Thursday, 27 October 2016

Ancient Macedonian is Slavic language / common words

Slavic etymology of "abarkna" - "αβαρκνα
BRKOVI - mustache
BRKAT - man with mustache

Slavic etymology of Stobi
ŠTAP - cane ,wooden stick, walking stick
UŠTAP - full moon
STUP - stone or wood pillar
STUBE - stairs
STEPENICE - stairs
STOPA - foot
STABLO - tree trunk (sta oblo - stand round)
root word STA - stand vertical

(also mentioned as: Stoboi; in modern Macedonian: Стоби)

Stobi – an ancient city in Paeonia, later conquered by the Macedonians. The archaeological site has been located in the present-day region of Gradsko, near Demir Kapija, in central areas of the Republic of Macedonia. This city was first mentioned by Titus Livius, in his writings about the victory of Philip V of Macedonia against the Dardanians in 197 BC.

The name of Stobi in ancient Paeonian-Macedonian means „post," „pillar", and is connected with the Old-English „staff,“ or „staeff“ (which meant - a long stick used for carrying), Irish „sab“ (shaft), Old-Church Slavonic „stoboru“ (pillar) and many others. 
Proto-Indo-European root of all of these words, is – „STEBH" (mеаning – stem, post, to support, place firmly on, fasten)…

In the modern Macedonian language, we have the word STOLB / „столб“, meaning – PILLAR, GRIP, LEVERAGE. We also have the noun STEBLO / „стебло“, which means – STEM, TRUNK, SHANK, STALK…

In the Republic of Macedonia, historians and archaeologists have located two more cities with similar names: Stybera (near Prilep) and Astibo (first mentioned by Polien in 3rd century BC, located at modern-day town of Štip, north-eastern Macedonia). 

Stybera (originally called Stubera) was placed near present-day city of Prilep (south-western Macedonia). Strabo and Livy tell us that in 200 BC the Roman army fighting Philip V of Macedonia, turned from Herakleia and came to Stubera. Eventually, Strabo mentions the city as the Macedonian base during Perseus' struggle with the Illyrians in 169 BC.

Ancient Macedonian Gods: LEIVINO

The Greek propagandists often claim that the Macedonians and the Hellenes believed in same gods, and therefore – they were „the same people”. Leivino, the Macedonian god of wine is just one of the many examples that expose those Greek lies.

Leivino is the Macedonian equivalent of Dionysus, according to the Hellenic lexicographer Hesychius. Dionysus, the ,,Hellenic” god of wine, grape harvest and pleasure, on the other hand, was actually of Thracian origin (Herodotus, History, 2:49, 52, 143-146).

By hearing, or reading the name of Leivino today, an average Macedonian would instantly recognize two Macedonian words. First one is the verb LEE / лее, which means „to pour", „to scoop" or LEJ / ЛЕЈ - its imperative form. The second one is VINO / вино, which means WINE. That’s just a theory. There might be another explanation of which we don’t know and would like to hear about. We don’t claim anything, but it’s still worth mentioning and considering.

The word WINE / VINO sounds similar in many languages, because it is Proto-Indo-European. The Ancient Phrygians used to call it – OINIS. The modern Greek word for WINE is KRASI / κρασί.

Ancient Macedonian Word : GARKAN

According to Hesychius, GARKAN was the authentic ancient Macedonian word for – rod ог stick. It might be etymologically connected with the modern Macedonian (or, wider South-Slavic) word - гранка/ GRANKA, GRANA, which means – sprig, twig, branch…

from Oxford University Press
A book published in 2014 from historian Clifford R. Backman states that Slavs didn't displace indigenous Croats, Srbs and Macedonians but that the Avars adopted the language that was already spoken on this areas.
In short Clifford R. Backman does not dispute Illyrian herritage of named population but he combines DNA and historical evidence. As Croats, Srbs and Macedonians have indigenous I haploup group in large percentage it is certain that these people are ancient Illyrians and that Scythian tribe of Avars (not Mongolian but white mostly redish haired population arrived from Asia which was entirely Scythian meaning white, blond or redhaired) after Mongolian invasion on Xiongnu Emporium which was Scythian or Amazon in the very early begin.  Xiongnu Emporium fell around 400 AD and Avars and Huns moved westwards towards Russia and Europe in those times.
They, Avars would be that R1a component in Southern Slavic gene pool.
It is not impossible that Avars already spoke form of Slavic because Tocharians (Xiongnu neighbours) spoke very similar language to Slavic.
 (numbers are identical to slavic also kcer is cker in Tocharian and much more)
Tocharians too were redhaired or blond, there was no Mongolian mummies in Asia this old.

Monday, 24 October 2016


Shiva Lingam is exhibited in Gregorian Etruscan Museum, Vatican City.
Shiva is ancient Slavic Goddess Zhiva (life) and what you see on the picture is egg - a life.
Zhiva  is also Slavic name for Mercury or "Messenger of Gods".
And here if you remember Amazon helmets with wings which are older then patriarchal Mercury as male or angel you can get clear picture of Herstorical line.
Her Story in Slavic means KCER STVORI or Daughter Created.
Kcer is found even in Tocharian as daughter in form of Cker.
Same word is Hittite for daughter etc
This is your Hera
This is also your Korai's or Kariatides, just daughters.
Now back to Dalmatia; DOTA is HER PROPERTY that is adopted by HIM in ceremony of marriage.
It is obvious that contemporary word for Daughter stems from "property" and not by living, breathing woman.
Slavs have Dushti in late development of the language too.
Dushti use to be a title of a princess or todays Dutchess.

Shiva Sharabha
Sharabha (Sanskrit: शरभ, Śarabha, Kannada: ಶರಭ) or Sarabha is a part-lion and part-bird beast in Hindu mythology, who, according to Sanskrit literature, is eight-legged and more powerful than a lion or an elephant, possessing the ability to clear a valley in one jump. In later literature, Sharabha is described as an eight-legged deer.

There you have once again WINGED creature.

I do not consider Sanskrit heritage of India but Sclavia - period.

Vatakin in sanskrit meanings;

वातकिन् vAtakin adj. suffering from wind-disease

वातकिन् vAtakin adj. rheumatic
वातकिन् vAtakin adj. gouty

Vatika in sanskrit, meanings;

vAtika adj. produced by or proceeding from disorder of the wind
vAtika adj. mad
vaTikA f. pawn
vAtika m. juggler or conjurer
vAtika m. man of mere words
vaTika m. pawn [ chess ]
vAtika m. boaster

winds of change?
what changes with winds? Arya or air of course...
वटिका vaTikA f. under vaTaka

under attack?
many people in EuroAsian mythology are named after WINDS or Veneti, Vendi, Vandals
such are Hyperboreans or Vitar Bura (wind Bura, north wind), maybe even Hitra Bura (fast north wind)
Jugo (south wind) is named after enormously old tribe that lived on Adriatic (before arrival of Venets who were Trojan survivors) - Eugani.
Levant or Dalmatian Levanat is old form of LIVO NA - to the left as Levant is to the left looked from Adriatic. Old Dalmatian form in not NA LIVO as today but LIVO NA. (to disbelievers check Dalmatian songs sung in dialect, preferably Gan Vejan or Pelashtina)

as V or H can be ignored in old Slavic you get ATA KAN.
AT is other Slavic word for horse, today a male horse or stalion.
But if you do not want to ignore V you get Vata Kan or CHASE or HUNT in slavic is VATAnje or HVATAnje.

Kan is horse in slavic but also ZENA (as whores are horses). As was always woman compared to a donkey, horse or mule--when she conceived a male or Jesus--he rode into Jerusalem on a MULE, remember?
In english KAN is KIN or born of a mother which is to be found back in Sklavic as Angelkin - kin means hers in slavic-- is alegedly a tribe that give name to England. In reality Angel-kin is Antas kin.

Ata known today as "a father" stems from epitet of ancient Goddesses in all cultures who's full name was ANTA.
Anta pronaunced fast changes T into K as in Ankh.
Anta is full name of Sumerian sky god today known as ANU or he god.
In Egypt is was NUT.
ATA eNA is Athena.
Diana is Dea eNa.
Anahit reversal as in eN 'aTa
Juno was Diva , as Thea or Dea Ata is same title, N is always present regardless of fleating wovels.

Juno or Juturna is a Slavic Goddess not just by obvious "morning star" conotation (juturna) but also with her name JUNO as a young calf - today called June.
She give name to a Moon Luna because Dalmatians call moon Lojna and all lights Luch, Loj (cow fat) to make Kandilo-oil or fat lamp, LUSTRA for the fish scales.
And here you can see that old representation of the Moon as Holy White Cow as Moon in Rig Vedas( Rich Veda- talking words in slavic) Riga is line drawn on a tree or carved on the rock. RISati means "to draw". Remember 
Π(P) is R and this is how you get todays word PISati (to write) instead. PISati is cognate to Pishati or to piss.
I said before that writing Goddess and women out of His Story is "pissing conquest".
Word "scrive" in "latin" means TO HIDE in Slavic.

In my archives there are images and carefully selected "scientific linguist" perversions they wrote over time which I'm gonna add later.