Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Ancestral European tribe Delmati.
Dalmatia or Dalmacija in Slavic means
Dala - give
Matia - Mother
(ancient version Del is same as Dala,
Da is root word with meaning -to give - and positive afirmation in Slavic
Dala is verb in past tense)
3000 years of continuity.

Dalmatia was ancient in the ancient times.
Timothy 4:10

Named after Illyrian tribe Delmati over 1000 BC
is a fact that breaks all records on herritage of name as well as position.

Antique Ptolemaic map of  Rhaetia, Helm (Balkans-Brittish given toponim since 1920)
and Dalmatia by S. Munster.
first edition- 1540
this map- 1542

 (Ptolemai period from 323 BC to 30 BC)
Toponims on Ptolemaic map such as Ambilici, Latobici, Varciani
are tipical Slavic names in same usage today, child of Ambil is Ambilic, in plural "i" is added as in Ambilici or Latobici. Varciani is also Slavic, child of Varci is Varcian, with i is plural.
Arabisci and Scordisci have tipical SKI extensions.
Bregetiu means bregoviti , breg or brig is hill.
Slavic language was in those times called Illyrian language
for much larger groups of nations then just Illyria.
Dalmatian language became equated with Illyrian in most of the history, up to the 1970 when Pope ascribed Illyrian to Croatian herritage and language.

Ancient Rhaetia's real name was Rassa or Rassenia, this is how they called themselves.
Rasa means a race of people in Slavic tongue.
What did THEY meant by that name is not known, what is known is that it was real name of Etruscans, it appears again in names of medieval states such as Rashka, Korushka, Rvacka, Rascia and off course Russia and Bjelorussia today.
Considering that Ptolemai map had areas that could have same meaning as a state today or kingdom then it is not claryfied by officials (meaning Amero-British history authorities) why is such large area under one name groupation.
I must add that Amero-British history authorities surely didn't read ancient writers.

Equation of Dalmatian with Illyrian language is found very often in most of ancient books.

Excerpt from the Byzantian cronicle states that
during visit to Emperor Vasilis
Basil II "the Bulgar-Slayer"
(Βασίλειος Β΄ ὁ Βουλγαροκτόνος)
Scytian delegation
composed of Croatian and Serbian representatives
demanded to become subjects to the Byzant
after terrible raids of Romans in Dalmatia.
Skylitzes Chronicle
original transcript and translation on the pictures.

Dictionarivm Septemdiversa
from Petro Lodereckero
at the year 1558 in Praha
there is no referance to existance of Croatian language, it is primarily Dalmatian tongue.

Dalmatia as creator of old ways resisted to join newly created Catholic Church. 
Pope Leo VI is urging Dalmatian archbishops, especialy those in Split to accept new division
and give away their areas to Western Rome.
Bishops of Rab, Dubrovnik and Osor also resisted new church order
Pope called on respect they had to Salonae.
Letter was writen in threatning tone.
In future Popes will raid on Dalmatia, several times including fifth or so called Child Crusade where crusaders tossed Dalmatian children into a fire and killed all young in it.
Events from around 10th century with this division of Church powers have been one of the biggest turmoils in European History.
All churches that belonged to old ways were later proclaimed pagan!
First Church took power over Emperors.
Then new Rome was created in order to rule.
But not just seat of power changed, Christianity was changing with it.
Today it is at the point of no recognition from what it was.

Proposed name of Byzant most likely stems from Dalmatian Emperors
with prevalence of name Beusas or variations on the name and fact that Byzant is Illyrians were founders of Byzantion in Thrace.
Julius Beuzas Dalmatia
Titus Beusanis Bradua
Julius Beusas Salonae
Batoni Beusantis Dalmatia
Beusas Sutti Delmat

Sclavonia, Croatia and Bosnia with parts of Dalmatia. (not full picture of Dalmatia)
Rascia is in Slavonia in this period.
„Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus in quo Tabulæ et Descriptiones Omnium Regionum, Editæ a Guiljel: et Ioanne Blaeu“
 „Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiæ parte.“
Johannes-Jan (Joan) Willemsz. Blaeu (1596-1673)
J. & G. Blaeu
map download here;

first crest is Venetian then Austrian and third Illyrian

Dalmatia and it's additional regions;
Croatia, Bosnia, Slavonia,
Servia and Albania.
Map of Dalmatia 1746. - 48.

Swedish map 1899 shows that area wider then Dalmatia 
was still considered as Illyria in this times.

Origins of Dalmatic tunic

Madonna di Loreto on the picture with Black Madonna
(the statue was rebuilt in 1921 
because the older statue was burned in the same year).
The colors (white-red-black are the big mother's colors)
white-red-black stands for birth-blood/life-death
and so are all the icons on the dress. 
 That pleated WM in the middle is so called Baphomet sigil but also st Michaels sigil. 
Illyrian star on top of the crown, cross is Labda or slavic Labud
and Lilly pattern first black line from top.
Most important is that her child is a girl. 
Shapes like U at the picture are of the Moon and Venus , crescents.
Red Delta that dominates is oldest symbol for Vulva.
These types of Icons are also called Dalmatica, beside tunic.
Dalmatia's kapitol was/is Split
I mentioned in previous posts that oldest catedral in Europe
is built over Kybele's or Juno's (Jovi) temple. 

Split is also known for very stigmatised emperor Diokletian
who fought christians mercilessly!
Diokletian worshipped Mother Goddess,
his statue from Ephesus is stolen or in private collections.

Dalmatica tunic
is worn by Hebrew rabbi, Orthodox and Vatican Pope.

Dalmatia remained 'pagan' thus it worshipped Goddess or Gospe up till Crusades amongst which 5th crusade or "child crusade" was the worst.
 Crusaders speared babies and tossed children into fire in Dalmatia.

Wolf in sheeps clothes.

Dalmatian Vocabulary

Faust Vrancic was a chancellor on the Court of king Rudolph II in Prague (Hradcany) from 1581 to 1594, where also a famous musician Adrian de Vries, astronomer Tycho Brache, mathematician and astrologer Johannes Kepler were present. He also wrote about logic and ethics. However, his major contributions are related to numerous technical inventions.

An interesting and surprising fact about Faust Vrancic's "Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europeae linguarum: Latinae, Italicae, Germanicae, Dalmaticae et Hungaricae", published in Venice in 1595, (i.e., from Dictionary of Five Most Noble European Languages: Latin, Italian, German, Croatian and Hungarian), is that it provides a long list of Croatian (Dalmatian) words which entered into Hungarian vocabulary:
Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europeae linguarum: Latinae, Italicae, Germanicae, Dalmaticae et Hungaricae

It is surprising that at that time (16-17th centuries), among most noble European languagues in Vrancic's dictionary, there is neither English, nor French, nor Castillian nor Portugese.

Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europeae linguarum- Latinae, Italicae, Germanicae, Dalmaticae et Hungaricae, Faust Vrancic, published in Venice in 1595

Kleopatra's stelae from Louvre translated with Slavic Language/Ancient Macedonian

Queen Cleopatra Making an Offering to the Goddess Isis | Louvre Museum | Paris
The final Pharaonic dynasties and the Ptolemaic period (circa 1069 - 30 BC)

Translation is made by Marija Koneska & Sanda Vukelic

Macedonian Slavic language is used to translate the text.

Complete stela is in Louvre Museum, Paris
The final Pharaonic dynasties and the Ptolemaic period (circa 1069 - 30 BC)

here is full text with translation;

E Per Vasilis's

Kleopatra s 'EA (th se ne izgovara) 

Az(ja) Filiopatorto (titula) Fili - pat-vtoro (otvori,stvori,4)

pozna nitija  
stara prelja (poznana)(ref. Isis cvor)

go nosi, sino doj

on sin ko gos (gospe, gospodin)

On nofris alaj sonish 

alaj opeva

with added translation in Croatian language;
E Per Vasilis's / Je Pero (Faraon) Vasilis's

Kleopatra s 'EA / Kleopatra sa 'Ea (Θ-th se ne izgovara) 

Az(ja) Filiopatorto (titula) Filo - pat-vtoro (otvori,stvori,4)
/ Ja Filopator /

pozna nitija  / pozna prelja niti
stara prelja (ref. Isis cvor)
go nosi, sino doj / ga nosi, sina doji
on sin ko gos (gospe, gospodin) / on sinak je kao gos (august-bog)

On nofris alaj sonish / On Nofrije alaj snivas

alaj opeva / alaj opjevash

with added translation in English language;
E Per Vasilis's / Is Pero (Pharaoh) Basileos

Kleopatra s 'EA / Kleopatra with 'Ea
Θ-th is glottal stop, not pronaunced) 

Az(ja) Filiopatorto (titula) / I Filopator
pozna nitija  / aged knitter - spinster

go nosi, sino doj / ga nosi, sina doji
she is holding him, breastfeeding him
on sin ko gos (gospe, gospodin) / on sinak je kao gos (august-bog)
he the son is like god

On nofris alaj sonish / On Nofrije alaj snivas
He Nofris dreamed you

alaj opeva / alaj opjevash
and made you as epic

additional records;
Louvre expo site;


Letellier Bernadette

Egyptian Antiquities 
The final Pharaonic dynasties and the Ptolemaic period (circa 1069 - 30 BC)

This limestone stele was dedicated to Cleopatra VII Philopator on 2 July 51 BC by Onnophris, the Greek "president of the association of Isis Snonais." This association of temples was placed under the protection of a form of the goddess Isis worshiped in Faiyum (Al-Fayyum). Surprisingly, to modern eyes, the celebrated Egyptian queen is represented here as a traditional, male sovereign.
Perhaps surprisingly, the figure depicted and honored here is very probably the celebrated Lagid queen Cleopatra, as indicated by the Greek inscription: "the Queen Cleopatra, goddess Philopator." The face of Cleopatra VII, daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, is familiar primarily through effigies on coins and a few rare Greek portraits; these obviously have nothing in common with the seductive images presented in films and nineteenth-century paintings. Clearly, the conventional, male image on the present relief cannot be taken as a reliable likeness.
A clearly-dated, recycled artefact
Aside from its historical interest, this artefact demonstrates the gulf between the modern perception of pictorial representation, and that of the ancient Egyptians: the traditional representation of the pharaoh was not intended as a realistic likeness, but as a kind of "pictogram." In this context, there was nothing anomalous about the use of a male image to represent Cleopatra. 
The stele follows the usual conventions: a winged disk surmounts a ritual scene in the upper section, in which the sovereign faces the goddess across an offering table; a dedication is inscribed in the lower section. Cleopatra is represented as a traditional male pharaoh, wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, and a triangular loincloth. Two vases are offered to the goddess Isis, who nurses her baby, Horus. The Egyptians knew nothing and cared little about the appearance of their Greek sovereigns, and continued to depict them according to the prescribed Pharaonic models. The relief's composition and iconography are purely Egyptian, but the text is written in Greek, the language of the conquerors.
On close observation, it appears that the stele has been re-engraved. The thin, straight lines around the edge, drawn to facilitate the correct alignment of the signs, do not coincide with those in the recessed areas containing the inscription. In addition, partially erased signs are still visible on the right edge.
The stele is dated year 1, the first day of the month "epiphi," which Greek scholars translate as 2 July 51 BC. It was initially erected in honor of one of the Ptolemies, in all likelihood Cleopatra's father, and was re-worked following her accession.
Traditional Pharaonic portraiture
This representation of Cleopatra harks back to an old tradition. As early as the Eighteenth Dynasty, the Egyptians represented Queen Hatshepsut, an ambitious regent who ultimately claimed her royal birth-right, as a male Pharaoh.
This stele was commissioned in honor of the new sovereign by an association of temples, whose protrectress was Isis Snonais, a local form of the great goddess, probably worshiped in the oasis of Faiyum. The association's president, Onnophris, was administrator of the temple.
Bernand Étienne, Inscriptions grecques d'Égypte et de Nubie au musée du Louvre, Paris, Éditions du CNRS, 1992, n 21, p. 62, pl. 17.
Vandier Jacques, in Revue du Louvre, 1973, pp. 113-115, fig. 16. 
Wagner G., "Une Dédicace à la Grande Cléopâtre de la part du synode snonaïtiaque, 2 juillet 51 av. J.-C.", in Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, n 73, 1973, pp. 103-108. 

Sunday, 14 June 2015

ILLYRIANS are Slavs part 1

part 2 link

Swedish map 1899 shows that area wider then Dalmatia was still considered as Illyria in these years.

Sclauonia - Schianonia - Sclavonie
Illirijus - Schiauo - Esclaue
Hungarian Gabor Pesti
1538 y.
Illyrian language is slavic language at 1538.

German lexicon of Illyrian language, year 1840.
Illyrian is language of South Slavic branche.

Illyrisch-deutsches und deutsch-illyrisches Handwörterbuch (etc.)

sample of "Danica Ilirska"
from year 1840
signed by
Nikola Boroevic
Ilir iz Like (Illyrian from Lika)

from Danica Ilirska

Korushka (Slovenia and Austria today), 
Krajina, Poland and Russia are all ILLYRIAN speaking people.

From the Illyrian-greek dictionary made by Gergely Dankovszky,1836.
(when Greece was already in draft of making by Brittish.)

Illyrians are Slavs
Vendi as name is equated with  Illyrians.
Illyrico-Serbicum is used in sense of Illyrian Family
Rodb is full old slavic word.
Srbi-Srodbi-Srodbni-Rodbina-S Rodbina
Skrb is one of old derivatives of SK-lavi -SKoloti SK-iti (Scythi)
Poland was called Sorabia at one period meaning Srodna-Familiar.

Illyrian - German grammar

Illyrian is Bosnian, Dalmatian, Hercegovinian, Illyrian in Hungary, Montenegrin, Ragusan (from Dubrovnik), Serbian, Slavonian, Sermian and Croatian.

Noah was making wine in Illyria.
Saturn in Crete.
Baccus in India.
Osiris in Egypt.