The woman is the portal...a
stargate...the female is the guardian and which all live enters, body and soul ... a gift given only to her!
from Cherish the Cunt
(i'm saving this precious text ,just in case!)
Origins of the word ‘Cunt’.
When this campaign began I knew resolutely that I would use the word ‘Cunt’. It wasn’t so much a decision but a feeling like I had no choice. There simply wasn’t any other word that felt ‘right’. I’ve always liked the word ‘Cunt’ – coming from Ireland, we say it a lot more often that it’s said in the UK. When I moved here, I began to notice the shocked reaction that I got when I casually said ‘Cunt’ . It was mainly from women. This intrigued me. Language is so interesting with it’s loaded history and resonance. Language is our thread to the past. It seems that the reasons why the word ‘Cunt’ is such a bad word are no longer in our consciousness. When I’ve questioned people about why they find it offensive they struggle to say why ‘IT JUST IS, RIGHT!” If everyone knew the wonderful and varied origins of the word ‘Cunt’ we would all be shouting it from the tree tops in celebration of the Cunt, the gateway to life itself. But these people don’t know the roots and for some unknown reason, the universe has plucked me, amongst others, to help them remember.
Artist Sam Taylor Wood's Ruby necklace
So first of all ‘Cunt’ is the only word in the English language that we can use for the whole of the female genitalia. The word ‘Vagina’ only refers to the inner entrance meaning ‘tunnel’ or ‘scabbard’, a sheath for a sword. As Inga Muscio says “I ain’t got no vagina”. Vulva refers to the clitoris, outer labia majora and minora but not the vagina. We need the word ‘Cunt’ if we want to talk about our incredible sexual orchestra in all its glory.
To do this in an liberated, empowered fashion we need to educate ourselves about the varied and diverse origins of the word from all around the world. Of all the origins the word ‘cunctipotent’ stood out for me the most. It means “all powerful…having cunt-magic” according to Barbara Walker. Jane Caputi has researched this word in depth. Her link is at the bottom of the page. She suggests that instead of ‘listening to our gut’, as we are often told, we can move and speak from our cunt. ‘Cuntspeak’ as she delightfully names it.
I’ve researched this through many avenues and talked to many people. Linguists have debated for a long time over the true roots and it is impossible to really know exactly where is originated. The prefix ‘cu’ has been deemed “quintessentially feminine” and pre-dates written language. Therefore it can be found in the forms of ‘cu’, ‘qu’, ‘ku’, ‘coo’, ‘qy’ or ‘cy’. There are many varied and wonderful lingustic paths I could take along the meandering path of what is the etyomology of this explosive word, so in order to keep it succinct I have only presented what I deem as the juiciest findings. From Goddesses and female figures in Africa, Sumeria, India, China, Japan, Korea and Egypt all the way to the River Cunti in Wiltshire and the stunning Sile Na Gigs in my home town in Kildare, Ireland.
‘Kunta’ means woman in several African languages. It has been found in ancient writings that there was a North African Goddess called ‘Kunda Saharan’ and her tribe are still around today. They are called ‘The Kundas’. It is said that they can trace their roots right back to “the cleft of the Goddess.” It is also recorded that ‘Kunda Saharan’ was worshipped in the Saharan region before the area was a desert. This time period is between 6,000 and 8,000 BC. The Kunda people are in Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Sumeria (Ancient Iraq)
Here the word ‘Kunta’ means literally ‘one who has female genitalia’. This is linked with the word ‘Cuneiform’ which literally means ‘the sign of the cunta’ or ‘queen who invented writing’. Cuneiform is one of the earliest known forms of writing in Sumeria dating at c.3100 BC. At around the same time there were priestesses named The Quadesha who were accountants at the Temple of Inanna. It is highly likely that Cuneiform was the form of writing the Quadesha used on clay tablets to record the temple’s financial accounts thus making it ‘the Sign of the Cunta’.
Ancient Cuneiform tablet
Inanna was the goddess of love, war, fertility and lust. She was associated with the celestial planet, Venus. She was known as Queen of Heaven and the word ‘Qu’ can also mean love, sensuality, sexuality, the divinity present in all females. She is also connected with extramarital sex and sensual affairs, prowling streets and taverns for sexual adventure. There are hymns from Sumerian sacred texts which glorify Inanna’s sexuality and sang praises to her beautiful and soft Cunt. Interestingly the Quadesha are also cited in some texts as ‘Sacred Whores’.
Goddess Inanna, Sumeria (Ancient Iraq)
It is believed that the word ‘Cunt’ came from the Proto German word ‘Kunto’ which is said to have come from the Indo-European word ‘Kunti’ which is the name of a much respected and revered Hindu goddess who was also known as ‘Cunti-Devi’ and is said to be the ruler of ‘Kunta’ which we know as ‘Kundalini’ energy. The snake like feminine energy that travels up our spine. Legend stories say how she sang to the gods to call them to sleep with her. She eventually had a son with the Sun God, Surya and ‘The Teachings of Queen Kunti’ can still be read today. Many say that ‘Cunt’ derived from the Oriental Great Goddess Cunti, also known in ancient Hinduism as the ‘Yoni of the Universe’ (yoni means ‘sacred temple’ in Sanskrit and is used to describe the womb and cunt). Also Indian children who were born out of wedlock were know as ‘Kuntas’ and revered as gifts of the Goddess Kunti’. The word ‘Kunda’ is also used in India for a hole or pit in the ground (agni-kunda, fire-pit) for storing fire on alters in the Vedic religion.
China, Japan and Korea
Remembering the ‘CU’, ‘QU’ and ‘KU’ connection, we can understand how ‘Cunt’ is believed to be linked with the popular Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and Mercy is ‘Kuan-yin’ or ‘Quan Yin’ or ‘Kunnon’. She carries the Goddess and Divine Mother aspect of Buddhism and is generally regarded by many as the protector of women and children and is also seen as a fertility goddess capable of granting children. Some say ‘Cunda’ was the name of the Buddha’s mother according to the Japanese but all I can find is that is was possibly the name of a female blacksmith who fed the Buddha his last meal of either mushrooms or pork. He fell violently ill and then became enlightened.
Kuan Yin, China
Ancient Canaan, Eygpt
Here, Qudshu or Qetesh is venerated as the fertility goddess of sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure and is depicted holding snakes in one hand and a lotus flower in the other as symbols of creation. She is called ‘Mistress of All the Gods’, ‘Lady of the Stars of Heaven’ and ‘Great of magic, mistress of the stars’.
Qudshu, Caanite Goddess, Eygpt
All of this searching led me to thinking about links to Britain, where I live and Ireland, where I’m from and I was over the moon to find rich roots this side of the world too.
The River ‘Kennet’ in Wiltshire was known as ‘Cunnit’ until 1740 and many people believe this is related to our favourite word. It is a beautiful, vibrant river and a home to many species of plants, animals and fish. One of the Kennet’s sources is a chalk cave named Swallowhead Spring near Silbury Hill, a prehistoric artificial chalk mound which is part of the UNESCO Heritage site that includes Stonehenge and Avebury. At 40 metres it is the tallest human-made mound in Europe and one of the largest in the world. It is thought to be approximately 4750 years old. Many people believe that it was built as a representation of the pregnant belly of a Celtic Goddess called ‘Sil’ or ‘Sulis’ who was worshipped in that area of Celtic Britain and in north-western France. Her name tells us she was both a sun and an eye-goddess (eyes =wisdom and all-seeing, just like the sun). And local historian, Michael Dames believes that the quarry surrounding it was deliberately shaped to resemble the rest of her head, neck and body. He takes this one step further by suggesting that if Silbury Hill is the pregnant belly, then the cave from which the Swallowhead Spring begins is ‘The Cunt’ with the River Cunnit flowing from it.
There are ancient stone sculptures of women all over Ireland and the UK on old churches and castles. These incredible figures are known as the Sile Na Gig (pronounced Sheela Na Gee) and are all sitting in a squating position with their hands holding their cunts open. Wide open. They are seen by many as ‘The Divine Hag’ or ‘The Sacred Whore’ or as a fertility symbol. It is believed that they were seen to ward off evil and the Christians allowed them on churches to appease the Celts whose sacred sites they were building churches on. I am in love with them. I found two in my home town, Kildare recently and can’t describe the feeling of touching such ancient stone that was made with such intent to honour the power of women’s Cunts. As I have been researching the word ‘Cunt’, I have wanted find a link to these figures in Ireland and I have. One of the connection lies with the Celtic Goddess ‘Sil’ who is represented in the ancient mound and surrounding landscape and the River ‘Cunnit’ (Kennett) in Wiltshire. Irish linguists believe it is very likely that the goddess ‘Sil’ is connected with the ‘Aos Sidhe’ (pronounced Aus Shee) people in ancient Irish folklore who were also known as the ‘fairy folk’ and are still believed today by some to live in forts and glens all over Ireland.
The word ‘Gee’ is commonly used in place of ‘Cunt’ today in Ireland and is seen to be linked to ‘Ghee’ in Sanskrit, the clarified butter from South Aisa. There is a special dish called ‘Kunda’ in India which is made from ghee and milk. Today in India, Ghee is also used on the genitals of statues of the Goddess Yakshi, a fertility earth goddess in the quest to aid fertility. Cows are sacred in India and traditionally ‘Ghee’ was made from only cows milk. The 19 Priestesses of the Goddess Brigid of Kildare made their own special type of ‘Ghee’ from sacred cows that lived on their land. This was used for cuts and wounds during childbirth and as wax for the fire that was kept lit there in honour of Brigid for over 1000 years.
Some people also claim that the Goddess Kilda is Ireland’s counterpart to India’s Goddess Kunti who resided in Kildare. The Goddess Kilda allegedly had shrines all over Ireland until the Christians came and destroyed them. Is it possible that the Sile Na Gigs are connected somehow to Kilda’s shrines? I believe so and am determined to finding out more so stay tuned to my unfolding journey into the world of Cunt and Sile Na Gigs! It also is claimed that ‘Kil‘ in old Irish means ‘cave’ and I have read articles that are sure that ‘cave’ is relating to the ultimate cave in the female body – The Cunt.
Cunt is used a lot in Ireland but not in the extreme derogatory way it is in the UK and US. We say it in an almost playful fashion and there is even the word ‘Cunteen’ which is a variation for a young person deemed a ‘Cunt’. Legend has it that in Ireland the word ‘Cunt’ was once a birthing call for women in labour. This one made me smile… I know what I’ll be screaming when the day comes for me to give birth. CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTT!!
(i'm saving this precious text ,just in case!)
Origins of the word ‘Cunt’.
When this campaign began I knew resolutely that I would use the word ‘Cunt’. It wasn’t so much a decision but a feeling like I had no choice. There simply wasn’t any other word that felt ‘right’. I’ve always liked the word ‘Cunt’ – coming from Ireland, we say it a lot more often that it’s said in the UK. When I moved here, I began to notice the shocked reaction that I got when I casually said ‘Cunt’ . It was mainly from women. This intrigued me. Language is so interesting with it’s loaded history and resonance. Language is our thread to the past. It seems that the reasons why the word ‘Cunt’ is such a bad word are no longer in our consciousness. When I’ve questioned people about why they find it offensive they struggle to say why ‘IT JUST IS, RIGHT!” If everyone knew the wonderful and varied origins of the word ‘Cunt’ we would all be shouting it from the tree tops in celebration of the Cunt, the gateway to life itself. But these people don’t know the roots and for some unknown reason, the universe has plucked me, amongst others, to help them remember.
Artist Sam Taylor Wood's Ruby necklace
So first of all ‘Cunt’ is the only word in the English language that we can use for the whole of the female genitalia. The word ‘Vagina’ only refers to the inner entrance meaning ‘tunnel’ or ‘scabbard’, a sheath for a sword. As Inga Muscio says “I ain’t got no vagina”. Vulva refers to the clitoris, outer labia majora and minora but not the vagina. We need the word ‘Cunt’ if we want to talk about our incredible sexual orchestra in all its glory.
To do this in an liberated, empowered fashion we need to educate ourselves about the varied and diverse origins of the word from all around the world. Of all the origins the word ‘cunctipotent’ stood out for me the most. It means “all powerful…having cunt-magic” according to Barbara Walker. Jane Caputi has researched this word in depth. Her link is at the bottom of the page. She suggests that instead of ‘listening to our gut’, as we are often told, we can move and speak from our cunt. ‘Cuntspeak’ as she delightfully names it.
I’ve researched this through many avenues and talked to many people. Linguists have debated for a long time over the true roots and it is impossible to really know exactly where is originated. The prefix ‘cu’ has been deemed “quintessentially feminine” and pre-dates written language. Therefore it can be found in the forms of ‘cu’, ‘qu’, ‘ku’, ‘coo’, ‘qy’ or ‘cy’. There are many varied and wonderful lingustic paths I could take along the meandering path of what is the etyomology of this explosive word, so in order to keep it succinct I have only presented what I deem as the juiciest findings. From Goddesses and female figures in Africa, Sumeria, India, China, Japan, Korea and Egypt all the way to the River Cunti in Wiltshire and the stunning Sile Na Gigs in my home town in Kildare, Ireland.
‘Kunta’ means woman in several African languages. It has been found in ancient writings that there was a North African Goddess called ‘Kunda Saharan’ and her tribe are still around today. They are called ‘The Kundas’. It is said that they can trace their roots right back to “the cleft of the Goddess.” It is also recorded that ‘Kunda Saharan’ was worshipped in the Saharan region before the area was a desert. This time period is between 6,000 and 8,000 BC. The Kunda people are in Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Sumeria (Ancient Iraq)
Here the word ‘Kunta’ means literally ‘one who has female genitalia’. This is linked with the word ‘Cuneiform’ which literally means ‘the sign of the cunta’ or ‘queen who invented writing’. Cuneiform is one of the earliest known forms of writing in Sumeria dating at c.3100 BC. At around the same time there were priestesses named The Quadesha who were accountants at the Temple of Inanna. It is highly likely that Cuneiform was the form of writing the Quadesha used on clay tablets to record the temple’s financial accounts thus making it ‘the Sign of the Cunta’.
Ancient Cuneiform tablet
Inanna was the goddess of love, war, fertility and lust. She was associated with the celestial planet, Venus. She was known as Queen of Heaven and the word ‘Qu’ can also mean love, sensuality, sexuality, the divinity present in all females. She is also connected with extramarital sex and sensual affairs, prowling streets and taverns for sexual adventure. There are hymns from Sumerian sacred texts which glorify Inanna’s sexuality and sang praises to her beautiful and soft Cunt. Interestingly the Quadesha are also cited in some texts as ‘Sacred Whores’.
Goddess Inanna, Sumeria (Ancient Iraq)
It is believed that the word ‘Cunt’ came from the Proto German word ‘Kunto’ which is said to have come from the Indo-European word ‘Kunti’ which is the name of a much respected and revered Hindu goddess who was also known as ‘Cunti-Devi’ and is said to be the ruler of ‘Kunta’ which we know as ‘Kundalini’ energy. The snake like feminine energy that travels up our spine. Legend stories say how she sang to the gods to call them to sleep with her. She eventually had a son with the Sun God, Surya and ‘The Teachings of Queen Kunti’ can still be read today. Many say that ‘Cunt’ derived from the Oriental Great Goddess Cunti, also known in ancient Hinduism as the ‘Yoni of the Universe’ (yoni means ‘sacred temple’ in Sanskrit and is used to describe the womb and cunt). Also Indian children who were born out of wedlock were know as ‘Kuntas’ and revered as gifts of the Goddess Kunti’. The word ‘Kunda’ is also used in India for a hole or pit in the ground (agni-kunda, fire-pit) for storing fire on alters in the Vedic religion.
China, Japan and Korea
Remembering the ‘CU’, ‘QU’ and ‘KU’ connection, we can understand how ‘Cunt’ is believed to be linked with the popular Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and Mercy is ‘Kuan-yin’ or ‘Quan Yin’ or ‘Kunnon’. She carries the Goddess and Divine Mother aspect of Buddhism and is generally regarded by many as the protector of women and children and is also seen as a fertility goddess capable of granting children. Some say ‘Cunda’ was the name of the Buddha’s mother according to the Japanese but all I can find is that is was possibly the name of a female blacksmith who fed the Buddha his last meal of either mushrooms or pork. He fell violently ill and then became enlightened.
Kuan Yin, China
Ancient Canaan, Eygpt
Here, Qudshu or Qetesh is venerated as the fertility goddess of sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure and is depicted holding snakes in one hand and a lotus flower in the other as symbols of creation. She is called ‘Mistress of All the Gods’, ‘Lady of the Stars of Heaven’ and ‘Great of magic, mistress of the stars’.
Qudshu, Caanite Goddess, Eygpt
All of this searching led me to thinking about links to Britain, where I live and Ireland, where I’m from and I was over the moon to find rich roots this side of the world too.
The River ‘Kennet’ in Wiltshire was known as ‘Cunnit’ until 1740 and many people believe this is related to our favourite word. It is a beautiful, vibrant river and a home to many species of plants, animals and fish. One of the Kennet’s sources is a chalk cave named Swallowhead Spring near Silbury Hill, a prehistoric artificial chalk mound which is part of the UNESCO Heritage site that includes Stonehenge and Avebury. At 40 metres it is the tallest human-made mound in Europe and one of the largest in the world. It is thought to be approximately 4750 years old. Many people believe that it was built as a representation of the pregnant belly of a Celtic Goddess called ‘Sil’ or ‘Sulis’ who was worshipped in that area of Celtic Britain and in north-western France. Her name tells us she was both a sun and an eye-goddess (eyes =wisdom and all-seeing, just like the sun). And local historian, Michael Dames believes that the quarry surrounding it was deliberately shaped to resemble the rest of her head, neck and body. He takes this one step further by suggesting that if Silbury Hill is the pregnant belly, then the cave from which the Swallowhead Spring begins is ‘The Cunt’ with the River Cunnit flowing from it.
There are ancient stone sculptures of women all over Ireland and the UK on old churches and castles. These incredible figures are known as the Sile Na Gig (pronounced Sheela Na Gee) and are all sitting in a squating position with their hands holding their cunts open. Wide open. They are seen by many as ‘The Divine Hag’ or ‘The Sacred Whore’ or as a fertility symbol. It is believed that they were seen to ward off evil and the Christians allowed them on churches to appease the Celts whose sacred sites they were building churches on. I am in love with them. I found two in my home town, Kildare recently and can’t describe the feeling of touching such ancient stone that was made with such intent to honour the power of women’s Cunts. As I have been researching the word ‘Cunt’, I have wanted find a link to these figures in Ireland and I have. One of the connection lies with the Celtic Goddess ‘Sil’ who is represented in the ancient mound and surrounding landscape and the River ‘Cunnit’ (Kennett) in Wiltshire. Irish linguists believe it is very likely that the goddess ‘Sil’ is connected with the ‘Aos Sidhe’ (pronounced Aus Shee) people in ancient Irish folklore who were also known as the ‘fairy folk’ and are still believed today by some to live in forts and glens all over Ireland.
The word ‘Gee’ is commonly used in place of ‘Cunt’ today in Ireland and is seen to be linked to ‘Ghee’ in Sanskrit, the clarified butter from South Aisa. There is a special dish called ‘Kunda’ in India which is made from ghee and milk. Today in India, Ghee is also used on the genitals of statues of the Goddess Yakshi, a fertility earth goddess in the quest to aid fertility. Cows are sacred in India and traditionally ‘Ghee’ was made from only cows milk. The 19 Priestesses of the Goddess Brigid of Kildare made their own special type of ‘Ghee’ from sacred cows that lived on their land. This was used for cuts and wounds during childbirth and as wax for the fire that was kept lit there in honour of Brigid for over 1000 years.
Some people also claim that the Goddess Kilda is Ireland’s counterpart to India’s Goddess Kunti who resided in Kildare. The Goddess Kilda allegedly had shrines all over Ireland until the Christians came and destroyed them. Is it possible that the Sile Na Gigs are connected somehow to Kilda’s shrines? I believe so and am determined to finding out more so stay tuned to my unfolding journey into the world of Cunt and Sile Na Gigs! It also is claimed that ‘Kil‘ in old Irish means ‘cave’ and I have read articles that are sure that ‘cave’ is relating to the ultimate cave in the female body – The Cunt.
Cunt is used a lot in Ireland but not in the extreme derogatory way it is in the UK and US. We say it in an almost playful fashion and there is even the word ‘Cunteen’ which is a variation for a young person deemed a ‘Cunt’. Legend has it that in Ireland the word ‘Cunt’ was once a birthing call for women in labour. This one made me smile… I know what I’ll be screaming when the day comes for me to give birth. CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTT!!
following article is taken from this site, knowing that some articles tend to dissapear, I saved the text here.
by Gloria Bertonis, M.Ed. from the book STONE AGE DIVAS
"Cuneiform", the most ancient form of writing, derives from "kunta" meaning "female genitalia" in Sumerian of ancient Iraq. "Kunta" is "woman" in several Near Eastern and African languages and a Mother Tongue that is being compiled by linguists today. It was also spelled "quna," which is the root of "queen." Since priestesses were known to be accountants/administrators of Temple of Inanna in Sumeria c.3100 B.C. when Cuneiform was first used, it is highly likely that cuneiform was "the sign of the kunta" who kept the books (clay tablets) for the temple economy/redistribution of wealth that evolved from communal economics of ancient mother-cultures.
So when an abuser calls a woman a "cunt" he is actually calling her a "queen who invented writing and numerals." Girls and women can thus reclaim the words in our language that have been used as weapons against us in emotionally explosive situations. The word "prostitute" (law giver of the temple) and "whore" (houri, Persian, which means a gorgeous semi-divine female that awaits men in the 7th Heaven) are some of the finest compliments a woman can be given.
Many ancient languages did not have huge vocabularies as we do and the same word had many meanings, according to the context in which it was used. "Kunta" is also the root of kundalini (energy), khan (highest leader of the Eurasian steppe nomads, whose society was originally matriarchal and who still have remnants of a matriarchate), quantity, any words that start with "kw", qu, or kh. Examples: Cunda, mother of Buddha according to Japanese; Cunti-Devi, Goddess of kundalini energy, India; Kunta, means literally one who has female genitalia, and describes a priestess, ancient Sumeria; Kun, Goddess of Mercy, India; Quani, Korean goddess; Qudshu, female priestess of ancient Canaan & Phoenicia, which became the Roman province of Palestine after they conquered it; Quadesha, Sumerian word for a type of priestess. Qu' can also mean love, sensuality, sexuality, the divinity present in all females.
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Concha (literally a seashell) is a South American insult. Concha means vagina in Argentina, Puerto Rico, Chile and sometimes in other Latin countries. Concha is also a sea shell but the shells are usually refered to as conchitas (little sea shells) to avoid saying cunt. While, concha-tu-madre is an insult, Latin American women do not always find the use of the word concha as a body part to be as offensive as English-speaking women find cunt to be.
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Pregnancy Protection |
Barbara Tedlock,
PhD in "The Woman in the Shaman's Body - Reclaiming the Feminine in
Religion and Medicine"
orgasm lovers often appear as if possessed by spirits, shuddering and
quivering, groaning and crying out, momentarily blind and deaf to all that
surrounds them. Scientists point to a strong neurological connection between
sexuality, particularly female sexuality, and going into a trance.
A powerful electrical connection across women's
brain hemispheres contributes to their heightened ability to experience
ecstasy. The sheer number and the density of neurons in women's brains are
significantly greater in than in men. Moreover, neurons course between the left
and right sides of the brain within the corpus callosum, a connective
passageway that is larger in women that in men.
Another neural pathway linking the two
hemispheres-known as the anterior commissure-is notably larger and denser in
women than in men. And a third band of fibers connecting the thalami of the two
sides of the brain-the massa intermedia-is present more often in females than
in males.
Since women feel orgasms so intensely that they
enter an altered state of consciousness, And it is this ability that leads to
women's extraordinary skills in shamanic practice. Indeed, the word for orgasm
is the same as the word for trance in a number of languages....It's impossible
to deny the physically sexual component of shamanic activity.
to the ones that do not achieve orgasm easy;
Women can not achieve orgasm with men that easy because of the physical
position of clitoris. It is almost as if she is not suppose to have it with
men. Also hymen speaks volumes. For the rest this is excellent article because
high spiritual experience is very orgastic.
I love this page! Yes. You have correctly identified the patriarchy's hatred of cunt.
ReplyDeleteTedlock's observation -- directly suggesting that women's anatomy is more conducive to sexual climax with women than men -- is fascinating.I have read her before but that particular quote is a belter.
Personally, I am sure that heterosexualism, as understood in the patriarchy, is an invention. I think humans are naturally pansexual. I further think that the investigation of our sexuality is the most important anthropomorphic research that can be undertaken about humans and human culture. EVERYTHING is about sex. But because of the patriarchy, not enough research is being done, and where it is, it is too often specifically designed, from the outset, to reinforce patriarchal stereotypes (Pinker, Diamond, Chagnon.)
Good work, I'm going to add you to my reader list.
I posted Tedlocks observations because I always wondered about sexual act and position of "key" points in women.
DeleteI do not agree women is more likely to enjoy other women cause 90% of those I know do not want sex with women. Some do and to me this is fine, homosexuality is fine because it DOES NOT HURT anyone.
<<< Pedophils however should be dealth with imidiately! I do not place them in the homosexual category by no means. >>>
I know many lesbians and gays and they are JUST people.
But lately I tend to talk less of natural beginnings because of the maniacal attempts of our Governments to promote homosexuality. It is damaging both groups in the process, homo and hetero and making conflicts of huge proportions.
Gay people can't have children naturaly so I would draw a line right there, no children.
Lesbians naturaly can have children so I do not place them in the "homo" category either.
In the term HOMO I personaly include only men.
Term homo comes from french "homme"(a man) which is again perversion of mom ('omme) and even home as something that is strictly mothers, always been.
I forgot transsexuals,
DeleteThey are either males or females and they really behave accordingly to this regardless of their desire to imitate opposite sex.
To the other people they are either interesting or funny or disgusting. Or all of it, depends on the individual.
--These individuals are a very minor minority and they shouldn't be imposed to majority!
Can you recognise UN policy of minorities in all this?
It is all damn may stay away from politics but it is politics that does not stay away out of any aspect of our lives no more and that is truly bad.
Hi Kasanda, I am Nicoletta AnzianaSaggia (Old Wise Woman) from Italy. I previously found you in an article about Dalmatica, the Black Madonna of Loreto's tunic. I love your posts and I really am fascinated about the whole matter. The Black Lady came to me in a dream, 1st of February last year, and since then She is very much present in my life, and I also believe that She is the only Madonna in the world that gives birth, breastfeeds and holds a GIRL. That's why She is the one who came into my dream. I would love to talk to you, also because I believe that "Mamma Schiavona" the Black Madonna of Naples, can only come from Sclavonia (Dalmatia) even though nobody talks about it. Black Madonnas are potent Goddesses in themselves, not simply intercessors (cuntless) likewise the white and blue meek madonna of patriarchy. Please give me a means of contacting you! Thanks and Buona Vita! Nicoletta
ReplyDeleteDear Nicoletta, your words are trully heartwarming. <3
DeleteAre you on facebook?
(if you are send me URL link with your page and I will add you)
Thanks Kasanda, here it is:
ReplyDeleteIncredible article full of well researched Cuntipotent Cuntspeak from around the world and across herstory.
ReplyDeleteDo you have some text about the explanation of "sacrad prostitution"?