Tuesday, 1 August 2017



Skanderbeg is today Albanian national hero,not because he is realy Albanian-Shqipetarian but because our "historians" know so much about him so they let him to Albanians.Lets see crucial evidences of Scanderbeg 100% Slavic and Serbian nationality,based on documents and facts.
Many thanks to Ivan Nusic that helped collecting most of the documents.


Skanderbeg didnt know Albanian language because it didnt exist in that times.There is not one Skanderbegs letter on Albanian language.From his letters can be concluded that he know only Slavic and Latin language.Lets see some of his letters addressed to Dubrovnik on Slavic language and Cyrilic script from book
"Monumenta serbica spectantia historiam Serbiae, Bosnae, Ragusii",author Franz Miklosich,year 1858,link https://archive.org/stream/monumentaserbica00mikluoft#page/n3/mode/2up

First letter -

Second letter - 

Third letter -

We see from letters that he name himself as "Georgius" on Latin and "Гјорги"-"Gjorgi" on Slavic.Surname Castriot is not Greek but Latin.Castrum means "Castle" in Latin,and suffix "Ot" is typical for Macedonia,so surname can be translated as "Keeper of castles".Skanderbegs name is Slavic,surname Latin with Slavic-Macedonian elements

His father was Ivan, Slavic name, and he didnt know Albanian language what we can see in his letters addressed to Dubrovnik.Book "Законски споменици српских држава средњега века",Tome 5,page 793,author Stojan Novaković,publisher Serbian royal academy,year 1912
Letter is written on Slavic language and Cyrilic script - 

Skanderbegs great grandfather was Serb Branilo from Montenegro,he served to Tsar Dushan and he made him ruler of city Janina in Epir. Later he is expelled from there by Toma Preljubovic and he escaped in Albania.Book "Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste, in alphabetischer Folge von genannten Schriftstellern",year 1868,page 122,proves Serbian nationality of Branilo -

"Der Serbe Branilo".

His mother was Vojislava from Polog,Macedonia,she is daughter of Serbian nobleman,probably one of Brankovic royal family.In historical records she is named as "Tribalda" what can be translated as "Tribalka","Triballian".Triballians is second medieval name for Serbs.Venetian historian Marinus Barletius in his biography of Skanderbeg wrote that her father was "Triballian prince" - "pater nobilissimus Triballorum princeps".Karl Hopf in his book "Chroniques Greco-romanes",year 1873 conclude that Vojislava was daughter of Serbian nobleman.Bulgarian historian Vasil Zlatarski conclude same as Hopf.Oliver Smit professor of history on Viena university in his book "Skanderbeg: Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan" say that Vojislava was Serbian princess from Brankovic family etc

Voislava Kastriot

From; Skender Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini,Kosta Herman, Sveska XIII, Sarajevo, Zemaljska štamparija, 1901, str. 130-131.

Hilandar is well known Serbian monastery on Mount Athos and he proves Scanderbegs family Slavic and Serbian nationality.Scanderbegs father and brother Repos are buried there as some other Serbs.Scanderbeg build in Hilandar "Albanian pirg" because he want to help holy monastery of his people.

Skenderbeg original Eagle from his seal,year 1450

Many foreign authors consider Skanderbeg and his family Slavic and Serbian.
-Byzantine historian Theodore Spandugino Cantakuzinо in his book of Turkish history,year 1551,wrote that "Scanderbeg is physicaly strong man,Serb by nationality" in original "Scanderbeg, huomo valoroso della persona, il qual essendo per natione Serviano".Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/1982274_2653528003…
-Book "Chroniques gréco-romanes: inédites ou peu connues,pub. avec notes et tables généalogiques",author Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann Hopf,year 1873,page 334.In this page Hopf quotes Albanian nobleman Jovan Muzaka and his chronicle "Breve memoria de li discendenti de nostra casa Musachi" which is published first time in this Hopfs book.Jovan Muzaka says that "Scanderbeg huome valente e per nature Serviano" or "Scanderbeg is Serb by nationality".Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/17156258_744829072…
-From transcription of "Sarola coat of arms" from 17.century we see Skanderbeg coat of arms with title "Roy de Seruie ou Despote" or "Serbian prince and despot".Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/10003159_265354766…
-Book "Geschichte der Bulgaren",author Constantin Jos. Jiriček,year 1876,page 368. "Skanderbegs family was Slavic.His great grandfather was Branilo".Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18341928_780668935…
-Book "Islamic Desk Reference",author E. J. Van Donzel,page 420. "Skanderbeg was of Serbian origin".Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18268494_780674538…
-Book "Hobbes: Leviathan: Revised Student Edition",author Thomas Hobbes,Cambridge University Press.Skanderbeg Serb.Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18222693_780698385…
-Book "Encyclopedia Britanica: A new survey of universal knowledge",year 1952,page 726."Royal dynasty was Serbian.Branilo founder of family Kastriot,his grandson Jovan married Serbian princess Vojislava..." Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18301979_781116712…
-Books "Encyclopedia Americana",Tome 24,year 1993,page 878 and "Central and Eastern Europe",author John Dornberg,page 200.Skanderbeg was of Serbian origin.Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18275181_781135018…
-Book "Denkschriften",Tome 16,year 1869,page 86,author Johan Georg Von Hahn."Mat is homeland of Serbs Castriots,not Albania",link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18268306_781142618…
-Book "Ursprung und Wirkung der französischen Kultureinflüsse in Südosteuropa",author Franz Thierfelder,year 1943,page 113."Skanderbeg was Slav",Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18274926_781123805…
-Book The Heroes of Defeat",аuthor William Jackson Armstrong,year 1905,page 196.Castriot family is Serbian.Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18342482_782715815…

Many Serbian authors consider Skanderbeg as Serbian prince.Lets see.
-Book "Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini",author Kosta Herman,year 1901,Tome XIII,page 130."Branilo is first from family Kastriots who is recorded in historical documents.Next is Pavle Kastriota,next Konstantin and his brother was Ivan.Ivan had wife Vojislava and their son was Skanderbeg(Djura Kastriota) etc" Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/14045739_636296009…
-Skanderbeg as Serbian knight on first page in one calendar from Zagreb,year 1911.On his shield is written "History of Nemanic dynasty" and islamic moon with star and chains symbolize Skanderbegs victories agains muslims.Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/15589519_700396843…
-This is only for Serbians,sorry.From "Pigeon,newspaper for Serbian jouth",author teacher Jovan Blagojevic,Sombor.Skanderbeg as Serbian nation hero.Link for reading http://www.biblioso.org.rs/digitalna_zbirka_prikaz.php…
-Book "Illyrian peninsula",second edition,author Jovan Dragašević,year 1901,page 587."Skanderbeg was oly Serb who have international glory".Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/15541869_700586293…
-Book "Javor,newspaper for fun,science and literature",author Ilija Ognjanović,1891 year,page 623.And this is only for Serbs,sorry.Skanderbeg is Serb here,same story.Link https://archive.org/stream/javor05ognjgoog…
-Book "Messenger of Serbian scientist society",Tome 28,year 1879,page 40."Christian armies,Magyars and Serbs,are guided by 2 great heroes of this time-John Hunyadi and Skenderbeg".Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/15442300_700607406…
-New book about Skanderbegs Serbian origin,visit site "Skenderbeg.rs" https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/18402937_783975375…
-Skanderbegs coat of arms "Kastriotich" from our Slavic "Illyrian armories",Fojnica Armorial from 17 century.Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/1780669_2653563003…
-Skanderbegs coat of arms "Kastriotich" from our Slavic "Illyrian armories",Korenić-Neorić Armorial,16 century.Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/1797408_2653564903…

-Serbian soldiers on Skenderbegs grave in Jafer Kasab,Albania,during First Balkan war.Link https://scontent.fbeg5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/…/17498745_756724904…

On numerous drawings of Skenderbeg he is drawn exactly the same, as Dinarid phenotype, same as his mother Voislava easily recognised by characteristic long cranial height and elongated, narrow nose typical for Dinaric race. This phenotype is linked with genetic ancestry to I2 haplogroup which is concentrated amongst South Sklaveni.


  1. Skenderbeg je bio Makedonac, zato su ga Turci i zvali "Iskander"- 'Aleksandar' na Turskom.

    1. Majka mu je bila Makedonka, otac Srbin, provjereno vise puta.

  2. If Skanderbeg was Serbian also Sultan Murat was too. Why?? What unite them?? They both killed Serbs.

    Skanderbeg have killed Serbs and destroyed many Serbian villages after Serbian king Brankovic didn't let him to pass Serbian lands to help his friend Janosch Huniad, king of Hungary in his battle with Turks. Serbian king Brankovic was a vassal and ally of Ottoman Turks, he gave his sister Mara as a consort of Sultan Murat harem. So if you want Skanderbeg as hero of Serbia when he killed many Serbians then you have a big problem my friend.

    If someone doubt what Kastrioti family was, go and ask their descendants in Italy and if someone say that we were or are Serb then ok Skanderbeg was too. For fast search in Facebook, Loris Castriota Skanderbegh Nuovo, ask him.

    1. Do you have any facts to oppose what he said? "You are funny" is not a response. His Descendants who left medieval albanian lands still speak albanian and there are many proofs linking them to skanderbeg. We also translate stefan dushan in albanian forms doesnt mean dushan was albanian.

    2. there was no albanian at the time

    3. exactly as UZAMUZA said Albanians didn't existed at that time.

    4. So who did Stefan Dusan refer to in his codic then? he made some laws about albanians go read your own sources lol

  3. If skanderbeg was serbs he wpuld not calleh hia tower in Hilandar "Albanski Pirg" tower of Albanians. Also how come Arberesh Community who left Albania when Skanderbeg Died still maintain the Old Albanian Language? In every contemporary documents we was Lord of Albania. Names change according to the language when a document was written in venetian his name was George when is serbian his name was duradj in greek giorgios in turkish iskender. Thats not a fact. Stop stealimg History

    1. Because words as Albania existed in very ancient times all over the mapped world and it meant Alpinia as we say today. Alba - Bila (slavic white )- Alpa, then you have in modern english pale, same as Macedonians say Pela for white.

  4. Skanderbeg's cousin was Gjergj Arianiti from where his wife also came from. Arianiti means literally "Albanian" from greek "arvanites" and turkish "arnaut". B and V in greek and latin are the same words so it also can be spelled Arbaniti. From Arbëria where Albania came from. This stupid propaganda says that albanian didnt exist but clearly dont have knowledge of Albanian Baptism document in Vatican also no knowledge of the books of Pjeter Bogdani who wrote in Albanian on 1500s. If he didnt write in Albanian you would made him serbian too since he was from Prizren and his name sounds serbian=Bogdan but PLOT TWIST he wrote in Albanian and talking on behalf of Albanian People.

    1. Arbanas tribe is recorded as arrived one during "Byzantian" time from Central Asia and there is amount of small places even in Dalmatia which are called Arbania and Dalmatians do not consider them native because they do not look Dinaric (tall, slender,ilongated, medium brown hair, reddish hairs and eyes in all colours), most Arbanas are completely blond, with strong facial bones and less tall and somewhat stocky in appearance which obviously is not modern Albanian look. Arbanas look more like Germans or Poles then Dinarids.

    2. No it is not recorded as arrived one, and especially not from Asia. There is not a single source that claims that except for your delusional mind. The language itself is a proof alone. It's paleo-balkanic and it has originated in the balkans (been around for 3000 years and every linguist claims that). Do some more research, you are not informed at all. When you migrated in the 7th century everyone noticed, they would've noticed for us too but they did not because such migration never happened, and every schoolar will tell you that albanians are paleo-balkanic, just admit it :)
