till 5th century AD when Hun took over but even then they married Xiongnu to keep a seat on the throne.
House was still hers.
Aproaching Mongols arrived from Egypt and before that from Africa / Levant
so this explains lack of Mongolian mummies in Asia.
Xiongnu built Chinese wall, openings of older sections look west, never east.
Xiongnu was recorded during ancient times as literate girl who would use birch bark
and was reading from it.
Hunu and Avars (smaller neighbours) arrived on Helm between 4th and 5th century and today they live in Dna of Croatians, Hungarians,Serbs and last battle ended in Hunsrück,
it is Hunu theirs final resort, beaten and humiliated by
Hephtalites-Obars-Avars-White Huns-Sveta HunaThey brought moneta or grivna Kuna which they used as deity and we used it as money.
Ancient vases with fierce Hunu show origins of Chinese or Mongolian traditions.
Mongolia 1920's
Pazyrik rug with blonde or perhaps ginger hair original Xiongnu or Hunnu.
This rug is found with set of mummies with red hair.At the throne is animal Croats to this day use as their national moneta Kuna.
During middle ages animal skins were used across Slavic worlds as Grivna.
Crooked nose, light hair accentuated in bicolour wool.
a statue of Xiongnu Hunnu clearly shows posture of a white male
that was quite large and tall with long arms and legs.
Proportions of the seated girl also show caucassian features.
Looks very much like Sidrona or Sentona or Scylla.
A hunt scene, again light coloured hair.
Divine Marten or Kuna.
A window into language Hunnu/Xiongnu spoke
When a Chanyu died, power could pass to his younger brother if his son was not of age. This system, which can be compared to Gaelic tanistry, normally kept an adult male on the throne, but could cause trouble in later generations when there were several lineages that might claim the throne. When the 12th Chanyu died in 60 BC, power was taken by Woyanqudi, a grandson of the 12th Chanyu's cousin.
Woyanqudi is obviously Slavic name Wojanched,
wojan means a military or army = vojna.
World history of rise and fall of civilization nomadic Xiongnu and Scythians
(2007) ISBN- 4062807025 [Japanese Import]Japanese do not attempt to ascribe Scytian to Mongolian or Chinese to say the least.

The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World
is available here;
Known as Scythians to Macedonians, Saka to the Persians, and Xiongnu to the Chinese, the steppe tribes were masters of horses and archery
So far, DNA testing of the skeletons buried with weapons shows that 25 to 37 percent of Scythian girls and women, from 10 to 45 years of age, were active warriors.
Chinese name
Mongolian Cyrillic
Хүннү - Hunnu
The identity of the ethnic core of Xiongnu has been a subject of varied hypotheses, because only a few words, mainly titles and personal names, were preserved in the Chinese sources. Proposals by scholars include Iranian, Mongolic, Tocharian, Turkic, Uralic, Yeniseian, or multi-ethnic. The name Xiongnu is cognate with that of Huns (Hunni) and Huna.
Early history
An early reference to the Xiongnu was by Sima Qian who wrote about the Xiongnu in the Records of the Grand Historian(c. 100 BCE), drawing a distinct line between the settled Huaxia people (Chinese) to the pastoral nomads (Xiongnu), characterizing it as two polar groups in the sense of a civilization versus an uncivilized society: the Hua–Yi distinction.Sources from the pre-Han eras often classified the Xiongnu as the Hu (胡) people, even though this was more a blanket term for nomadic people in general; it only became an ethnonym for the Xiongnu during the Han.
it seem that Xiongnu use to mark their subordinates with tattoos
According to the Book of Han, later quoted in Duan Chengshi's ninth century Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang:
Also, according to the Han shu, Wang Wu (王烏) and others were sent as envoys to pay a visit to the Xiongnu. According to the customs of the Xiongnu, if the Han envoys did not remove their tallies of authority, and if they did not allow their faces to be tattooed, they could not gain entrance into the yurts. Wang Wu and his company removed their tallies, submitted to tattoo, and thus gained entry. The Shanyu looked upon them very highly.
Genghis Khan would later establish his capital of Karakorum out of the Xiongnu Empire which was highly hierarchial in its military character.
It is recorded that Genghis Khan was redhaired too but I have suspicion he was a she because of 'his' title of Khan which was primarily Scyto-Amazon title.
Wars between Han and Xiongnu
The peace settlement between Han and Xiongnu eventually reached between the parties included a Han princess given in marriage to the chanyu (called heqin Chinese: 和親; literally: "harmonious kinship"); periodic gifts to the Xiongnu of silk, distilled beverages and rice; equal status between the states; and the Great Wall as mutual border.
Up to 135 BC, the treaty was renewed nine times, each time with an increase in the "gifts".
While the Xiongnu benefited handsomely, from the Chinese perspective marriage treaties were costly, humiliating, and ineffective.
Full-scale war broke out in autumn 129 BC, when 40,000 Chinese cavalry made a surprise attack on the Xiongnu at the border markets. In 127 BC, the Han general Wei Qing retook the Ordos. In 121 BC, the Xiongnu suffered another setback when Huo Qubing led a force of light cavalry westward out of Longxi and within six days fought his way through five Xiongnu kingdoms. The Xiongnu Hunye king was forced to surrender with 40,000 men.
According to official reports, the Xiongnu lost 80,000 to 90,000 men, and out of the 140,000 horses the Han forces had brought into the desert, fewer than 30,000 returned to China.
As a result of these battles, the Chinese controlled the strategic region from the Ordos and Gansu corridor to Lop Nor. They succeeded in separating the Xiongnu from the Qiang peoples to the south, and also gained direct access to the Western Regions. Because of strong Chinese control over the Xiongnu, the Xiongnu became unstable and were no longer a threat to the Han Chinese.
Xiongnu themselves make distinction between Shanyu and Chanyu Xiongnu.
Ban Chao, Protector General (都護; Duhu) of the Han dynasty, embarked with an army of 70,000 men in a campaign against the Xiongnu insurgents who were harassing the trade route we now know as the Silk Road
When a Chanyu died, power could pass to his younger brother if his son was not of age. This system, which can be compared to Gaelic tanistry, normally kept an adult male on the throne, but could cause trouble in later generations when there were several lineages that might claim the throne. When the 12th Chanyu died in 60 BC, power was taken by Woyanqudi, a grandson of the 12th Chanyu's cousin.
Woyanqudi is obviously Slavic name Wojanched,
wojan means a military or army = vojna.
In 53 BC the political status of the Xiongnu in the Chinese world order was reduced from that of a "brotherly state" to that of an "outer vassal" (外臣). During this period, however, the Xiongnu maintained political sovereignty and full territorial integrity.
Grousset states that around A.D. 155, the northern Xiongnu were "crushed and subjugated" by the Xianbei. "Thus Mongol domination succeeded Turkic."
Huchuquan Chanyu (of the Xiongnu) assumed the patronymic Liu, reflecting his imperial ancestry. In 304, Liu Yuan became Chanyu of the Five Hordes. In 308, declared himself emperor and founded the Han Zhao Dynasty. In 311, his son and successor Liu Congcaptured Luoyang, and with it the Emperor Huai of Jin China. In 316, the Emperor Min of Jin China was captured inChang'an. Both emperors were humiliated as cupbearers in Linfen before being executed in 313 and 318. North China came under Xiongnu rule while the remnants of the Jin dynasty survived in the south at Jiankang.
in 428 AD the Xiongnu thenceforth effectively ceased to play a major role in Chinese history, assimilating into the Xianbei and Han ethnicities.
The sound of the first Chinese character (匈) has been reconstructed as /hoŋ/ in Old Chinese.
But they expand to; ku, kyo, hiragana, hyung, hung
The Chinese name for the Xiongnu meant;
But they expand to; ku, kyo, hiragana, hyung, hung
The Chinese name for the Xiongnu meant;
breast, chest, thorax
(breast of a woman were a mark of Xiongnu)
(breast of a woman were a mark of Xiongnu)
clamour, noise
the Xiongnu (sometimes referred to as the Huns) and by extension 'Hungary'
As in the case of the Rouran with the Avars, oversimplifications have led to the Xiongnu often being identified with the Huns, who populated the frontiers of Europe. The connection started with the writings of the 18th-century French historian Joseph de Guignes, who noticed that a few of the barbarian tribes north of China associated with the Xiongnu had been named "Hun" with varying Chinese characters. This theory remains at the level of speculation and although it is accepted by some scholars, including Chinese ones, the majority of Anglophone scholars flatly reject it. DNA testing of Hun remains has so far proved inconclusive in determining their origin. E. de la Vaissière has shown in the usage of the Ancient Sogdian Letters that both Xiongnu and Huns were referred to as "xwn" or "Hun" indicating that "Xiongnu" and "Hun" are synonymous.
Harold Walter Bailey proposed an Iranian origin of the Xiongnu, recognizing all the earliest Xiongnu names of the 2nd century BC as being of the Iranian type.
Central Asian scholarChristopher I. Beckwith notes that the Xiongnu name could be a cognate of Scythian, Saka and Sogdia, corresponding to a name for Northern Iranians.
In the UNESCO-published History of Civilizations of Central Asia, its editor János Harmattaconcludes that the royal tribes and kings of the Xiongnu bore Iranian names, that all Xiongnu words noted by the Chinese can be explained from a Scythian language, and that it is therefore clear that the majority of Hsiung-nu tribes spoke an Eastern Iranian language.
According to the "Book of Song", (section Joujan), Joujan's (Rouran Khaganate) alternative name was "Tatar" or "Tartar" and they were a Xiongnu tribe".
Genghis Khan refers to the time of Modu Chanyu as "the remote times of our Chanyu" in his letter to Daoist Qiu Chuji".
oth the 7th-century Chinese History of the Northern Dynasties[ and the Book of Zhou, an inscription in the Sogdian language, report the Turks to be a subgroup of the Huns.
Previous Turkic interpretations of the aforementioned sentence do not match the Chinese translation as precisely as using Yeniseian grammar. Pulleybank and D. N. Keightley asserted that the Xiongnu titles "were originally Siberian words but were later borrowed by the Turkic and Mongolic peoples".
Excavations conducted between 1924 and 1925 in the Noin-Ula kurgans produced objects with over twenty carved characters, which were either identical or very similar to that of to the runic letters of the Old Turkic alphabet discovered in the Orkhon Valley. From this a some scholars hold that the Xiongnu had a script similar to Eurasian runiform and this alphabet itself served as the basis for the ancient Turkic writing.
The Records of the Grand Historian (vol. 110) state that when the Xiongnu noted down something or transmitted a message, they made cuts on a piece of wood; they also mention a "Hu script".
Bronze Man from Ordos 3-1st Century BC
Otto J. Maenchen-Helfennotes that the statuette displays clear Europoid features.
Well-preserved bodies in Xiongnu and pre-Xiongnu tombs in the Mongolian Republic and southern Siberia show both Mongoloid and Caucasian features.
A majority (89%) of the Xiongnu mtDNA sequences can be classified as belonging to Asian haplogroups, and nearly 11% belong to European haplogroups.This finding indicates that contact between European and Asian populations preceded the start of Xiongnu culture, and confirms results reported for two samples from an early 3rd century BC Scytho-Siberian population (Clisson et al. 2002).
Haplop N3 Tat
Another study[123] from 2004 screened ancient samples from the Egyin Gol necropolis for the Y-DNA haplogroup N-Tat. The Egyin Gol necropolis, located in northern Mongolia, is ~2300 years old and belongs to the Xiongnu culture. This Tat-polymorphism is a biallelic marker – that defines the N1c (N3-Tat) Y-DNA haplogroup – what has so far been observed only in populations from Asia and northern Europe. It reaches its highest frequency in Yakuts and northern Uralic peoples, with significant parts also in Buryats and northeastern Siberian populations. Opinions differ about whether the geographic origin of the T-C mutation lies in Asia or northern Eurasia. Zerjal et al. suggested that this mutation first arose in the populations of Central Asia; they proposed Mongolia as a candidate location for the origin of the T-C polymorphism. In contrast, for Lahermo et al. the wide distribution of the mutation in north Eurasian populations suggests that it arose in northern Eurasia. According to them, the estimated time of the C mutation is ~2400–4440 years ago.
Another study of 2006,using genetic and archeological data from a Siberian grave of Pokrovsk recently discovered near the Lena River and dated from 2,400 to 2,200 years B.P., as well as modern Buryats, Khanty, Mansi, Evenk, andYakuts, provided evidence for the existence of early contact between autochthonous hunters of the Siberian taiga and nomadic horse breeders from the Altai-Baikal area (Mongolia and Buryatia). The similarity of the mitochondrial haplotype of the Pokrovsk subject with a woman of the Eg River necropolis of the second or third century ( mtDNA D haplogroup) shows that this contact would have occurred by the end of the Xiongnu period, and possibly prior to the 3rd century BC.
haplop Q-M242 American
A research study of 2006 focused on Y-DNAs of the Egyin Gol site, and besides the confirmation of the above-mentioned two N3-Tats, it also identified a Q-M242 haplogroup from the middle period and a C-M130 haplogroup from the later (2nd century AD). The Q-M242 is one of the haplogroups of the indigenous peoples of the Americas (though this is not this subclade), and minor across Eurasia. Only two groups in the Old World are high majority Q-M242 groups. These are the Selkups (however, only one study was made) and the Ket people. They live in western and middle Siberia, together with the Khanty people. The Kets originally lived in southern Siberia.
According to Uralistic literature the swift migration and disjunction of the Samoyedic peoples might be connected to a heavy warring in the region, probably due to the dissolution of the Xiongnu Empire in the period of the Battle of the Altai Mountains.
haplop C-M130 American
The mutation defining haplogroup C-M130, is restrained in North and East Asia and in America (Bergen et al. 1998. 1999.) (Lell et al. 2002.). The highest frequencies of Haplogroup C3 are found among the populations of Mongolia and the Russian Far East, where it is generally the modal haplogroup. Haplogroup C3 is the only variety of Haplogroup C-M130 to be found among Native Americans, among whom it reaches its highest frequency in Na-Dené populations.
Y-haplogroup Q1b-M378
All Y-haplogroup Q1b-M378 represent hosts of the tombs, while half of Y-DNA Q1a* represents hosts and half sacrificial victims. They date from the time of early (Western) Han (2nd-1st Century BC). In another study, 3 in this place were identified as Q-M3. Summarizing the data from available evidences, it is concluded that the tombs belongs to the representatives of the Xiongnu/Hunnu nobility/conquerors
Problem sits within modern confusion with Mongolian Hungarians who usurped the named Hun around 12 century when they occupied parts of modern Hugaria.
Martyn Rady
Introduction The Gesta Hungarorum of the Anonymous Notary of King Béla is the oldest extant chronicle of the history of the Hungarians. It remains ‘the most famous, the most obscure, the most exasperating and most misleading of all the early Hungarian texts.’1 Purporting to be an account of the background, circumstances and immediate aftermath of the Hungarian conquest of Pannonia in the late ninth century, it was most probably composed in the early years of the thirteenth century by a chancellery clerk who had formerly been in the service of King Béla III of Hungary (1172-1196). The extant version, which survives in a late thirteenth century copy, is apparently incomplete.2 The sole MS, consisting of 24 folios, was first noted in the library of Schloss Ambras, outside Innsbruck, in the seventeenth century, from where it was moved to Vienna in 1665, and much later, in 1928, to Budapest.3 Although details of the MS were included in two printed seventeenth-century catalogues of the imperial library, its text was not published until 1746.4 Between then and the end of the nineteenth century, the MS was re-published more than a dozen times.5 A scholarly edition, with critical annotation, was first published by Gyula Pauler and László Fejérpataky in 1900,6 and a revised edition by Emil Jakubovich and Dezső Pais in the first volume of Imre Szentpétery’s Scriptores Rerum Hungaricarum (2 vols, 2 Budapest, 1937; hereafter, SRH).7 The Latin text has been translated several times into Hungarian, most notably by Pais,8 as well as into Romanian and German.9 What follows is the first rendering of the Latin text into English. There can scarcely be any document from the Middle Ages that carries such heavy political baggage. The description which the author gives of the presence and whereabouts of peoples in
His description of power-relations north of the
It is at best an attempt to project contemporary conditions backwards.
from the sources of the Quintius Curtius Rufus
name of Heneti is understood as source of Veneti tribes
which will be also known as Phoenicians of Venets.
name of Heneti is understood as source of Veneti tribes
which will be also known as Phoenicians of Venets.
Xionites, Chionites, or Chionitae (Middle Persian: Xiyon; Avestan: Xiiaona; Sogdian: Xwn; Pahlavi: Huna), or Hunni, Yun or Xūn (獯), were an Iranian-speaking people who were prominent in Transoxania and Bactria.
Red Huns and White Huns
The name Xyon is found in Avestan and Pahlavi texts. In the Avestan tradition (Yts. 9.30-31, 19.87) the Xiiaona were characterized as enemies of Vishtaspa, the patron of Zoroaster. In the later Pahlavi tradition, the Red Huns (Karmir Xyon) and White Huns (Spet Xyon) are mentioned.The Red Huns of the Pahlavi tradition (7th century) have been identified by Harold Walter Bailey as the Kermichiones or Ermechiones. According to Bailey the Hara Huna of Indian sources are to be identified with the Karmir Xyon of the Avesta. Similarly he identifies the Sveta Huna of Indian sources with the Spet Xyon of the Avesta. Bailey argues that the name Xyon was transferred to the Huna owing to similarity of sound, as Tur was adapted to Turk in Pahlavi tradition. It is necessary therefore to differentiate between "Kermichiones/Ermechiones", "Red Huns" or "Hara Huna", identified with the Kidarite dynasty, and "Xionites" "White Huns" or "Sveta Huna", identified with the Hephthalite dynasty.
Later, the Armenian Patriarch John mentions an ancient town of Hunor's foundation (Hunoracerta) in the Utik region, suggesting a connection to the Utigur. The Armenian Agathangelus mentions also that there are "Huns" living amongst the peoples of the Caucasus.