"House of Birth" (the Mammisi) of the Sanctuary of the Goddess Hathor at Nitentóre (Dendera),
scenes from the Inner Shrine, north wall, I and II register:
-on the upper register, from right to left,
the King, the Emperor Traianus (wearing the 'Atef'-Crown with ram's horns), offering two jars of milk;
Ptah enthroned, holding a scribe's palette and a pen, fashioning Ihy the Great;
and the seven Hathor-Goddesses each enthroned and suckling Ihy-Harsomtou the Child
-on the lower register, from left to right,
Nut, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Nephthys, Horus of Behdet, Hathor, Tjenenyet, Iunit, and Thoth
(the images have been impiously hammered by the christians...)
"House of Birth" of the Sanctuary of the Goddess Hathor at Nitentóre (Dendera),
detail of the royal kilt or fustanela worn by the Emperor Traianus in the fifth intercolumnar wall (south outer face):
the King (wearing the Double Crown), together with His two lions, smiting the captured rebels against Maat (enemies of the Gods and of Egypt)
Many info provided here is thanks to facebook page
Amentet Neferet - Religion and Traditions of Ancient Egypt
Ancient rulers of Egypt fought Christianity, what is most interresting is that those rulers were white like Emperor Trajanus or entire Ptolemai dinasty. White man and ruler, no less stood on frontier of destruction of the ancient Mother Goddess protecting her.

"House of Birth" of the Sanctuary of the Goddess Hathor at Nitentóre (Dendera),
detail from the Inner Shrine, north wall (lower register):
the Goddess Nut (at right), wearing on Her head a pot (that is the hieroglyph for Her name), holding the 'Ankh' and the papyrus-scepter,
and the God Geb (at left), wearing a composite Red Crown with the 'Atef' (the "Crown of Geb"), holding the 'Ankh' and the 'Uas'-scepter.
(the images have been impiously hammered by the christians...)
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