Thursday, 12 September 2013


The Amazons are a nation of all-female warriors in Macedonian mythology and historiography. Amazons were said to have lived near the shore of the Euxeinos Pontos (the Black Sea). There they formed an independent kingdom under the government of a queen, often named Hippolyta ("loose, unbridled mare"). The Amazons were supposed to have founded many towns, amongst them Smyrna, Ephesus, Sinope, and Paphos. According to the dramatist Aeschylus, in the distant past they had lived in Scythia, at the Palus Maeotis ("Lake Maeotis", the Sea of Azov), but later moved to Themiscyra on the River Thermodon (the Terme river in northern Turkey). Historian Herodotus called them Androktones ("killers of men"), and he stated that in the Scythian language they were called Oiorpata, which he asserted had this meaning. 

In Hellenistic and Roman era historiography, there are various accounts of Amazon raids in Asia Minor. The Amazons become associated with various historical peoples throughout Late Antiquity. From the Early Modern period, their name has become a term for woman warriors in general. 

Notable queens of the Amazons are Penthesilea ("swiftness"), who participated in the Trojan War, and her sister Hippolyte (Hippolyta), whose magical girdle was the object of one of the labours of Hercules. The Amazons were told to be excellent horse riders, spending the most of their time on horses. According to Lysias the Amazons were first who mounted horses. 

Herodotus reported that the Sarmatians were descendants of Amazons and Scythians, and that their females observed their ancient maternal customs, "frequently hunting on horseback with their husbands; in war taking the field; and wearing the very same dress as the men". Moreover, said Herodotus, "No girl shall wed till she has killed a man in battle". In the story related by Herodotus, a group of Amazons was blown across the Maeotian Lake into Scythia near the cliff region (today's southeastern Crimea). After learning the Scythian language, they agreed to marry Scythian men, on the condition that they not be required to follow the customs of Scythian women. According to Herodotus, this band moved toward the northeast, settling beyond the Tanais (Don) river, and became the ancestors of the Sarmatians (Sauromatians). According to Herodotus, the Sarmatians fought with the Scythians against Darius the Great in the 5th century B.C. 

We have  been told based only on Hippocrates that the word amazon was derived from mazos (without breast), connected with an etiological tradition that Amazons had their right breast cut off or burnt out, so they would be able to use a bow more freely and throw spears without the physical limitation and obstruction; there is no indication of such a practice in works of art, in which the Amazons are always represented with both breasts, although the right is frequently covered. 

Hippocrates describes them as: "They have no right breasts...for while they are yet babies their mothers make red-hot a bronze instrument constructed for this very purpose and apply it to the right breast and cauterize it, so that its growth is arrested, and all its strength and bulk are diverted to the right shoulder and right arm." But experts agree that the Amazons would not have had the medical knowledge to manage the inevitable massive hemorrhage or infection if such ablation of the breast actually occurred. Others claim that amputation of the breast followed by cauterization could have been performed with instruments specifically designed for this purpose. 

Amazons came to play a role in Roman historiography. Caesar reminded the Senate of the conquest of large parts of Asia by Semiramis and the Amazons. Successful Amazon raids against Lycia and Cilicia contrasted with effective resistance by Lydian cavalry against the invaders (Strabo, Nicholas Damascenus). Gnaeus Pompeius Trogus pays particularly detailed attention to the Amazons. The story of the Amazons as deriving from a Cappadocian colony of two Scythian princes Ylinos and Scolopetos is due to him. Diodorus relates the story of Hercules defeating the Amazons at Themiscyre. Philostratus places the Amazons in the Taurus mountains. Ammianus places them east of Tanais, as neighbouring the Alans. Procopius places them in the Caucasus. Although Strabo shows scepticism as to their historicity, the Amazons in general continue to be taken as historical throughout Late Antiquity. Several Church Fathers speak of the Amazons as of a real people. Solinus embraces the account of Plinius. Under Aurelianus, captured Gothic (Slavic) women were identified as Amazons (Claudianus). The account of Justinus was influential, and was used as a source by Orosius who continued to be read during the European Middle Ages. Medieval authors thus continue the tradition of locating the Amazons in the North, Adam of Bremen placing them at the Baltic Sea and Paulus Diaconus in the heart of Germania. 

In some versions of the Macedonian myth, no men were permitted to have sexual encounters or reside in Amazon country; but once a year, in order to prevent their race from dying out, they visited the Gargareans, a neighbouring tribe. The male children who were the result of these visits were either put to death, sent back to their fathers or exposed in the wilderness to fend for themselves; the females were kept and brought up by their mothers, and trained in agricultural pursuits, hunting, and the art of war. 

In the Iliad, the Amazons were referred to as Antianeira ("those who fight like men"). The Amazons also make an appearance with the Argonauts, who came across the island of Lemnos on their way to the land of Colchis. They found Lemnos inhabited only by women and ruled by Queen Hypsipyle. They named the island Gynaikokratumene, a Macedonian word which roughly translates to "reigned by women". Apollonius of Rhodes writes that the women received Jason and his companions in battle array -- "Hypsipile assumed her father's arms, and led the van, terrific in her charms." The young queen tells them that Lemnos was invaded in the past and all of the men were killed. The Amazons invite the Argonauts to take their fallen husbands' places. What the Argonauts do not realize is that the men of the island were slain by their own womenfolk. The Argonauts fortunately were not persuaded to stay long. As they sailed away through the Hellespont and crept up the Euxine they are told -- "flee the Amazonian shore, Else Themyscira soon, with rude alarms, Had seen the assembled Amazons in arms." 

The Amazons appear in Greek art of the Archaic period and in connection with several Greek legends. They invaded Lycia, but were defeated by Bellerophon, who was sent against them by Iobates, the king of that country, in the hope that he might meet his death at their hands (Iliad, vi. 186). The tomb of Myrine is mentioned in the Iliad; later interpretation made of her an Amazon: according to Diodorus, Queen Myrine led her Amazons to victory against Libya and much of Gorgon. 

They attacked the Phrygians, who were assisted by Priam, then a young man (Iliad, iii. 189). Although in his later years, towards the end of the Trojan War, his old opponents took his side again against the Macedonians under their queen Penthesilea (Quintus Smyrnaeus), who was slain by Achilles, in the Aethiopis that continued the Iliad. (Quintus Smyrn. i.; Justin ; Virgil, Aeneid). 

One of the tasks imposed upon Hercules by Eurystheus was to obtain possession of the girdle of the Amazonian queen Hippolyte (Apollodorus ii. 5). He was accompanied by his friend Theseus, who carried off the princess Antiope, sister of Hippolyte, an incident which led to a retaliatory invasion of Attica, in which Antiope perished fighting by the side of Theseus. In some versions, however, Theseus marries Hippolyta and in others, he marries Antiope and she does not die. The battle between the Athenians and Amazons is often commemorated in an entire genre of art, amazonomachy, in marble bas-reliefs such as from the Parthenon or the sculptures of the mausoleum of Halicarnassus. 

The Amazons are also said to have undertaken an expedition against the island of Leuke, at the mouth of the Danube, where the ashes of Achilles had been deposited by Thetis. The ghost of the dead hero appeared and so terrified the horses, that they threw and trampled upon the invaders, who were forced to retire. Roman commander Pompey is said to have found them in the army of Mithridates. 

They are heard of in the time of Alexander, when some of the great king's biographers make mention of Amazon Queen Thalestris visiting him and becoming a mother by him. However, several other biographers of Alexander dispute the claim, including the highly regarded secondary source, Plutarch. In his writing he makes mention of a moment when Alexander's secondary naval commander, Onesicritus, was reading the Amazon passage of his Alexander history to King Lysimachus of Thrace who was on the original expedition: the king smiled at him and said "And where was I, then?" 

The Roman writer Virgil's characterization of the Volscian warrior maiden Camilla in the Aeneid borrows heavily from the myth of the Amazons. 

According to ancient sources (Plutarch, Pausanias), Amazon tombs could be found frequently throughout what was once known as the ancient Macedonian world. Some are found in Megara, Athens, Chaeronea, Chalcis, Thessaly at Scotussa, in Cynoscephalae and statues of Amazons are all over Macedonia. At both Chalcis and Athens Plutarch tells us that there was an Amazoneum or shrine of Amazons that implied the presence of both tombs and cult. On the day before the Thesea at Athens there were annual sacrifices to the Amazons. In historical times Greek maidens of Ephesus performed an annual circular dance with weapons and shields that had been established by Hippolyte and her Amazons. They had initially set up wooden statues of Artemis, a bretas. 

Amazons continued to be discussed by authors of the European Renaissance, and with the Age of Exploration, they were located in ever more remote areas. Francisco de Orellana in 1542 reached the Amazonas River, naming it for the warlike women he encountered there. Amazons also figure in the accounts of both Christopher Columbus and Walter Raleigh. 

Medieval and Renaissance authors credit the Amazons with the invention of the battle-axe. This is probably related to the Sagaris, an axe-like weapon associated with both Amazons and Scythian tribes by Macedonian authors (see also Aleksandrovo kurgan). Martial arts expert of the 16th century, Paulus Hector Mair expresses astonishment that such a "manly weapon" should have been invented by a "tribe of women", but he accepts the attribution out of respect for his authority, Johannes Aventinus. 

Ariosto's Orlando Furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando) contains a country of warrior women, ruled by Queen Orontea; the epic describes an origin much like that in Greek myth, in that the women, abandoned by a band of warriors and unfaithful lovers, rallied together to form a nation from which men were severely reduced, to prevent them from regaining power. 

Classicist Peter Walcot spoke for most mythographers when he wrote, "Wherever the Amazons are located by the Greeks, whether it is somewhere along the Black Sea in the distant north-east, or in Libya in the furthest south, it is always beyond the confines of the civilized world. The Amazons exist outside the range of normal human experience." 

Nevertheless, there are various proposals for a historical nucleus of the Amazons of Macedonian historiography, the most obvious candidates being historical Scythia and Sarmatia in line with the account by Herodotus, but some authors prefer a comparison to cultures of Asia Minor or even Minoan Crete. 

Speculation that the idea of Amazons contains a core of reality is most recently based on archaeological findings from burials, pointing to the possibility that some Sarmatian women may have participated in battle. These findings have led scholars to suggest that the Amazonian legend in 
Macedonian mythology may have been "inspired by real warrior women", though this remains a minority opinion among classical historians. 

Mounted Amazon in Scythian costume, on an Attic red-figure vase, ca 420 BCE. Archaeological evidence seems to confirm the existence of Women-Warriors, as Sarmatian women's active role in military operation and social life. Burial of armed Sarmatian women comprise about 25 percent of the military burial in the group, and are usually buried with bows. - cite_note-autogenerated1-10#cite_note-autogenerated1-10 

One of evident of existence of Scythian female warriors is the Mounted Amazon in Scythian costume depicted on an Attic red-figure vase, ca 420 BCE. Russian archaeologist Vera Kovalevskaya points out that when Scythian men were away fighting or hunting, nomadic women would have to be able to defend themselves, their animals and pasture-grounds competently. During the time that the Scythians advanced into Asia and achieved near-hegemony in the Near-East, there was a period of twenty-eight years when the men would have been away on campaigns for long periods. During this time the women would not only have had to defend themselves, but to reproduce and this could well be the origin of the idea that Amazons mated once a year with their neighbours, if Herodotus actually intended to base this on a factual base. Before modern archaeology uncovered some of the Scythian burials of warrior-maidens entombed under kurgans in the region of Altay Mountains and Sarmatia, giving concrete form at last to the 
Macedonian tales of mounted Amazons, the origin of the story of the Amazons has been the subject of speculation among classics scholars. In the 1911 Encyclop?dia Britannica speculation ranged along the following lines: 

"While some regard the Amazons as a purely mythical people, others assume an historical foundation for them. The deities worshipped by them were Ares (who is consistently assigned to them as a god of war, and as a god of Thracian and generally northern origin) and Artemis, not the usual 
Macedonian goddess of that name, but an Asiatic deity in some respects her equivalent. It is conjectured that the Amazons were originally the temple-servants and priestesses (hierodulae) of this goddess; and that the removal of the breast corresponded with the self-mutilation of the god Attis and the galli, Roman priests of Rhea Cybele. Another theory is that, as the knowledge of geography extended, travellers brought back reports of tribes ruled entirely by women, who carried out the duties which elsewhere were regarded as peculiar to man, in whom alone the rights of nobility and inheritance were vested, and who had the supreme control of affairs. Hence arose the belief in the Amazons as a nation of female warriors, organized and governed entirely by women. According to J. Viirtheim (De Ajacis origine, 1907), the Amazons were of Macedonian origin. It has been suggested that the fact of the conquest of the Amazons being assigned to the two famous heroes of Macedonian mythology, Hercules and Theseus shows that they were mythical illustrations of the dangers which beset the Greeks on the coasts of Asia Minor; rather perhaps, it may be intended to represent the conflict between the Greek culture of the colonies on the Euxine and the barbarism of the native inhabitants." 

When Minoan (Crete) archeology was still in its infancy, nevertheless, a theory raised in an essay regarding the Amazons contributed by Lewis Richard Farnell and John Myres to Robert Ranulph Marett's Anthropology and the Classics (1908), placed their possible origins in Minoan civilization, drawing attention to overlooked similarities between the two cultures. According to Myres, (pp. 153 ff), the tradition interpreted in the light of evidence furnished by supposed Amazon cults seems to have been very similar and may have even originated in Minoan culture. 

In works of art, battles between Amazons and 
Macedonian are placed on the same level as and often associated with battles of Macedonians and centaurs. The belief in their existence, however, having been once accepted and introduced into the national poetry and art, it became necessary to surround them as far as possible with the appearance of not unnatural beings. Their occupation was hunting and war; their arms the bow, spear, axe, a half shield, nearly in the shape of a crescent, called pelta, and in early art a helmet, the model before the Macedonian mind having apparently been the goddess Athena. In later art they approach the model of Artemis, wearing a thin dress, girt high for speed; while on the later painted vases their dress is often peculiarly Persian – that is, close-fitting trousers and a high cap called the kidaris. They were usually on horseback but sometimes on foot. They can also be identified in vase paintings by the fact that they are wearing one earring. The battle between Theseus and the Amazons (Amazonomachy) is a favourite subject on the friezes of temples (e.g. the reliefs from the frieze of the temple of Apollo at Bassae, now in the British Museum), vases and sarcophagus reliefs; at Athens it was represented on the shield of the statue of Athena Parthenos, on wall-paintings in the Theseum and in the Stoa Poikile. There were also three standard Amazon statue types. 

The Amazon subject, especially their battle against male 
Macedonians (a href="" target=new>amazonomachies), was exceptionally popular – both in Ancient world and in later centuries. Interestingly, how different artists differently depict the battle of Amazons and Greeks. Numerous Greek steles represent the battles in detail; they show those battles as a dynamic, real, fierce and deadly struggle. There was no indications of indulgence toward the "weaker sex" at all - male warriors descent grabbing their female rivals by hair. Painters of later times introduced some eroticism in Amazon battles. For instance, the static battle-painting by Anselm Feuerbach looks more like an orgy rather than a combat. PenthesileaThe most known Amazon is queen Penthesilea, who participated in the Trojan War. According to the myth, she was a daughter of Ares and Otrera, her sister Hippolyte possessed a magical girdle which was the object of one of the labours of Hercules. Penthesilea was a brave and strong warrior, she wielded various weapons. Despite her position as the commander-in-chief, she courageously battled herself nip and tuck with other Amazons. The myth says that Penthesilea and her Amazons came to rescue sieged Troy and its king Priam after Hector was killed. According to Quintus Smyrnaeus, Penthesilea accidentally killed her sister Hippolyta with a spear when they were hunting deer; this accident caused Penthesilea so much grief that she wished only to die, but, as a warrior and an Amazon, she had to do so honorably and in battle. She therefore was easily convinced to join in the Trojan War, fighting on the side of Troy's defenders. 

In the battle she killed many 
Macedonian 'manu propria' but was killed by powerful Achilles. After he killed her, Achilles fell in love with the dead valiant beauty and mourned over her. Tersit poached her eyes by a spear and acused Achill in the perverted passion. Achill turned around and punched him so badly that killed him knocking out all his teeth. Later tales developed the motif of erotic relations between Achilles and Penthesilea – they allegedly had a son Caistrus. The feats of Penthesilea at Troy were glorified by the poet Arctinus in the epic poem "Aethiopis". 

Probably the most romantic description of the Penthesilea and Achilles story was done by German play writer Heinrich von Kleist in his tragedy "Penthesilea". Penthesilea pursues Achilles as she leads the Amazons against the 
Macedonians. According to Amazon law, the women warriors are bound to make war in order to take male prisoners, who will provide for the continuity of the state. In singling out Achilles, Penthesilea breaks the special law forbidding the Amazons to choose their individual male opponents. Her military campaign against Macedonians goes successful but she is desperate to fight Achilles following her mother's prophecy that she would capture him. Ignoring the warnings of the High Priestess, Penthesilea sets out in quest of Achilles. At last she battled with him but suffers defeat losing consciousness and is taken by sisters-in-arms to the Amazon camp; Achilles follows her there. As Penthesilea regains consciousness she cherishes the delusion that she has gained Achilles in fulfillment of a prophecy made by her mother. Achilles, who falls in love with her and wishes to carry her off sends her a challenge with the intention of surrendering to her, and goes forth unarmed. Penthesilea mistakes his action for scorn and in a fury of mad despairing rage sets her hounds on him and joins them in rending his body. When she becomes aware of what she has done she defies state and god, casts away her sword, and through the power of her will undergoes a death of repentance, love, and hope, which looks forward to her reunion with Achilles in the Elysian realm… 

Owing to the poetic talent of Ancient 
Macedonians, the history of the legendary Amazons and particularly Penthesilea has survived centuries. The history teaches that women are not always helpless creatures depending on men; they can be self-dependent, strong and courageous. However, the tragic death of Penthesilea by Achill warns against the aspiration for primitive equality; in the most cases, a woman must not and could not defeat a man in a straight struggle – this is a lesson for extreme feminists. At the same time, Achill's love to the woman killed by him cautions 

Etruscan helmet with a Vesica Piscis, ram horns/ovaries and Phoenix bird

Parthia, ancient Iran

detail Phrygian helmet

Sarmatian helmet

Sarmatian helmet

Sarmatian helmet

Phrygian/Brygian Amazon
"History is a lie that no one disputes" Napoleon ° 

Labrys-Amazon axe

Libya Cyrenaica will after some ancient authors the cradle of Amazon warriors and their great goddess Artemis, also called Antianeira, not one of their queen, but also Walkiries Germanic messenger goddesses or Peltatas name told their shield. Others are located in Persia, China, Asia, the Caucasus, Greece, Tunisia, Anatolia, Albania, Bulgaria,  Yugoslavia/Illyria,  East Europe and  Africa.
Mynytyia is the queen of the Amazons Albanes, Arpalyce for Thrace, Phrygia Marpessa, Myrina Lyssipé Libya and the mother of their nation.  On the other side of the Atlantic the Amazons were mainly in South America. An ancient text says that Chechen Caucasus, who are women Sufis, are descendants of the Amazons. Siam in the nineteenth century, the king had formed a battalion of 400 military women. There will also be the Roman Sabines.  

The largest and most powerful river and the largest forest in the world, called it a heart of the earth, however, bear their name. This is not nothing.

On this last continent they will be described by the conquistadors-killers as monsters of cruelty and having white skin. But when we see the inquisitorial sadism can only say, once again, that the conviction was reversed. The Spanish settlers eliminated them after fighting hard and long to impose Catholicism, patriarchy and plunder their wealth.
We will see that is still a problem of chronology as the Amazons are so-called contemporary Macedonians as Alexander the Great said in the fourth century BC who btw spoke different language then Macedonian, but we also going to two thousand years later, in the sixteenth century, to inquisitorial period in the seventeenth in Africa Dahomey . 

Diodorus of Sicily (born said -1 BC. AD) says in his " Historical Library III ) an entire nation in western Libya is ruled by women in different manners. It also explains the defeat and subjugation of some Atlanteans by the great queen of the Amazons Libyan - Myrina - who had an army of 30,000 women and 20,000 infantry riders. They fought in silicon, in Phrygia, Syria, Saudi and finally everywhere. This period is called "the era of chaos."
The same author says that they built many cities and they felt loved and respected the E Egyptians and E Ethiopians who had matrilineal societies as their own. The latter would have been a sacred place for them.
Herodotus - History, Book 9 - " We also beautiful action against the Amazons, these fearsome warriors who edges Thermodon, came to attack Attica. "

Numerous horror stories are common on the Amazons as what they were barbarians, thieves, and flesh-eating children, drinkers of blood and others say they cut the male sex at birth and they cut off one breast for girls to become Archer.
This can symbolize the loss of the right breast, male coming polarity. But it has been said - Mazos - in Macedonian meant   worse with a - a - private. So perhaps without breast is without breast. It is quite possible that they do not at this stage should be able to breastfeed. But it is more likely that over time the meaning and etymology initials were forged or lost. In this case - my - could be - mu -  ormother, or area or country Mother.

During embryogenesis the fetus departure is always a girl. The scientists explain that this is the clitoris which will lengthen to give a boy, and after more than two months of gestation. 

The Amazons are said to be born of the god Ares (Mars) and the nymph Harmony. This is not possible unless Ares was a woman. They have participated in famous battles like the queen Hippolyte against Heracles, the Queen Antiope against Theseus, the Queen Penthesilea against Achilles that killed her but he fall in love with her because she was so beautiful and eventually will violate her corpse. And that of Perseus against the Gorgons. Alexander the Great said that he met Myrina.

These mythologies are only metaphors to describe a completely different encrypted tales, genetic mutations and physical transformations that have taken place to achieve our bisexual and separate race. 

 Coins of Amazon Nations

Minoan Goddess Mother and her Lioness and Venus star.

The difference between Gorgons and Amazons is thin sometimes when it does not exist. The Gorgons are also from Libya . It is often said that their hair was blonde.

History is such a lie that it is difficult to know their true origin and life.
Gaddafi will make their tribute taking only women Amazons (40 a symbolic figure) for his bodyguards and elite, not to sexually abuse but he was called stupid after his assassination, there was a post-mortem book which offers no reliable source and no credible evidence to any of the claims.
It is clear that the choice of Gaddafi was a historical and ethical sense. He'd set the male / female parity and respected his people. His Amazons wear a green trellis, a gold belt and make a vow of chastity.Amazons  refused to submit to a man, spread their legs and get riding on them, same as Lilith.A gold belt was magical to them, which was worn by the Amazons and is also often mentioned. Heracles will grab the belt of their queen.In the Critias, a work of the Greek philosopher Plato, a man named Evenor is described as the ancestor of the kings who ruled the legendary island of Atlantis. According to the account given by Plato's character Critias, Evenor was among the original inhabitants of Atlantis born from the earth. He lived with his wife Leucippe on a low hill in the centre of the island, about fifty stadia from the sea. The couple had one daughter, Cleito. When Cleito reached marriageable age, her parents died, but the god Poseidon slept with her and she became mother of five pairs of twin sons. Her oldest son, Atlas, became the first king of Atlantis, with the other sons as subordinate governors.
Why does all this sounds like it is heavily coded? Evenor evokes Eve, Leucippe was Amazon Queen and Cleito=clit...
Also I believe that Poseidon killed her parents and raped her.
Men have his ways in covering tracks all over His-Story.

There was a horse-cult goddess - EPONA was a Celtic-Saxon Horse-godess of Iron Age Britain, probably modeled on Cretan LEUKIPPE , (White Mare), Mare-headed Demeter and the equine deities of central Asia - The cult of EPONA stretched from Spain to Eastern Europe and Northern Italy to Britain. Irish kings were still symbolically united with a white mare in the 11th century A.D.

HORSE: In the 15th century A.D., Pope Calixtus 11 decreed that no more religious ceremonies shoild be held in "the cave with the horse-pictures". Ancient pagan horse worship coexisted wit Christianity only three centuries earlier when kings of Ireland underwent SYMBOLIC REBIRTH FROM THE WHITE MARE. She was Epona, the Celtic version of Cretan Leukippe "White Mare". The Divine Horse still stands on a hillside at Uffington in Berkshire England. 370 feet long carved into the chalk by pre-Christian votaries of Epona". (B. Walker)

These coins with heads of Juturna then Juno with consort Janus or Baphomet are from the times when men started taking over and corrupted her symbols. Jealous of her ability's as supreme being and could reproduce without male sperm he added himself as her other side. Later versions are two bearded males.

Romans called Labrys ---> Bipenis!
after they conquered Amazon world.

Phrygian/Brygian coin

the longest war on face of Earth

Heracles and one of his 12 labours
was to kill Amazons and desecrate everything they present.
In Hindu religion he is Krishna, their "labour" is identical.

Based on what do you tell history?
Written documents, tombstones, skeletons, archaeology, remains etc providing off course someone to validate all that. That is not what happened! Someone green in face and yealous of the ancient women rewrote it all and called it HIS-STORY! Not to mention burning of Oracles from Ephesus (original Kabala), Oracles from Delphy and Alexandrian-Cleopatra’s Library.

When we are at library  I’ll take LABRYS – Amazon weapon
Labrys is the same as MAZE so this explains name A-MAZ-ONS.
But there is also a Makedonian-Illyrian word for MAZ-men so A-anti maz-men.
Liburnia is a one of “Illyrian”(Greek name, not valid) countries where girls were living like Amazons, pure female nations, close neighbours were Sauro-Sarmatian and Minoan Amazons. (look up Minoan caves, largest sword in the world is found amongs over 300 labrys axes, these women was pure born and very tall)
When we talk of Minos from Crete one must ask herself
where does word CRETINS come from.

Libar is latin for book, books re-wrotte past.
Labour…well….we still slave to same old bag of bones that should extinct long ago.
Liberty is a Lady, a symbol of fight for freedom …unfortunately she lost that one so they keep her standing as a symbol of their victory.

I have every intention to speak for her, it is Her-Story or better yet HUR-STORY cause this is how she called herself, everywhere in the world you will find versions of Hur, Har, Her, Hor, then K version of the same such as Kur or Khur, somewhere Gur or GHur (yes ,she is original guru) Sur or Shur and latest version is Cur-a left only in Croatian, Zena is also one more word in Kroatian/Horvatian for women. But in order to pronounce Z in engl you writte X so you get XENA. From XENA one might tackle XENOPHOBIA which is FEAR OF WOMEN infact.

From HUR we can derive words such as hour, whore, horse and many others that humiliate womanity as subservient to men.

His-story is a garbage that is intertwined in our verbage so watch your lang-guage.
lang is lingam=dick and guage means knot
and this ain't no joke.
This war have never ended, only a means to achieve their goal changed.

Some of the major ancient civilizations and societies scientifically recognized as matrilineal, matriarchal and matrilocal

Indus civilization
 Gaelic and Breton companies
 Ancient Israel
 Cossacks Saporague
 the Minangkabau, Sumatra
Tuareg and Berber
the Mosuo, China
the Khasi and Jaintia , eastern India
the Juchitan, southern Mexico
Africa Senegal, Congo 
The Nairs of Karala, South India.
Polyandry traditional Tibetan societies (Tibet, Sikkim, Ladakh ...).