St Hieronimus was Slavic Doctor .
Bulgari i Iliri vazda imenuju Slaveni.
Bulgarians and Illyrians are called Slavs always .

Gazophylacium Illyrico-Latinum

Petri Colinij, circa 1655. Illyrians are Slavs.
Slavic as Illyrian language includes Ruthenicam (Raethian, Rassian aka Etruscan) , Polonicam, Bohemian, Illyricam-Liburnicam, Dalmaticam, Windiciam and other minor related languages.
Slavic languages are Dalmatian and are Illyrian.

Petri Colinij, circa 1655
Illyrian alphabet by Ciril and Hyeronim.
Illyrian stands in line with Coptic, Persian, Armenian, Brammanic, Hebrew because it is one of the oldest languages of all times.

Jose Voltiggi, 1802 - Slavo-Illyrian languages.

Illyrian language is Slavic language, same as the Thracian language and the Phrygian language.
Celto-Scyths are also equated.

Illyrians are Slavs in Serbia, Misnia (Mesia), Bulgaria , also Moscovites or Ruthenians (Raethians) who speak Sclavonic (Slavic)
Annales des voyages, de la géographie et de l'histoire - 1809.
Joachim Stull
Ragusani, from Dubrovnik
Lexicon of Latin-Italian-Illyrian
Ediotion from Budae ,Hungaria
(Budimpest, it was two cities before ,Buda and Pest)
Ragusani, from Dubrovnik
Lexicon of Latin-Italian-Illyrian
Ediotion from Budae ,Hungaria
(Budimpest, it was two cities before ,Buda and Pest)
The privileges of the people, to glorious Illyrian - Rassian people
of the Austrian Emperor Leopold, 1743g
Austrian Emperor Leopold is reffered to as Karol VI (Kralj 6)
of the Austrian Emperor Leopold, 1743g
Austrian Emperor Leopold is reffered to as Karol VI (Kralj 6)
Rud Veselić
Illyrian - German Dictionary
was published in 1853 in Vienna
Illyrian - German Dictionary
was published in 1853 in Vienna
The Old Testament is printed on the Slovenian-Illyrian language,
pronunciation (dialect) Bosnian, 1831
pronunciation (dialect) Bosnian, 1831
Dear Kasanda, regardless of what you think or believe, this story does not start in the 17th century. Everything you quoted is only a result of the way of thinking that was more or less generally accepted at a certain time (XVII-XIX century), especially in the "western parts". If you want to find out if the Illyrians were Slavs, you should "go" about 2500 years in the past and start from there. I also suggest that you read a book called "Genetika, istorija i bajke" (,
ReplyDeleteDo not worry, I publish 0.5% of what I have stored.
DeleteAlbanians were the true Illyrians. Illyrian language was spoke today's Albanian. Slavs assimilated Illyrians, slavs came in Balkan in 574 AD. Slavs were barbaric people, and Illyrians were not.
ReplyDeleteCats are out of the bag, you are not even European but Africans who arrived with Turks.
Да, да, мора да су Шиптари Илири, а у пар хиљада година измишљене историје на Балкану, њихов једини национални херој је Србин Скендербег од оца Србина, сахрањеног у Хиландару и мајке Српкиње Бранковићке, па је тај вајни "Шиптар" Скендербег Дубровчанима писао српском ћирилицом писма сасвим читљива и дан данас.
ReplyDeleteI made article about Skenderbeg, he is surely Serbian, even that letter is in the article. People from my group made complete investigation from all international sources and it is published here and elsewhere.
DeleteSkender im presretao karavane pljackao i ubijao, i na kraju umro prirodnom smrcu. Ne prisvojavaju samo shipci nasu istoriju i likove.
DeleteMater Skenderbegova je bila Makedonka a ne Srpkinja.
DeleteA ukrali su nan i da smo Goti i Veneti mi.