Nordic epics about Valkyria are not giving much of etymological explanation for it's connection with Wulf Daughter or Wulf Nation or typical Scythian connection with wolves.
It is however to be found in the earth and ancient scripts and branches of Slavic language, in this case positioning is unmistakable, in all the ways that matter, position of Myrmidonia who's legendary Amazon Trassa will borrow her name to Trachians and meaning of her ideology of Mother Wulf remain in it's original form as Vulkkhora gona be kept for generations in Norse Eda's.
But here they are, Amazons from Pontus wearing wolf skin hats.
And with curls, just as described in Valkyrias.

Germanic word for "the people" folk or volk stems from Slavic Vulk, vuk a wulf.
It is weird that Turkish "halk"(wulf) for people have the same roots, Slavic wulf. (V is interchangable with H only on limited areas and those are regularly bound by Slavic
but normaly, acording to Grimms laws V goes into F, P, B, Ph.)
K goes to G, H, C, S, Z - there is a longer stretch to this but it is not needed in this case.
In cirilic alphabet (alfavita) letter V is writen as B so the transcripts often translate words mixing these two sounds ,maybe with intent to do so because ones you create new language you do make a wedge amongst people, this is hard core of forming of all of this "nations" in Europe, Kings, rulers, church needed it like this.
So one day Catholic Church called it's translation in latin a VULGATE which is translated as rough or VULGAR. It is not a coincidence that Church as institution have used this exact word to set the meaning for something low, dirty, vulgar, not just that it refers to our pagan Goddess Mother Wulf but if we are called folk or volk back in your mind this folk, meaning you is dirty, low and in need to be set "straight".
Alternative names of Bulgaria have been Volgaria, V'lgaria which means wet or moist - vlaga-river Volga.
New historians even try to attach this name to Tataro-Mongol attackers from high middle ages but that is simply impossible when you know that these things are recorded way back in Iliad.
As for Valhalla I think that ancient name of exact area was Wallachia.
The name Wallachia have other forms such is Valahia or Vlahia is derived from the word VuLK as well.
Arabic chronicles from the XIII-th century had used only the name of Wallachia instead of Kingdom of Bulgaria and gave the Arabic coordinates of Wallachia and specified that Walachia was named "al-Awalak" and the dwellers "ulaqut" or "ulagh".
ULAQUT is close enough to VLK.
Contemporary Arabic word for wulf is وولف - wwlf
Polish version of the area is Włoch, plural Włosi
Byzantines Βλάχοι, Vláhi
Wallachia – between the Southern Carpathians and the Danube ,Bassarab-Wallachia (Bassarab's Wallachia and Ungro-Wallachia or Wallachia Transalpina in administrative sources; Istro-Vlachia (Danubian Wallachia in Byzantine sources), and Velacia secunda on Spanish maps
Moldavia – between the Carpathians and the Dniester river (Bogdano-Wallachia; Bogdan's Wallachia, Moldo-Wallachia or Maurovlachia; Black Wallachia, Moldovlachia or Rousso-Vlachia in Byzantine sources); Bogdan Iflak or Wallachia in Polish sources; L'otra Wallachia (the other Wallachia) in Genovese sources and Velacia tertia on Spanish maps
Transylvania – between the Carpathians and the Hungarian plain; Wallachia interior in administrative sources and Velacia prima on Spanish maps
Second Bulgarian Empire, between the Carpathians and the Balkan Mountains – Regnum Blachorum et Bulgarorum in documents by Pope Innocent III
Terra Prodnicorum (or Terra Brodnici), mentioned by Pope Honorius III in 1222. Vlachs led by Ploskanea supported the Tatars in the 1223 Battle of Kalka. Vlach lands near Galicia in the west, Volania in the north, Moldova in the south and the Bolohoveni lands in the east were conquered by Galicia.
Bolokhoveni was Vlach land between Kiev and the Dniester in Ukraine. Place names were Olohovets, Olshani, Voloschi and Vlodava, mentioned in 11th-to-13th-century Slavonic chronicles. It was conquered by Galicia.
Other Walachias were never too far away, actualy all these area populated with grey wulf.
White Wallachia in Moesia
Great Wallachia (Μεγάλη Βλαχία; Megáli vlahía) in Thessaly
Small Wallachia (Μικρή Βλαχία; Mikrí vlahía) in Aetolia, Acarnania, Dorida and Locrida[58]
Morlachia, in Lika-Dalmatia
Upper Valachia of Moscopole and Metsovon (Άνω Βλαχία; Áno Vlahía) in southern Macedonia, Albania and Epirus
Stari Vlah ("the Old Vlach"), a region in southwestern Serbia.
Romanija mountain (Romanija planina) in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vlaşca County, a former county of southern Wallachia (derived from Slavic Vlaška)
"Greater Wallachia" is an older name for the region of Muntenia, Romania.
"Lesser Wallachia" is an older name for the region of Oltenia, Romania.
An Italian writer called the Banat Valachia citeriore ("Wallachia on this side") in 1550.
Valahia transalpina, including Făgăraș and Haţeg
Moravian Wallachia (Czech: Valašsko), in the Beskid Mountains of the Czech Republic.
Goddess Nehalennia was equated with Goddess Volva , both with Wolves or lone wulf
but the way it was spelled was Neha Alaenniae, Neh Alnniae

and found in Walcheren !!!

Neha Lenniae
there is enough place for full name yet they stand appart.
Original steel engraving drawn by Vernier, engraved by Lemaitre. 1845

Biblical name of Helm was Haem or Hum.
Helm was name of Balkan since ..always up till 1920 when British Masonry decided to rename it to Balkan.
(Details on re-naming of Helm in other article)
Because this one is dedicated to Bulgaria, ancient Myrmidonian Amazon. Thanks to Homer's Iliad, Titus Livius, numerous arhaeologists, Maria Gimbutas who was first to open this peticular can of worms, Joannis Malalae, Norse Eda's today we can celebrate return of our grandmother wolf.
She still lives as Paraskeva or Bogorodica Skiti (Athos) and Rhea Silvia or Ila, the survivor of Troja who swimmed to the other side of Adriatic and formed the Rome, scuse me - Aelia (the forbidden name)! Descendant of Ilins (Hellens) are Illyrians.
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