Greek interpretation of ancient statues
real ancient statues
Greeks today are of African origin which is obviously in contrast with looks of ancient Macedonians as this is how they were realy called, Macedonians. Greeks are prevalently haploup group E which is African.

Barbarian or Varvarian
this term have been used in two ways, as member of Varvarian tribe and later as foreign language.
Considering that ancient Macedoninas of higher caste invented their own "lingua franca"
to distinuish themselves above commoners.
Illyrian (language)
Alexander Mac. was of Illyrian mother for sure.
It is doubtfull that Phillip was his father, not just because of their obvious hatery towards eachother but also because of numerous insinuations that his mother conceived him on her own.
(with snake or by god is all the same in practice, Phillip wasn't his father)
Scytian as recorded in other ancient cultures.
Macedonia was called Saku Dara by Haxamanishya (Persian or Archamenid) records from 500BC.
Saka in foreign tongue or Scytian in Sclavic tongue means "to wander" or SKITI,
infinitive form today is skitati
most detailed western description is by Herodotus, though it is uncertain he
ever went to Scythia . He says the Scythians'
own name for themselves was "Scoloti"
on the list bellow there are 3 Saccae or Scytian areas amongst which is Macedonia, called SakuDara -- in slavic it means Scytian Gift.
But never Greek.
In fact Greece does not exist in ancient records what so ever!
Macedonia does, Greece doesn't.
Oxford edition map
year 1700
by Edward WELLS (1667-1727)
here is the same map , just enlarged, still no Greece
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In this times Greece was already made and name of Alexander
from Macedonian is being shifted into "the Great"
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Conditioning of acceptance was done in stages. |
1900 – 1949 … Hundreds of thousands of Macedonians were pursued, tortured and killed by the Greeks who occupied the Aegean part of Macedonia…
In early 20th century, the Greek soldiers were savages. We ought to re-post this text because previously it was banned because of the illustration, because of the biggest picture here, where the Greek soldiers pose standing above Macedonians they killed and decapitated. So, the post was removed. Someone’s found a way to report and ban it, and the part of the picture that shows the Macedonians killed by the Greeks, was cut.
But, the Greeks can’t ban the truth.
In 1912, the Greek army entered Macedonia for the first time ever in history. Horrific ETHNIC CLEANSING and GENOCIDE against the Macedonians ensued. The cruelty displayed by the Greek soldiers and the Greek state in their dealings with the Macedonian people was unprecedented; they themselves wrote to relatives and friends they have committed crimes that have not been seen since the times of Jesus Christ. More than 135,000 Macedonians were expelled from their land, the Aegean Macedonia. 200 villages were completely destroyed.
In 1913, the Greek army burned down the Macedonian town of Kukush -- 1,846 houses, 612 shops, 6 factories. At the same time, the Greeks burned down 4,000 houses where burned to in the vicinity of Ser.
After the partition of Macedonia in 1913, the Greek government continued with the policy of denying the nationality of Macedonians and began assimilating them more actively. Despite, about 350,000 Muslims were EXPELLED from the Aegean part of Macedonia, but 40,000 of them were Macedonian Muslims. Then the Greek state resettled 618,000 persons of NON-Greek origin from Turkey in the Aegean part of Macedonia.
The term "Macedonian" were PROHIBITED and the Macedonians were referred to as “Bulgarians,” “Slavophon Greeks” or simply ''endopes'' (natives). At the same time ALL Macedonians were FORCED to change their names and surnames, for the latter to end with the suffixes: -IS, -OS or -POULOS.
The Macedonian language was also banned. The written and spoken use of Macedonian was strictly prohibited and Macedonian literacy was being eliminated from the churches, monuments and TOMBSTONES... ALL the churches were given Greek names.
In 1926, the Greek government changed the TOPONYMS of the Aegean part of Macedonia: ALL villages, towns, rivers and mountains were RENAMED and given Greek names. The Greek state establised a policy of state terror against Macedonians who exhibited Macedonian national consciousness.
In 1936, Greek general Metaxas banned the use of Macedonian not only in everyday life in the villages in the markets in ordinary and natural human COMMUNICATIONS and funerals, but also within the FAMILY. Adult Macedonians were FORCED to attend what were know as evening schools ant to learn ''the Greek melodious''. VIOLATION of this rule led to being DEPORTED to desolated Greek islands.
The Protection of Northern Greece organization PAD and other such MILITARY FORMATIONS provided the deportation, through terror: 3,482 houses were burned down, 80 villages consisting of 1,605 families were plundered and 1,045 head of large live STOCK and 23,382 heads of small live stock were confiscated.
In the Kostur region alone, 4,500 Macedonian men and women were accused of autonomist activities, even though most of them were on active service with ELLAS. According to the information available, in the period from 1945 to the end of 1974 - 9,924 Macedonians were remanded in custody and 4,203 were convicted. 23,811 Macedonian men and women were interned on the basis of decisions of the special Security Commission.
The most typical examples of forced migration of Macedonians are to be found in eastern Macedonia, where Greek terrorist bands killed 29, imprisoned 3,100 Macedonians and expelled 600 Macedonian families across the borders - and this in the period from February to the end of March 1945 alone.
It was very well known some times ago that newly-created Greece is not going to sit well with Macedonians. Newspaper clips from those that keep lying to this day.
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ReplyDeleteActually that's my thesis i state!
DeleteProto-Slavic ppl were Balkan ppl,long time before anything hellenic or Mycean was known...
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ReplyDeleteThank you, gonna consider this one.
Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije
Žrec je ime za duhovnika-daritvenika v staroslovanski kulturi in je pomensko blizu besede žrtva (daritev). [1] Izraz žrec je povezan etimološko tudi z litovsko besedo giti (hvaliti) in ostalimi baltskimi jeziki in prihaja iz praindoevropske *glr »hvalna pesem« [2][3].
Žreci so se ukvarjali z polaganjem daritev in določanjem terminov obredov, napovedovanjem usod, verovanjem in sklepanjem zakonov (svatba). Žreci so sestavljali elito v slovanski staroverski družbi in so imeli velik političen vpliv, pogosto so tudi vladali skupaj s knezom. Po starih kronikah so imeli dolge lasje, ki si jih niso strigli. V času kristjanizacije Slovanov so bili glavno jedro upora proti novi religiji. [4] Poleg žrecov so pri Slovanih obstajali tudi volhi, ki so imeli šamanske funkcije in so bili podobni žrecem.
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ReplyDeleteI haven't finished this article yet, there is too much to add and too much to write.
DeleteSouth Slavs are both R1a and I2.
I2 is of old Brygian race, ancestral race to Helm (Balkan) that is mixed with Scytian R1a.
At one point in time Brygians went to Herm (Anatolia) and formed families there. It was before big tribulations, around 4000BC with first invading wave of so called Trakhians. Trakhians and Scytian are the same race, white male. Naming is formed differently then most people think, those are not their names but names of those the conquered.
Brygian race was ginger with most likely brown eyes, acording to prehistoric figurines when they would add colour for eyes and hair which wasn't very often, besides caves are full of red wavy hair, maybe even Neanderthal race. Anyway, Korai in Greece are regularly red haired in all shades and brown eyed. They have been Brygian race because in Anatolia you will find same pattern in both prehistoric and ancient times.
Haplop I is most probably original European male.
There is a referance to a "Battle of First and Second Sons" in one of the records of Alexander Macedonian.
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ReplyDeleteAnalysis of haplop groups are not really done and as all previous finds it will be probably debunked at some point.
DeleteI do think R1a is Scytian or Slavic patriarchal invador that is described as blond ,blue eyed and tall as Slavic normaly are on areas that haven't been under other invading, women raping conquests in the past.
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ReplyDeletenohohohooo Slavic men are patriarchal to the core but they will have to take few notches off of their overblown ego some time soon.
DeleteIt is also a woman that allows it and passing this type of submitance to her daughters as well, it is "traditional"...those are deep holes that desperatly need reconsideration because woman will simply refuse to take it any longer. It is happening now, men are complaining about lack of children and at the same time they raise their sons "to be a man" meaning to score, play with girls, use them and leave them... If you hav to raise child alone why would you have a child in the first place? This is happening now and it have been going on for past 50 years.
Do you remember this gruesome custom "Crnogorski Kum"?
I didn't published it yet but I will, with long, intensive rant...
Sorry but both of you are completely wrong!!!!
DeleteI won't debate if there are some assholes abusing their wife, misunderstanding what it means to be a man!
Yes, women leave their parents, and guess what, this happens from stoneage till today. And it is how it has to be....not because a women isn't allowed to own lands but because that's how a tribe grows.
Just imagine, it was the opposite, the village and so the tribe wouldn't expand like it was...
And nope, if i had a son it would beat the shit out of him if i would ever hear that he doesn't treat his girlfriend or wife right!!!
I would always teach him to be respectful, responsible, tough but smooth...
Men are meant to go on crusades against offenders, why? Because men cannot get pregnant so that the heritage was safe.
Men are the saddest, poor's us dying in battles to save our beloved families, it is us giving the last will and bequeathed all we have just to know you're fine!
It's not fair to believe every man is the same stupid fuck like some uneducated individuals!
My Father teached me to be respectful, be polite and a gentleman of old school...
Women are Angels living on earth, and we guys have to treat them with patience and a loving heart...
I would give my soul to know my wife and kids safe!!!!
Sorry but both of you are completely wrong!!!!
DeleteI won't debate if there are some assholes abusing their wife, misunderstanding what it means to be a man!
Yes, women leave their parents, and guess what, this happens from stoneage till today. And it is how it has to be....not because a women isn't allowed to own lands but because that's how a tribe grows.
Just imagine, it was the opposite, the village and so the tribe wouldn't expand like it was...
And nope, if i had a son it would beat the shit out of him if i would ever hear that he doesn't treat his girlfriend or wife right!!!
I would always teach him to be respectful, responsible, tough but smooth...
Men are meant to go on crusades against offenders, why? Because men cannot get pregnant so that the heritage was safe.
Men are the saddest, poor's us dying in battles to save our beloved families, it is us giving the last will and bequeathed all we have just to know you're fine!
It's not fair to believe every man is the same stupid fuck like some uneducated individuals!
My Father teached me to be respectful, be polite and a gentleman of old school...
Women are Angels living on earth, and we guys have to treat them with patience and a loving heart...
I would give my soul to know my wife and kids safe!!!!
Sorry but both of you are completely wrong!!!!
DeleteI won't debate if there are some assholes abusing their wife, misunderstanding what it means to be a man!
Yes, women leave their parents, and guess what, this happens from stoneage till today. And it is how it has to be....not because a women isn't allowed to own lands but because that's how a tribe grows.
Just imagine, it was the opposite, the village and so the tribe wouldn't expand like it was...
And nope, if i had a son it would beat the shit out of him if i would ever hear that he doesn't treat his girlfriend or wife right!!!
I would always teach him to be respectful, responsible, tough but smooth...
Men are meant to go on crusades against offenders, why? Because men cannot get pregnant so that the heritage was safe.
Men are the saddest, poor's us dying in battles to save our beloved families, it is us giving the last will and bequeathed all we have just to know you're fine!
It's not fair to believe every man is the same stupid fuck like some uneducated individuals!
My Father teached me to be respectful, be polite and a gentleman of old school...
Women are Angels living on earth, and we guys have to treat them with patience and a loving heart...
I would give my soul to know my wife and kids safe!!!!
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ReplyDeleteyes I do, liguisticaly, historical, in every sense, it will be a shocker. I am not ready yet to open this can of worms.
DeleteIsraelites are not Jews, this much I can tell for now, it will give you a hint on my latest Dark Shade of Red.
For now I am downloading records on Southers Slavs but it will encompass a whole lotta of Slavic, ancient groupations, division, creations of territories, rulership, church and it's most gruesome role in all of this etc, from this branch the rest of the picture will start forming on it's own.
As for men, do not worry much about it, there is so much dirt on all of them that they themselves will be shocked and ashamed.
Keep an eye on previous posts and new ones, they are all connected evn if it doesn't look that way.