Cambodia and Guatemala temples not that they look the same
also take note that both countries are on the same equatorial longitude!
Ancient connections: This is not a sheer coincidence!
Left is Baksei Chamkrong is a small Hindu Shiva temple located in the Angkor complex (Siem Reap, Cambodia).
[Right] pyramid 12 at Tikal, Guatemala
Baffling Links to Ancient India: History is full of misnomers; one such term is the New World, as applied to the Americas. The landing of Columbus in 1492 undoubtedly created a new life on the continents, but it neither created nor discovered a new world. Many centuries ago Asian migrants had come to the western shore in substantial numbers. What if the popular idea that Tibetans and American Indians have much in common in terms of their spiritual culture is largely a result of another historical scenario?
What if Hindus and Hopis, Advantins and Aztecs, Tibetan Monks and Mayans were part of one world culture - a spiritual one? Baron Alexander von Humbolt an eminent European scholar and anthropologist, was one of the first to postulate the Asiatic origin of the Indian civilizations of the Americas.
Dr. Robert Heine Geldern anthropologist, has written that: "Those who believe the ancient peoples of Asia were incapable of crossing the ocean have completely lost sight of what the literary sources tell us concerning their ships and their navigation. Many of the peoples of Southeastern Asia had adopted Indian Hindu-Buddhist civilizations. The influences of the Hindu-Buddhist culture of southeast Asia in Mexico and particularly, among the Maya, are incredibly strong, and they have already disturbed some Americanists who don't like to see them but cannot deny them." "Ships that could cross the Indian Ocean were able to cross the Pacific too. Moreover, these ships were really larger and probably more sea-worthy than those of Columbus and Magellan."
"Ships of size that carried Fahien from India to China (through stormy China water) were certainly capable of proceeding all the way to Mexico and Peru by crossing the Pacific. One thousand years before the birth of Columbus Indian ships were far superior to any made in Europe up to the 18th century."
American born Swami B. V. Tripurari asks, "What mysterious psychological law would have caused Asians, and Americans to both use the umbrella as a sign of royalty, to invent the same games, imagine similar cosmologies, and attribute the same colors to the different directions?"
Egyptian and Ecuadorian deity almost the same to the detail.
TAULAS OF MENORCA - Spanish Gobekli Tepe look alike.
Gobekli Tepe
The Mesopotamian Ziggurat
The step pyramid of Sardinia, Italy.
Ziggurat Sardinia.