How did Venus became associated with Lucifer?
and how come on every woman's toilet in the world there is a symbol you call Lucifer?
Lucifer is Venus.
And Venus use to represent all pure and good, life giver infact! so since when did she becomes a he?
Since church stripped women of every natural role she should have.
Church set Venus as example of evil trough biblical sin symbolised with apple.
Then give all the power to Lucifer who was most beautiful angel amongst all.
And Venus use to represent all pure and good, life giver infact! so since when did she becomes a he?
Since church stripped women of every natural role she should have.
Church set Venus as example of evil trough biblical sin symbolised with apple.
Then give all the power to Lucifer who was most beautiful angel amongst all.
Second parallel of Lucifer is Jesus being referred to as Morning and Evening star.
And words Jesus 'spoke' are often found back in Egypt coming from mouth of Isis.
A conflation of Mother Goddess into male deity is obvious.
-The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible points out that no evidence has been found of any Canaanite myth of a god being thrown from heaven, as in Isaiah 14:12. It concludes that the closest parallels with Isaiah's description of the king of Babylon as a fallen morning star cast down from heaven are to be found not in any lost Canaanite and other myths but in traditional ideas of the Jewish people themselves, echoed in the Biblical account of the fall of Adam and Eve, cast out of God's presence for wishing to be as God, and the picture in Psalm 82 of the "gods" and "sons of the Most High" destined to die and fall.[14] This Jewish tradition has echoes also in Jewish pseudepigrapha such as 2 Enoch and the Life of Adam and Eve
Одличан рад са ретким разумевањем Венериног кретања, желео бих да допуним две ствари, у античко време меркур је као јутарња звезда такоже имао велко значење и библијски наводи односили су се на Меркур а не на Венеру како је библијски пророк ображао Вавилонском владару који су у имену попут српских Немањића стављали стефан они НАБУ што значи Меркур у смислу мудрости и знања, например за то су НАБУкохондурас или НАБУнассир а било их је много са почетним Набу.
ReplyDeleteУ фебруару када је венера најближа и најсјајнија одиграва одиграва се ритуал сретења Венере и МАрса како се у том периоду оку са земље чини да се додирују или готово додирују и то је смисао сретења на западу знамо као велентиново, празнизи имају супротно значење, на западу неверства на истоку верности ово је због измењене митологије условљене променом астрономским у дова Ариеса а коју су усвојили семити и римљани после 2. века наше ере. Нова годиа није почињала за нов месец како је годишња процесија подељена на 28 лунарних поља а сваки празник се одигравао у другој лунарној фази и није могао да с епонавља, Нов месец је био за зимску краткодневницу а Пун месец за летњу дугодневницу и ово начело су поштовале све цивилизације чак и сисиоген је уедио исто и Јулијански календар.
i would give you like if i could, pity you didn't wrote in english cause it's a good lesson!
DeleteAnyway ,name of Mercury was NEBO and Bbaylonian king Nabodogonosor - onaj koji donosi boga - in Slavic! I have medieval docs with exact words.
Mercury in Slavic is Živa, mayor Slavic Goddess which corresponds to Śiva as life bringer and "jewish" custom of baby naming feast introduced to Israeli's in 1960's together with names changing of Israeli folk to sound more "hebrew".
Role of Mercury/Živa was messanger of Gods, much larger Jupiter and Uranus and she was presented as winged, regardless of civilisation angels, winged Goddesses, Caduceus, Hermes, Amazons, ancient helmets message remained the same "in the name of Gods" we came to do something here...
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ReplyDeleteVenus is the Sparrow from European folktales.
ReplyDeleteShe splits herself into 2 halves, one half remains good while the other one becomes evil (due to mixing). It is mentioned briefly here: