Origins of Islam: its matriarchal pagan roots
Today, archaeological excavations are virtually banned in Saudi Arabia.
So Allahuma is The Mother or God is The Mother
The arrival of patriarchy in Saudi
Patriarchy moved gradually by the war from the fourth millennium BC. The ancient matriarchal goddesses were conquered and assimilated by the new patriarchal gods (Olympians, Nordic Aesir ...) originating in Middle East (Sumer). He had to be the same with the Arab matriarchal deities ( Allat, Uzza, Manat ), conquered and assimilated by the new conquerors gods (Hu-Baal), probably from Babylon. According to the different types of pre-Islamic Arab marriages , the patriarcalisation of Saudi began long before Islam.
Jerusalem, the first direction of the Islamic prayer
Mecca was the largest in the Arabian Peninsula pre-Islamic shrine. Originally, the city was not the center of the Muslim religion, believers turned to Jerusalem. The direction of prayer (the kiblah ) meets very strict rules laid down by Mohammed in the Koran. At first, kiblah corresponds to the direction of Jerusalem (s.2, v.36), to satisfy the converted original Jewish or Christian. Then, in order to establish his authority while definitely simply the mass of the new Gentile believers, the kiblah turns to Mecca, Mecca Millennium pagan. The veneration of the stone was an opportunity for Mohammed to bring him to the Gentiles.
The three goddesses of Mecca
In Mecca (مكة) before Islam, the Quraish tribe (قريش) worshiped a triad of three female deities, it is Allat (اللآت), al-'Uzza (العزة) and Manat (مناة) They cited their names during their tours (الطواف) around the Ka'ba (الكعبة). According to Ibn al-Kalbi, the Quraysh were wont to do around the Ka'aba saying . "In the name of Allat, of ʿ Uzza and Manat the third idol, they are actually" al-gharānīq "( Women top condition) which must be sought intercession. " Like today, pilgrims shaved their heads.
Hubal, the new father-god goddesses
While for the Nabateans (Petra, Jordan), Allat was the mother of all gods, the other Arabs, Allat, al-'Uzza and Manat were the daughters of Allah (الله جل جلاله) and were intermediate between God and man for his blessings. Allah ( the god- ) is the title of the moon god Sin-Hubal (Baal) patch late in Mesopotamia in the Arab pantheon, he dominated thereafter to Mecca. This god, little temples, representations, and written records have survived until today. The word Allah predates Islam as the father of Muhammad Abd 'Allah calls himself, ie, "the servant of God."
The Kaaba, temple of the goddess Allat
Kaaba cube mean in Arabic, but the Kaaba itself is the old "Kaabou" , the Greek word for 'girl' , and refers to the goddess Astarte , that is to say Aphrodite in Greek mythology is the Roman Venus and al-'Uzza (العزى) Arabs considered the goddess of fertility. The ancient chroniclers before the advent of Islam ( jahilya the era of ignorance ), there were 24 ka'bas in the Arabian Peninsula, but that of Mecca was worshiped by all tribes. According to the Saudi research, there were many in the region Ka'bas (Tawāghīt) each dedicated to a deity, to which the faithful made specific days to perform rituals including among others a circular stroll and sacrifices. The most important seem to have been ka'abas goddesses Allat Taif, to Nakhlah of Uzza and Manat near Qudayd.
The priestesses Allat
It was celebrated by seven naked priestesses who gravitated seven times around the stone, once for each planet (Sun / Moon / March / Mercury / Venus / Jupiter / Saturn). To date, the men guarding the Kaaba are still known as " son of the Old Woman, " "son of Saba" in Arabic "Beni Shaybah" . The goddess Allat had a nickname, or another title, Saba pronounced Shaybah meaning midwife , or, "The wisdom of the old" . Before Islam, the guardians of the shrine were priestesses called "Bathi Sheba" , "girls of the Old Wise Woman." Bathsheba, "daughter of Sheba" means, ' 'priestess of the house of Sheba " . Muslims kept the cubic shrine and walk around again, as we did at the time when the Goddess was worshiped.
Ramadan, the pregnancy Allat?
The Muslim calendar or Hijri ( Hijri ) is a lunar calendar based on a year of 12 lunar months of 29 to 30 days each (to be precise: 29.53059 solar days). A Hijri year is shorter than a Gregorian year by about eleven days. Pagans often made the connection between lunar cycles and female menstrual cycles of similar duration.
Also spelled Ramadan Ramadan or Ramazan (Arabic: رمضان or Ramaḍān) is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. During this month, adult Muslims do not eat, do not drink and do not maintain sexual relations until the moon is not visible. The beginning is based on the observation of the first visible crescent after the new moon.
Is it possible that the ninth month of Ramadan corresponds to the ninth month of pregnancy the mother goddess Allat? The end of Ramadan feast then celebrate the birth of the goddess. While fasting, it would then be possible to eat and copulate in the presence of the moon, that is to say Allat.
The worship of stones
Worship a stone is typically pagan. We call these divine stones béthyle (Hebrew Bethel "sacred stone"), and is a classic polytheistic practice of antiquity. The stone of the Kaaba is no exception to this rule. This stone was in fact the subject of pre-Islamic worship. The pre-Islamic worship stones can be compared to lithic betyles cults that were prevalent throughout the Middle East from the remotest antiquity. Indeed this worship a stone is not isolated in antiquity include the black stone of Emesa which Elagabalus was the high priest before becoming Roman Emperor, the black stone Dusares in Petra, and c is in the form of a sacred stone in 204 BC as Cybele, the Phrygian mother goddess Pessinus enters Rome. In many Eastern cities, sacred stones are the object of veneration, like Artemis of Sardis or Astarte Paphos. Saudi was not an exception, because the worship of stones was ubiquitous in pre-Islamic society. For example, "red stone" was the god of the Arab town south of Ghaiman, or "white stone" in the Kaaba of al-Abalat (near the city of Tabala, south of Mecca).
The black stone, vulva Allat?
Many Westerners, especially midwives, found that the setting of the black stone at the corner of the Kaaba, was a form of vulva, with a baby's head coming out. The word Hajj (Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca) is derived from " Hack "which means friction in Arabic because there was a pagan ritual in which women rubbed their genitals on the black stone hoping to increase their fertility. (Dr . Jawad Ali in his book "History of the Arabs before Islam" part 5, page 223). She smeared the stone with the menstrual blood and turned around naked.
A relic of phallic worship in Mecca?
The Stoning of Satan (Arabic: رمي الجمرات, Ramy al-Jamarat meaning "start [Stone] on target [pillars]" ) is practiced by Muslims during their pilgrimage (ceremony Hajj ), in which they throw stones, they have collected during an earlier phase of the pilgrimage on three rocks symbolizing the devil. This ritual takes place on the third day of the pilgrimage at Mina in Saudi Arabia, 5 km east of Mecca. The three pillars of stone (small, medium and large) were replaced by the Saudi authorities in 2006 by three stone walls, to prevent accidents. If the setting of the Black Stone of the Kaaba is irretrievably think of a vagina, the three pillars appear to represent the phallus, which confirms that Mecca was a pagan shrine dedicated to fertility cults.
Sufism pre-Islamic matriarchal cult?
According to some authors, the Sufis have tried to maintain the cult of Fatima, but they were forced to hide behind code words, since Sufism is part of Islam. In fact, worship the sacred feminine is punishable by death, even today in Islamic countries.
The Jewish roots of Islam
Islamic practices ( halal meat sacrificed, not pork, circumcision, sailing, stoning taboo of menstruation ... ) seem totally incompatible with a semi-matriarchal pagan Arab society worshiping mother goddesses, and seem of Jewish origin.
" Al-Lāt (Arabic: اللات) is the Meccan mother goddess and the chief deity of the tribe of Banu Thaqif whose major seat of worship was a popular shrine which was located at the west Arabian town of at-Ta’if in the Hijaz region of Arabia. The idol of al-Lāt was a cube of white granite, which was in the custody of the clan of Banu ‘Attab ibn Malik of the tribe of Banu Thaqif; the nearby tribes of Banu Lihyan; Banu Hawazin; Banu Khuza'a, and Banu Quraysh also making regular pilgrimages to Ta'if to offer their worship. The goddess was reputed to enjoy offerings of barley porridge (sawiq) and small cereal cakes: her devotees prepared these dishes especially, as barley and other grains were considered symbolic of her. Animals that were considered sacred to al-Lāt included gazelle; lions, and camels, among others depending on the region and tribe, as the cult of the goddess was found all across Arabia and as far as Palmyra in southern Syria.
"In the pantheon of the Hijaz (western Arabia) specifically, al-Lāt was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca and one of the three daughters of the high god Allāh: her main role being an earth-goddess who was responsible for the fertility and soil quality of Ta'if and elsewhere in the Hijaz region, thus making her highly important among the Arabs. The goddess had many epithets throughout the Hijaz including Umm al-Alihah (Mother of the Gods) and Umm ash-Shams (Mother of the Sun goddess) and was also worshiped in order to gain protection whilst travelling. At the holy sanctuary (haram) of al-Lāt in the town of Ta'if, all life within was considered inviolable: no plant could be gathered; no tree could be felled; no animal could be killed and no human blood could be shed in accordance with sacred law.
"The pan-Arabian goddess al-Lāt had her counterparts across the Arabian peninsula under many different names in the Semitic languages and dialects, for example: to the people of Ta'if, she was also known by the name of ar-Rabbat ('The Lady'); to the Himyarites, she was worshiped as 'Athiratan or Ilāt, the mother of Athtar; the Hadramites to the east of the Himyar called her Ilāhatan, and the Aramaeans of Syria knew her as Elat. As al-Lāt was the goddess of the earth, she was worshiped in nearby Syria as 'Arsay and in Canaan as Aretzaya: these names derived from the Aramaean and Hebrew words for 'earth', 'Ars' and 'Aretz' (also cognate to Arabic ardh). The earth goddess in Canaan and Syria was considered to be a protector of the spirits of the dead who dwelt under the earth.
"Shams is the Arabian goddess of the Sun and the chief goddess of the Himyar tribal confederation; believed by the inhabitants of the fertile lands of south Arabia to be a preserver of crops and domestic life. The sun goddess had a temple with an idol in the south Arabian city of Sana’a where frankincense was continuously burnt to her; at one point in time, Shams was the most popular goddess in the Himyarite Kingdom, above all others. The cult of Shams was popular among many Arab tribes including the Himyar; Banu Daws; Quraysh; Dhabbah; Uqayl; Tamim and Hamdan although her worship was popular and common across all of the Arabian peninsula.
"The worship of the sun goddess was performed by bowing to the east and praying at sunrise, noon and sunset and rituals which could be done in the open air or at one of her temples, the most important of which was located at Sana'a in the Yemen. In addition to being the goddess of Sun, Shams was a goddess of justice as she could see all human actions and bring all injustices to light, with oaths often being sworn by her name.
"The Arabian Shams was known to the Hebrews as Shemesh, to the Aramaeans as Shemsha and to the Babylonians in the male form of Shamash. A clan called the Banu Abd-Shams (''Sons of the Servant of Shams'') of the Quraysh tribe were prominent in Mecca during pre-Islamic times and the male theophoric name Abd-Shams was popular with both the Arabs of Himyar and Hijaz. To the Sabaeans of Yemen this goddess was known interchangeably as Shams-'Aliyyat (''Shams the Most High''), Tanuf (''Lofty'') or Dhat-Himyam (''Lady of the Heat''). The Himyarite tribe of Banu Bata' would ritually hunt oryx and ibex in worship of the sun goddess who was believed to in turn grant them bounty and wealth.
"Suwā is the west Arabian goddess of the night who had an idol which was the sculpture of a woman that was situated in a temple in an area called Ruhat which was located in Yanbu al-Bahr; a coastal town near Yathrib in the Hijaz. The idol of Suwā was notably attended to by the women of the tribes of Mecca and Yathrib as she was thought to grant beauty and youthfulness to her worshipers, in addition to being a deity that was associated with peace and rest. Suwā was also worshiped as the maintainer of the many natural freshwater springs and fountains that were found across the vicinity of Yanbu, which were crucial in helping the population of the town grow and prosper.
"In addition to being popular among the women of the Hijaz, Suwā was the chief goddess of the tribe of Banu Hudhayl, who were the custodians of her temple, and was revered mainly by them in addition to receiving pilgrimage and offerings from the nearby tribes of Banu Quraysh; Banu Khuza’a; Banu Lihyan; Banu Daws and Banu Hamdan. In pre-Islamic mythology, the goddess was the consort of the lunar god Wadd. The idol of Suwā was demolished in 630 AD by the Muslim commander 'Amr ibn al-'As, an act which ended the cult of the goddess in Yanbu.
"Dhātu-Ba'dan is the south Arabian goddess of the oasis, nature and the wet season and was worshiped by the people of the tribe of Himyar at tree-circled oases; with Himyarite settlers eventually bringing her worship to the north of Abyssinia and Somalia. This goddess was said to forbid any invocation to her when ''there was not present in her sanctuary, a seeress or a priestess''. In the sanctuary of Dhat-Badan, a female priestess called a khalimah (literally 'Dreamer') would lie down and sleep before the sacred tree(s) of the goddess, with the aim of receiving an oracle in the form of a prophetic dream.
"In the language of the Semites of Abyssinia, Dhātu-Ba'dan was called Zat-Badar and was a popular goddess of the polytheists of Axum, an ancient city which was originally founded by early Semitic settlers from the Arabian Peninsula. The wa'la or she-ibex was sacred to this goddess and it was said that an island in the Red Sea was inhabited by ibexes was under her protection."
Al Lat
Dea Alilat
an unexpecgted and possibly unintentional aretology of the Goddess under the heading of Astarte in a mythological dictionary compiled in the 1500s by John Selden
De dis Syris syntagmata II
by John Selden
John Selden (16 December 1584 – 30 November 1654) was an English jurist and a scholar of England's ancient laws and constitution and scholar of Jewish law.
He was known as a polymath showing true intellectual depth and breadth; John Milton hailed Selden in 1644 as "the chief of learned men reputed in this land."
as well as the range of names which are related to that of Astarte there are many other surprising connections he has made
from Crete :
Ilethyia ( and her Roman counterpart Lucina and Juno Novella )
from Phoenicia :
Astroarche ("Queen of the Starry Sky")
from Britain :
the Celtic goddess Belisama
( possibly interpreted as Ba'alat Shamayim - "Lady of Heaven" )
Belisama Astuarium
from Arabia :
Alilat - "the Goddess" as well as her later forms :
Aletto, Alauze and Meneth, idola Arabum in Alcorano memorata
( Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, Arabian idols documented in the Quran )
from Chaldea :
A brilliant read and reminds me of what Islamic history is all about....
ReplyDeleteyou actually missed the point. I believe you are working on the premise that Islam is a new religion and Muhammad started it.
Islam is not the religion of Muhammad, but the religion of Abraham, and he is but one and the last of 124.000 messengers that came starting with the first Adam, who was a messenger as well as a vicegerent on this earth..
So adam was taught all the knowledge of the world. He was not a cave man, rather the most intelligent man to be born....but those that came after him could not always grasp the concept of being spiritual, and the purpose of life to be getting connected with the spirit of G-d. Many thus got lost in the lust of world and its domination.
these that got lost started making idols and re-visiting the attributes and names of G-d that adam that taught to his children and confused them with being G-ds....started making idolds and worshiping them......If someone wants to idolize me, they can, but that wont make a god. Same applied back then....kings and queens wanted themselves to be immortals....
So what was muhammad doing along with Jesus, and moses and David and Abraham plus 124,000 others. They kept coming as REMINDERS and warners to help man get back to the original spirit of Allah, and NOT to create his own religion which is confused in the west, casue after having minimised the threat of Jews and driving christianity out of Europe, the only thing left is Islam.
After than we can go back to the old ways of idol worshiping which will come back......(history is a cycle on repeat)
There is nothing stated here out of the ordinary but taught as part of Islamic history
This patriarchal opressive religion only serve to separate us from the true spirit of knowledge , the wisdom of earth and the cosmos. Absurd that Life itself which grows and evolves with the innate intelligence that has no need for thinking or being rational will need reminders since the very begining. So the first man was a reminder to whom exactly?
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DeleteThe first man was not a reminder. I stated the first man was the most knowledgeable, and as such the first teacher of humans on this planet.
DeleteIt's interesting you write these words "....with the innate intelligence that has no need for thinking or being rational..." and yet you follow what the media tells you about Islam or religions.
The concept of Religion (creation of Those claiming to be sons of Gods (sons of Dzins/Djins) and that of Deen (system of the universe) is DIFFERENT. Let me explain. Like there is a purpose the Sun, or Moon, the Planets, and vegetation, the seas the clouds, all of creation perform. If the sun acts like humans and decides not to shine one day, the cosmos will be in chaos.
Likewise there is a purpose to man, his way, his deen, which if he performs he shines like the sun, glows like the moon, rises like the sea, rains like the clouds. Once our higher intellect makes us see, we will then realise the concept of Islamic God called Allah. The one who can't be imagined, and has no likeness to any human, or anything created or imagined. The intelligent desingers, so as such we all exist but in the imagination of this Allah. Like our imagination cannot see us, and we cant see our imagination but it all feel real, the same kind of essence is needed to understand Allah.
When you see through those eyes, Allah is not patriarchal but talks about believing men and believing women, human men and human women. While man is bent on creating order out of Chaos, the Allah of Islam and his system exists in Order without the need of man, but man can benefit from that order if we follow the 'system"
This lack of understanding leads to west waging wars on Islam destroying as many muslim countries and nations since 1991. (4 million dead so far)
Re; Like our imagination cannot see us, and we cant see our imagination but it all feel real, the same kind of essence is needed to understand Allah.
DeleteI do see your conquests under Al Lah and your supressing behaviour in every sense of the word, muslim people are not allowed a single free taught outside of "imaginary god" tale, your prophet was a killer, same as christian prophets and writers, the only difference is that your prophet was a pedophile! and while men and kings used to rape ungrown girls in christianity too, we at least knew this is wrong (girl often dies you know, in normal mind it is not good thing).
Talks about religion at this page are not to scrutinise in specific only one religion but all of them, so far I didn't even started with buddhism and their "Manu Smrti".
As for what US and UN does I have no words to describe my disgust with their deeds.
I wish Arabs stop waiting for imaginary friend to help them and start fighting for real, unite and fight means stop fighting about religions cause they are CREATED to divide people and liberate yourself from US=Nato forever.
This is my wish for you.
and Good Luck.
you mention abraham and adam , abraham is the hindu rama and adam is manu , your three goddesses there are nothing but manifestations of hindu goddesses . the male goddesses had female versions . yes historically kings were worshipped as gods . The brahmin caste were viewed as immortal sages each hindu god has different manifestations. religious people hate and murder for imaginary deities and you have the cheek to talk about dominion. In your islamic book it states Asar is the father of abraham , Asar is a form of shiva. these so called daughters of Allah are the daughters of shiva they are hindu durga funny that isnt it. Shiva is the destructive aspect of brahmah and you worship it. In the Arab world marduk was Indra , indra is the same as Rudra and shiva . Oh and by the way Muhammad worshipped shiva , the jews and the christians do to . Your all fucking mad , and in every myth it was Ea , Enki ptah , Vishnu that created Adam or man and blew air into him . Do you not have books over there Al uzzu is venus , aphrodite the wife of vishnu who takes 10 forms , your pagan godesses are not separate they are a tripple, goddess .
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ReplyDeleteALLAHA is god, god is alwaays god no pre islamic ,no after islamic,, the forther of MUHAMMSD worship ALLAHA not of stone but the almighty master which was god of mosa and so on,,before islam in arabian pennisula , it was a practice to create a monument of who u love,, as the monument of abram lincolin in usa
ReplyDeletegreat post.Liked it.thanks for sharing such a helpful post.find more here sa writing topics .
ReplyDeleteHi all I want to stay is that there should be one religion for all humanity (love one other's) thanks.
ReplyDeleteI don't think religions should exist at all because I want to be free to imagine my GOD as I wish.
DeleteReligion is not the same thing as belief, I believe in existance of God but when i read bullshit it was writen I just can't accept it.
Today's Arab/Jewish ppl are genetically the same ppl.
ReplyDeleteToday's Arabs are of the albino/mongoloid stead... All ancient empires were black.
DeleteNot one Empire was black, nor Arabic nor Mongolian.
DeleteKoran is a falsified document by roman emperor Constantine Constantine beholds goth goth
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ReplyDeleteMy head is full of information, there is body there is soul (soirit) there is good and bad on both sides pick a side there is truth and lie pick there is life and death pick simple am tired of the confusion if you have true love you won't need religion you good to go
ReplyDeleteI think of it in simple ways, "don't do what you wouldn't like done to you" and you're good to go.
DeleteSo there was AL LAT (ALLAT) a matriarchal god. And indeed, there was AL LAH (ALLAH) a patriarchal god. It reminds of ABDALLAH the father of Muhammad who worshipped Allah. Very intriguing indeed....
ReplyDeleteABD translated as "servant of god" meant crescent lunar phase.
DeleteEvery BD or DB in all our languages still carries this conotation of gain or sometimes no gain such as word Abdication.
Debit in banking terms is gain in volume steming from slavic Dob-it(gain) or DEB-elo(fat) or DeB-lo (round tree trunk) or BOD-uli(name of inhabitants of islands) or na-BOT-iti(to swell up) etc
In ancient worlds like Egyptian Abad was name for crescent moon and Adab a place in Sumeria where name of Innana was disgraced and town destroyed, disgrace of her name means writing her name without 8-armed star which some say is Venus but I am more convinced it is 8 lunar phases.
Anyway All Lat is not same as Abd.
In Arabic name of Allah is writen as AlilaTH, pronaun today is set as allaH but T still hangs in there.
allat is the female form of allah , ba allat and baal the cow and the bull , shiva !
Deleteमुहम्मद साहेब ने जो मज़हब चलाया था वो आज का इस्लाम नहीं है बल्कि वो मोहम्मद साहब के बाद के राजाओं का क़ायम किया हुआ मज़हब है जिसे मोहम्मद साहब का मज़हब कह कर प्रचार किया गया मोहम्मदी मज़हब में ज़ुल्म अत्याचार नीच ऊंच छुवा छूत एक दूसरे के प्रति घृणा ये सब कुछु नहीं है मोहम्मद साहब ने तमाम मज़हब के पाखण्ड को तोड़ा था और ये कहा था कि सृष्टि करता सृस्टि से अलग नहीं है चरिंदा परिंदा पेड़ पौदा इंसान जानवर इन सभी की सेवा करना ही अल्लाह की सेवा एयर इबादत है इस्लाम को जानना है तो सच्चे सूफियों से मिलये या हज़रत शमा नियाज़ी की किताबें पढ़ए
ReplyDeleteIt is a tree of life indeed, it is always about the metaphoric and real tree and how it translates to the blood of humans, existance of animals and tree branching in 3 parts, it represents growth and creation.
DeleteIt represents vulva as source of life also, this is where idea comes from, it is on prehistoric carvings all over the world.
look they stole our Laksmi Parvati Saraswati
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for this post. I had long suspected that Allat was the mother of Allah. Erasure via desecration, censure, and violence is an unfortunate tradition of Islam and all of Abraham’s lineages. But you can’t erase a Goddess! Suppress the worship of one and she’ll pop up as another with a slightly different name. Goddesses give birth to themselves. The old “one true god” idea is historically the harbinger of a lot of violence and death.