Swastika is
basically a Spiral, a basic pattern of a wave/particle behaviour from atoms up
to galaxies in the sky. It also includes TIME dimension and change because each
point on a spiral is different, there is no repetitions, only CHANGE is
moving of 2 closest objects in the sky didn’t escape our ancestors and they
noticed that these two are moving in opposite directions so this is how one
represents Moon and other Sun.
swastika is called swavastika/sauvastika/gammadian and represents female and
Solar is just swastika and represents male.
difference is probably extracted from different brains;
tunnel visioned.
female-curvy, emotional, multi-observant and tasking.
swastika is used to evoke plenty because it is Moon that regulates fertility in
women, thus entire humanity is a child of a Moon. Moon regulates crops in the
fields, fish in the sea, all rivers and oceans, shortly, there won't be any
life on Earth without Moon.
As an object swastika was used as fylfoot to make ropes and nets, then clothing,
it was used as button to hook more garments in the winter time.
Phaistos disc from Minos is example of Gammadian scripture that starts at center
and then goes outwards anticlockwise as movement of the Moon.
When scriptures became linear principle to write from right to left have been
kept for many millenias up to Greeks who changed scriptures to the system of
solar swastika thus from left to right. It is also notable that so called
“Greek” is really Phoenician which was a way of invading indigenous “Greeks”, rewrite their past and
origins to what we know today. Real Greek is stemming from Kemet as Danais tribe.
Phaistos disc is one of this “undichiphered” scriptures that might open eyes to
some. Phaistos is with Minoan caves and many other findings in Illyrian and
Etruscan - those mistyfied, non indo-european languages that ancestors of Europe really spoke and wrote.
So do we use that swastika today?
Yes, every day!
It is in our scripture as letters S and Z.
First and oldest is S, it was gammadian thus reversed S at that times
representing Lunar powers and us humans who’s very birth is intimately
intertwined with Lady Luna.
S represented snake also, snake is a very graphic representation of wave/water
principle without which there won’t be any life for us. The sound of S is as
snake but also that of electricity. And as something obvious it was a gigantic
constellation of SNAKE today called “The Draco” which stems from TIRGATA in
Syria,also known as “Dea Syria” or “Godess of Syria”.
Draco is omcircling the Ursa Minor and North Star Polaris on 3 sides virtually
holding the axis of the North sky.
S is probably very first symbol ever written since prahistory where snakes
ingravings and Goddess of Old and Moon use to dwell to-gather.
Sound Z as Zeta, written as reversed 3 is added by Greeks and ancient
scriptures reversed direction in Solar swastika direction. Letter Z is
Latin/Roman novelty. First it was sharp and pointy as roman letters are then Z
became curvy when it was hand written and feminine circular, spiral shaped hand
of swastika turned today again into cold, hard, squared Z as we use this letter
on our computers for writing these days.
Swastika is basically a Spiral, a curve. It stands for growth and evolution but
not as fractal pictures it. Fractal is always the same, nothing moves, nothing
changes, nothing evolves because computer simulation IS NOT the real deal.
When “fractal” is the same then it is locked inside a circle,as an Ouroboros, a
snake that bites it’s own tail.
Fractal literarly means BROKEN.
If a
“fractal” is on a different point of a spiral in time then it is no more a
“fractal” because it have EVOLVED, it changed.
Initial or firing moments of a spiral are not as Fibonacci have presented, samples
of pine cone, corn, sunflower or daisy might prove me right.
From dawn of time people TRIED to explain NATURE which brought forth science as
we have it today, brutal TERMINATOR of the Nature self, the EGO-maniac - SCIENTIST
immersed in his own madness of a god-complex invented prices for math, physics,
chemistry and biology calling them “natural” sciences silencing one major fact;
CIRCLE or anything round CAN NOT BE SQUARED – it is IMPOSSIBLE!
So what they do?
They are advertising squares and boxes and fractals as ideal that would suit them in a sense, stay the same, obey, stay where I boxed you, don't move, don't think
and for gods sake DO NOT EVOLVE!
Hitlers swastika is that one based on Z, perversion of nature, taken from it's fertile direction but squared so it could be measured as in me-asured. This is what measuring is for, to secure teritory, something, anything in the world where greed prevails.
So what they do?
They are advertising squares and boxes and fractals as ideal that would suit them in a sense, stay the same, obey, stay where I boxed you, don't move, don't think
and for gods sake DO NOT EVOLVE!
Hitlers swastika is that one based on Z, perversion of nature, taken from it's fertile direction but squared so it could be measured as in me-asured. This is what measuring is for, to secure teritory, something, anything in the world where greed prevails.
some sources;